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Turkey or Bear?
Hey Patches, guess what? My little brother has been out this past week trying to get his first turkey. Remember he drew out for a tag and I didn't, but it's probably better that way since right now I'm so swamped I can barely breathe, what with school and work and all.

Last week my dad, little brother and little sister went up to try and see if they could call in a big Tom and they got the scare of their lives. They saw a black bear! This was very low down, just barely up the canyon a ways, only about 20 minutes from my house!!!! Well, as soon as it saw them it took off running and didn't come back. Luckily it didn't have ideas of making a meal out of them or anything. I'm jealous, though, I would've loved to have seen that bear!
[Smile][Wink]hahaha most generally a black bear won,t bother ya lesws she,s a momma and feels threatened that your al gonna hurt her little ones, but that is cool, wish ya could of seen it too. fisrt time been on in a while. fell on my rib, and have been down fer a while, but yesw i hope he gits his turkey. how,s school goin?? hope good. hope he gits his turkey. i see few the other day. i haven,t been turkey huntin this year, been too busy so jack and i didnt even git our licence. we,ll go the fall. been doin ALOT OF FISHIN! DONE GOOD. i got a 2b rainbow out the black river here and my son got a beautiful 5and 3/4 lb rainbow 2 nites before. he,s gittin it stuffed. haha and hten he caught a 3-4 lb rainbow after that and et it. ahha where are you at?? i see,d ya on the vt, board didnt i??? cause that,s where i put cliff,s 5and 3/4 lb. rainbow, course braggin hahahahaha, i wouldnt do that. haha well you guys have fun, take care, lotta thunderstorms here lightenein, you too??? haha well i gues my girlfriend and i are goin fishin now, haha she just called me. louie the hounds goin too. i hope ya git to see the bear, when you go again. sounds like to me it was a male. didnt see no youngins with it, have fun take care i will write you a pm later cause i want ot talk to ya, bout yesterday, with Need stories?? ya know, ok later marethanks fer writin me, bout this, it,s cool. schools almost endin right?? hope ya do good haha later[Smile]they generally stay in an area fe quite sometime, i bet you,ll see him. if ya go next time, dont forgit the camara!
We think the bear was probably a 2-year old that was just kicked out of his mom's den on account of new cubs bein born. He's probably looking for his own territory to claim now. I just hope that he doesn't take up residence in that area since there are lots of hikers and bikers that like to go up there all year round. Wouldn't want him to become a problem bear cause someone decides to feed him, then he'd have to be killed. That'd be a shame.

