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Weber River
I fished the Weber today from the cabins Below Rockport to the Spring Chicken Inn Bridge. Used Elk Hair Caddis and stripped peacock herl nymph, Picked up 10-15 trout 4 of them Rainbows, and about 8 white fish. What a great day to be on the river.
Thanks for the Report! Were there any decent hatches going on? Particularly, did you see any adult caddis flies or stone flies? I'm trying to decide between chasing tigers at Pineview or wading the Weber. Thanks!
There were a few midges coming off no adult caddis yet, but I always pick a couple up on a 16-18 elk hair. Most of the fish caught were on the nymph.
That used to be one of my all time favorite stretches, but I went there recently and it was all posted no trespassing.[Sad] Where do you put in?
I have a friend who owns the last cabin on the river. The one with the large hole and the bank improvments.

I have some friends that were ticketed last year in that spot for trespassing. There was some debate beforehand about whether the landowners can post the water since they can't own the water itself. The tickets proved the landowners can post. You can put in below the dam, but that costs $. After the tickets were issued they were told that you can float through but you cannot wade because someone actually owns the ground the water is on. Get a raft, pay the $ for the state entrance fee, and enjoy your spot again!

Just a warning I recieved a ticket last summer fishing the weber in morgan. I new the land owner had permission the land isnt posted. But the rules state if property is cultivated or pasture land it doesnt need to be posted. In court the judge gave me an opportunity to get a signed note with the land owners phone # and he would wave the fine.

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