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Lure testers Wanted
Hello Folks,<br><br>My name is Brad Goodyear, East Coast Rep for LuckyLures Ltd. we manufacture lures on Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada. Our lures have been around these parts for over 25 years and have helped fishermen enjoy trophy salmon for many years. Our most popular lure is the Needlefish/minnow 2.5 oz or 4oz versions. My offer today is to ask for a few folks interested in trying our lures in your own local environment and all i ask is for a report email on your luck. I will personally ship you a few luckylures to try at no cost at all to you for shipping or purchase. just email me at and include mailing details and include a small description of how you would use our lures. I appreciate everybody's assistance and as a note only approx first 100 folks will receive this offer so please email soon. <br><br>
Mr. Goodyear,<br>I am interested in your offer. I sent you an e-mail to your e-mail address, which you should be receiving shortly. All the information that you need is included in that e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Best wishes and tight lines.!<br><br>"Striper Maine-iac"
I'll give it a try too. I'll fire off an email.<br><br>
i will try them in fresh watter if you like.<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
I'm assuming this is a vertical weighted lure for jigging or possibly trolling like a diving Minnow. I'll send an e-mail to try your lures if you'd like. I would love to give them a try on the the ( banks ) in the San Juans, for Salmon and Halibut. Would also give them a try in the Columbia River here in Wa..<br><br>Gamakatsu &lt;*(((&gt;{<br>
Sent you a e-mail.Hope to hear from you soon.<br><br><br><br>
Mr. Goodyear. I would like to try your lure in Florida Saltwater, then in freshwater to give it an all around test and in different conditions (air/water temps).<br><br>Rougeole<br><br>
Hello folks,<br><br>So far all will get a few lures and i wish you all the best of luck with them. Yes, these lures are 100% vertical lead alloy also i will be sending a few minnow style lures to same folks that have answered my request.<br><br>Thank you,<br>Brad<br><br>
Would like to give them a try on Lake Mead for Large Mouth & Strippers, then up in Alaska for Salmon<br><br>
Good Evening Mr. Goodyer:<br>Yes I am interested in trying your lure. I am emailing you all myinfo. I hope I can be one of the 100.<br>Thnk you<br><br>Matt
Hi Folks me again,<br><br>Well over 200 lures have been sent out in the last week and all of you should have yours very soon, i wish you the best and look forward to your replies and comments. If you would like a couple of LuckyLures to test, simply send me an email and i will do my best to ship some to you very soon...<br><br>Best applications for these lures would be the following,<br><br>Beach Casting (Lures are vertical weighted, no need for weight)<br><br>Dock fishing, (perfect for the bottom jigging)<br><br>Boat drift fishing, lures avaliable in many different weights.<br><br>River casting for larger game fish such as salmon.<br><br>Trolling with or without flashers or added tools.<br><br>If you see a style above your a luckylure potential user, as far as types of fish i would have to leave that to you. I personally hunt SALMON and do very well with the luckylure.<br><br>Again, all the best.<br>Brad<br>Luckylures ltd.<br><br><br>P.S support its a great webiste/service and they are a great bunch of folksSmile<br> <br><br>
Ilive in So Cal near Dana Point. I take out my 21 foot Marlin <br>Almost every weekend in the summer. I fish for bass, halibut,<br>wsb, sheep head, barr, alby, yellows, what ever is in season<br>I would love to try out a few lures and give you real feedback<br>positive or negative no sugar coating. Hope to try your lures<br>soon <br><br>Tight Line<br>Erol Ashik <br><br>
I used the two jigging lures last weekend out in the sound. No salmon on these, the finish I received was one in flat blue/white and one flat green/white. I did some jigging in the kelp beds, and the bottom fish were reluctant to put on a feeding frenzie but we hooked rock cod, a cabazon, and several species of 5lb bass. The lures that arrived were approx. 6 in. in length. The size I usually use in this stile of fishing is 3 to 4 1/2 inches in length. Good choice on the red eye also. The red eyes seem to be the fish getters out here. Do you produce these lures in a gloss finish. With a more emerald green back, silver sides and underbelly, with the red eye. I believe this would effectively immitate candle fish, Prime food source for our pacific coast salmon, and halibut. Thanks for the lures. Overall I'd say your on your way to a great product.<br><br>Gamakatsu &lt;*(((&gt;{<br>
Well If You Need A Hired Gun, I Am Avaible For Feild Tests As From This Date, Till 8-20-02...I Still Have A Well Care'd For, Personal Collection Of Deadly D--K's From V.C. B. C. ..Any Similarities ? ....If Spoon Feeding Fish, Is What Your Looking For, I Can Find Them In 40 Day's Or Less , Or I'll Pay The Retail Price Of You r Lures. Preety Confident, OOOOYea, My Input Avaible, FREE, For "One" Time Useage ONLY. Not To Be Copied, Or Photographed, Or Reproduced In Any Way, Shape ,or Fom.Dealer Restrictions May Apply..Tax NOT, Included....Not Valid In FL. R.I. MN. And Puerto Rico.....All Transcripts, And Documentation Are "SOLE PROPERTY " Of The Law Offices, Of Weiess, And Shnowwzer, & Spieedermen, Of Beverly Bills, Viewer Discretion IS Recommended..See Coupon For Official Rules,& Deadline...If Exposure Creates, Swelling, Disscontinue Casting, And Call 911, "Induce Vomiting, By Repeated Ingesttion Of MILK, If Fever Persit's, Notify Your Local <br>FISH & GAME Dept. For Help, And Treatment Programs,. Avaible In Your Area...FISHING "IS" The CURE, For All Discomfort, But If Persistent, Gastration,Continue's See, Your Local Tackle Dealer......<br><br>
Brad, <br><br>On the following, <br><br>My name is Brad Goodyear, East Coast Rep for LuckyLures Ltd. we manufacture lures on Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada. Our lures have been around these parts for over 25 years and have helped fishermen enjoy trophy salmon for many years. Our most popular lure is the Needlefish/minnow 2.5 oz or 4oz versions. My offer today is to ask for a few folks interested in trying our lures in your own local environment and all i ask is for a report email on your luck. I will personally ship you a few luckylures to try at no cost at all to you for shipping or purchase. just email me at and include mailing details and include a small description of how you would use our lures. I appreciate everybody's assistance and as a note only approx first 100 folks will receive this offer so please email soon. <br><br>I go fishing local and Long Range for fish from Bass to YellowFin Tuna etc. I am looking forward to trying out LuckyLures this season. To see some of the fish I have caught go to my web site listed below as <br>we will soon be putting up new pictures with fish caught on "LuckyLures". <br>I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Best wishes and tight lines.! <br><br>Paul B. Kramer <br><br>I have E-mail you my address etc <br><br> <br><br><br>
Can you send me the lures in 3 oz and 4 oz <br>Thanks<br>Paul B. Kramer<br><br>
Hello,<br><br>If you would like to see a couple of pic's of these lures go to<br><br>BradSmile<br><br>
If the offer is still open I'de be glad to send you feedback.<br>will send adress.<br>Darby<br><br>
I am interested in field testing them. I can give you some good coverage also in my own magazine Fish Taco Chronicles, and on this site as I am one of the writers on the Big Fish site. Email me at Shawn Arnold<br><br>
I had the opportunity to use these lures this morn (catch and release)<br>I took them over to my favorite smallmouth hole and had no troubles coaching them in to hook up. (6 in an hours time 10 - 16 inchers) I am confident they will work on the bigger ones<br><br>I will give em one thumb and one pike bitten thumb up on these lures for the smallies.<br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>For Kids Sake <br>Recycle your old Equipment<br>Dave

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