I'm way out west here in Utah, never visited the vermont board but maybe I'll have to go check out that huge trout!! Sorry about your rib hope it feels better really soon. School is just swamping me. I don't even have a spare minute to spend with my wife lately, let alone go fishing or hunting. I can't wait till the end of June when this hell will be over until fall.
[Smile][Wink]what ya doin, gradeatin colledge??? or what bud?? dont know why, haha i thought ya was still in high school till ya said ya had the wife. haha, was wonderin then hahahaha, , my grandkids will be out soon, i writ ya on the advertisin board, haahaha i think i got a little hot. hahahaha ====hahahaha i took my 3 grandkids, son girlfriend an my jack up fishin to my favorite pond tonite. we had a ball. haha we laughed till the cows come home. hahaha oh, there was a couple guys out the boat today, when just mare and i went up earlier, and my god we couldnt hep laughin, ones fly fishin, the other fishin anglin,that one standin in the boat, the other gits ticked cause he,s catchin all the fish, and he lights up that engine, to fast speed, all of a sudden, hahahaha well the one that was standin told him LET ME KNOW WHEN YOUR GONNA DO THAT. AHHAHAHA HE ALMOST WENT OVER BOARD. HAHAHA MARE AND I STARTED LAUGHIN AND COULDNT QUIT! HAHAHA THEY HEARD US ON THE OTHERSIDE OF THE POND!!!! AHHAHA so funny! and we were catchin more fish than them. ahhaha and then they git in shore, ahha the one that tryin to git the boat in straight has the lead out too fer. haha and loses the rope and the baot goes out. hahahaha god mare and i couldnt hep but just die. laugin, laurel and hardy! haha that,s all we could think about. hahahaha the 2of them. ahah one went swoimmin after it. and mare and i laughin all the time. ahha course then he tell me how they stalk the pond, of what fish they stock in no. 1 and 2, haah i been fishin there since i was 5 years old. course that,s just the man thing that always considers me the first time fisherwoman ya know and i dont know how to fish and dont know what s in there. ahhahaha oh that ticks me right off.i was good and told him i know whats in the ponds. haahhaha he was lucky. ahhahaha i did good. ahha well guess i run it enough, i,ll catch ya soon. yeah i hear ya bout the bear. must of been a 2 years, just like the moose that was in back my house last week., so she was or he, i dont hear much ever bout black bear attackin, humans do you???? no that aint good when they start feedin em. that,s what causes problems alright. with any wild thing. too. wrong. they should know better. but dont somtimes. well let me know bout brother, we dont have many on the vermont boards toll. it must of been someone else that sounded like your catman, ahhaha that i was thinkin bout .thanks fer sayin bout my rib. i just never knew how much it affects everythin when ya move. hahaah or cough or sneeze. ahah oh it hurts. haha later mare[Smile][Wink]
[Smile]well it,s 1230 and i cant sleep, ahaha so figured write and ask if ya been gittin all this rain floodin and thunderstorms? we benn gittin the rain thunderstorms an llllllightenin alright. not floods yet. lotta of em gittin it i bet, downcountries. are ya startin colledge cause ya said fall ya got ot go back? what ya takin up?? somethin your likin i hope to git into. ya dotn want to be takin somethin ya dont like cayse ya wont be sticlin withe it, now ya know. it,s important to do what you want ot do. ok?? my son got into plumbin and heatin like i did and his stepfather did. we had our own business. i did it mainly to feed my son, and i was strong, and in good shape back then, 110 lbs and could llift 170 and female. ahhaha i started my day out at 430 got up fed watered patches, grained him, brushed him, spent time with him before iwent ot work, bout 6 we were on the job till 6 that night somenites 5 dependin situation, cleaned house didlaudry supper dishes, plus doin patches again. and then all ovre again ahhaha 6 days a week and i wonder why i am the way i am now. aha liftin boilers, runnin pipe, whatever. hahafeelin it ahhaha oh well do a head job, it,s not so hard on your ody later on. ahhaha it,s funny how cliff remembers haah and he got into it. says he likes it. that,s good well gonna try ot sleep now. catch ya soon. stay a float ok. later[Smile][Wink]
Hi patches well I'm not in high school thank goodness cause I hated high school. I'm 24 and I have 1 year left in college. I graduate with my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science next April (in 2005). So there's a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak I just have to hang in there a little bit longer till I'm done.

Well, my little bro. headed back up to see if he could get him a turkey yesterday morning, but he never called me so I assume he didn't get one yet. If he'd a got one I'm sure he would've been calling me the minute he got home. Glad you had fun getting out on the trout pond. Ya, it's stupid the way some men assume that cause youre a woman that you don't know anything about fishing. My little sister is 14 and she LOVES to fish. She just got her Hunter Safety certification this year too so now she can come out grouse hunting with us this fall. She's a true outdoorswoman. Noone better mess with her either cause she's strong too. She's also a great soccer player.

Well, anyway I am going into something that I love to do I'll be a computer programmer when I'm all done with school. I just wish that I were done now. Well, no sense in crying about it though right? I got more important things to worry about. My wife is pregnant with our first baby (a boy) he's due end of July. Can't wait till he gets big enough so I can teach him how to fish. [cool]
[Smile][Smile][Wink][cool][cool]haha COOL! GOOD BOY FER GRAMMA, AHHAHA thats what i tell my grandkids, hahaah well my boys gonna be 29 come this dec. and ya know, it seems like yesterday he was runnin round the pond with his crack showin cause his swim suit wouldnt fit him he was so skinny. hahahaha found the picture the other day. boy he,d be mad at ma if he knew i was sayin this to you. ahhahaha YOU WAIT! HAAH YOUR TURN HONEY!!!!!!111 HAHAHAHAHA YA WILL LOVE IT. i wish i was back where you are now. with cliff again. but at least i got 3 grandkids to play with when i need and want. haha there such well mannered well polite, good kids, real kids that git into everythin haha but still all BOYS AHHA NO PATIENCE YET. AHHAHAHA I JUST LAUGH NOW. ahha cliff wasnt gonna let justin take home any salamanders last night, ahah i said clifford everett wood! by god you had em when you was little, haha you let him have em. hahaha gramma, hahaha he laughed and let him. ahhaha i dont know how many he,d catch andtake home haha and put em in the horses bath tub. haha i,d git hot when he did that cause i had to empty the ponies tub and clean it. there was 20 gallons of water in it. haha what a kid he was.ahha i told him i hope ya git one just like you, hha he got 3! hahaha well that,s cool your little sister gittin her licence, i bet she is strong, strong willed nad wont take no guff, from her brothers either. i bet she,s strong mentally physically and emotionally. us girls that are tom boys are! hahahaha good girl. you take her when ya go now. just like your brother ok. thsoe are things she,ll treasure, ya hear young man. ahhahaha and you are doin good to git into what your doin. good call fer that now, good money, and good career. cause i dont see anytime soon wel, be gittin rid of our computers. your smart buddy boy. bet ma and pa are proud of ya too. that will be cool to have a youngin around. hahaha it,s gonna change your whole life mister man, fer the better. life will be more worth livin. you,ll see. hahahaha ya and i do believe you,d of heard from brother if he,d a got one today. haha did with dub, my boy, sounds like lifes treatin ya good. keep it simple and it will all the more. take care, jack and i are goin on vacation fer almost 3 weeks sat. so i,ll talk tomorrer if i git a chance or when i git back. ok. have fun fishin. i hope to over to new york. later[Smile][Wink]
[Smile][Smile]hey there bud?? how ya doin?? i,m back! haha well how,d ya do on your schoolin?? hope good! i bet ya did. well did brother git his turkey?? hope so, let me know ok?? later like to hear from ya. later mare[Smile][cool]
Hey, well I've got a final exam tomorrow for summer semester, but my other class has 3 weeks left. Then I'll be free for the rest of the summer. I now only have 2 semesters left!!

My bro. never did get his turkey. He was out the last day of his hunt calling one in, but he never could call it close enough to shoot it. Oh, well there's always next time. He learned a lot and had a lot of fun anyway.

Was your vacation fun?
[Sad]too bad he didnt git him, but ya next year and also learns him a little patience, haha thats god fer him. that things dont always go the way WE want them too. huh? hahawell good luck on your tests, i know you,ll do fine, just dont git all casited, ok haha my son is all done his plumbin school fer now, till fall too. let me know what,s happenin, ok. take care, dont imagine time fer fishin, yet, have ya. well i haven,t been either, fer the last 3 weeks, jack and i went on vacation ridin motorcycle, ahha boy am i feelin it. haha but i,m gonna go till i drop. ahha cant, stp doin the things i love to do, ya know. no matter what,..... that,s what i figure. so ya take care, and keep the faith. take it slow. haha like a turtle, haha i do. slow but sure. hahahahaha later mare[Smile][Wink]
Well, no I don't have much time, but I did get a chance to get out last Sat. fishing. Went with my older brother to get some bass. I hooked two nice largemouth about 3 and 4 lbs. Lost the bigger one at the shore. Also caught a few smallies. It was a fun morning.

Here's a picture of the smaller one:

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5165;]
[Smile][Wink]ahha that,s good! good fish, and looks like a good pond! is that all thats in it?? i,m bound and determined to go fishin this week! i,ll tell ya! haha[Smile]your just like cliff! haha you need to be puttin some weight on ya buddy boy. hahahaha wont be able to find ya, pretty soon. hahahaha wont be able to tell if it,s the fish or you. hahahaha how do ya like me now! hahahaha i tell dub this too. ahhahaha that,s alright, haha cliff didnt start fillin out till 2 years ago either, haha i,m just pickin on ya. ahha got to go fishin and git some muscles to ya. haha this schoolins doin it. ahha need to git out and do some physical labor castin that pole more. hahahaha[Wink]need to git some meat on them there bones. haha well i,ll stop letcherin ya now. hahahaha cliff dont like me tellin him the truth either! haha but he,s gittin a beer belly too. hahaha well take care, love the picture, thanks fer sendin it. i wish i could do that with my computer. i got a old one and nothins hooked up like this scanner thing, fer doin pictures. and i dont know how. haha well take care good luck on your schoolin, go fishin when ya can again, and i,ll let ya know my end when i do too. gramma, haha mare[Smile][laugh][laugh]hey did ya eat them fish?? too bad ya lost the bigonefun catchin. glad ya went ith older brother! haha good outin. later[Smile]
[Smile][Wink][laugh]haha i fergot to tell ya somethin, cliff,s gittin married the end of july! july 31st! aint that cool, i,ll be permanent gramma then, cause mick has 3 boys already. hahahaha oh, and when i told ya ya ned to put some weight on, haah[Wink]ya need to git some on now so,s when ya have to chase your new one round the house! outdoors too. haha [Smile][blush][laugh][laugh]later
Well my wife says the same thing, that I need to eat more and whatnot but ya know I think my metabolism is just too high, since no matter how much I eat I can't gain any weight. Oh, well I'm sure someday it will all catch up with me anyway.

I didn't eat the fish. At that lake you have to release all bass over 12". Can only keep the little guys. They're trying to preserve the bass fishery for future generations. That's fine with me I wouldn't have kept her any way. I only like to eat the small ones anyway.

There are smallmouth bass, largemouth, Rainbow and Brown trout, yellow perch and green sunfish in there, oh yeah and carp too. It happens to be the reservoir where some of our drinking water comes from where I live. The last few years with the bad drought we've been having out here it's gotten pretty low. I've seen it 15 feet higher at the end of summer easily.
[Smile][Wink][laugh]haha yessa i do too, think its your metabolism. cliff was the same way. it

wasnt till after he went ot florida he started fillin out. saw that good when he got home, haha iwas just bustin ya dub. haha i like ya just the way you are. and must be the wife, haha does too. you must be doin somethin right! hahaha got a good family started haha i bet ya can,t wait. ahha course he was doin physical stuff as well but i think he just started to fill out anyways. haha he looks healthier with the fillin out wise now though. dont git me wrong, he,s not a heavy drinker or anythin i think he,.s just got a good woman that cooks good. hahahaha but he has

a few on the weekends ahah. anyways,ahha thats, ok, anyways, i,m surprized there,s trout in there too. it,s hard fer trout to live with bass, cause they eat each other.they probably stay aways from each other good. huh? haha them carp too. it,s good they,re only lettin ya keep the little ones, i think there better eatin anyways. dont you?? what,s goin on with a drought?? weathers gittin weirder aint it?? its been cold here, loota big huge thunderstorms, bad ones, and only in the 60,s 70,s here and it,s june! by now in the old days it,d be 80,s and 90,s. yup, weird weather! do ya got enough water fer drinkin and all and its good??? hope so. how did your test go yesterday??? hope good i bet it did. well got to do some laugdry today. take it up thru. so will catch ya in a bit. have a good day, will write ya soon. mare[Smile]
[Smile]hey hows it goin bud?? went fishin over to black river this past weekend, sucked haha no water! can,t belive with all this rain thunderstorms, no water! [crazy]just seepin right in i figure. but should be up to par. been on the go constantly since we got back. took a day fer me today and said to the devil with house cleanin and everythin! haha except cookin supper tonite. hahaha even louie is too. he,s been on the bed and aint even cared to come out. ahha hope things well with all finally good to be home! haha later mare when we havin that little one??? haha later[Smile]
I'll let you know. He's due on the 20th, but my wife is dilated to between 2 and 3 cm already, so it will probably be less than a week now. I can't wait!!!
haha cool, i bet ya can,t. school done yet?? take care hope everythin goes well. later
Yes I just took my final today. So I'm done until the end of August now. Perfect timing for the baby! Later.
yessa thats good, you,ll need that time i,ll tell ya. hahahaha cliffs gittin married the 31 too cant wait. haha talk to ya soon or on the BIG DAY!11 HAHA THATS GOOD. LATER

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