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New boating laws?
I heard a rumor about new utah boating laws, does anyone know if this is true and what is being considered? <br>I heard things like liscense for boat operators kind of like a drivers liscense for your car. <br><br>
Good idea, they need some thing like that here in Michigan so that they can loose the privilege of driving a boat and car, and it should go on there official driving record just like driving on the road. Miss haps on the lake are far more dangerous than the roads. Although they may be fewer in numbers the fatality percentage is higher. (There is no where to go but down) being knocked out for even a moment in the water is certain death even if you are wearing a life jacket that dose prop your head above the water. Still you can drown if your head goes under the water from the wake while unconscious.)<br><br>Good can of worms. I’m not an extremist but I do believe that a valid vehicle driver’s license should be required with additional certification (the same as commercial) by any one driving a boat with a motor bigger than 10-horse power. A safety operators certificate for persons age 13 to possessing a valid driver’s license for any one operating any motorized boat (other than electric trolling motors) for boats under 10-horse.<br><br>Here in Michigan they have enforced a drinking and driving law for boats that dose affect a valid state driver’s license with the same consequences. <br><br>Just like those stupid kids playing crash-hem-up on the three wheelers, I have seen kids playing chicken on the lakes with all different sorts of watercraft. It only takes one idiot to turn a pleasant lake into a death trap for some unsuspecting innocent. <br><br>I think I’ll write my congressman! It just might get some of those know nothing animal right people off the lake. <br><br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown
I haven't picked up on that rumor, but I would be in favor of some type of regulation. It seems like it's just too easy for someone to get in a watercraft and just take off without regard for any other boaters on the water. Knowing the rules of the road so to speak should be every watercraft operators responsibility just like it is for the driving public on the highways. It doesn't keep accidents from happening, but there are fewer than there would be if no rules were observed at all. Just my 2 cents. Nails
i dont like big brother in my life more then he has to be,but i think this is a very good idea.there are way to many boater's that have no idea what the rules are on the water,some of these yahoo's on the water dont even know there are rules,there are a lot more people on the water then there used to be,it could be in the form of a free online test.montana has started useing a online program,that makes all operators of a motorcraft having to take a test.
[#804000][size 2]Undersand this, The state will not do anything to hinder fees being collected at the gate. Pwc's and waterskiers pay the bills. Fishermen buy park passes and this hurts their funding. Remember the golden age lifetime pass, history man. The only way they will go to licenses is when they figure out a way to seperate more benjamins from your wallet.[/size][/#804000]
I understand that there will be a cost involved. And I don't want to legislate against any type of watercraft. If PWC can be banned, the next step is boats, then tubes, it never ends. I just think it would be worth it to me (the cost for the license and trianing) to avoid more incidents like the one with iconoclasticpaul @ DeerCreek. As the population continues to grow, we will be sharing the resources with more and more people, and rightfully so. It would just be nice if we were all on the same page as far as boating safety etc. is concerned. Nails
The problem is that, whenever something like this comes up, the legislators see it as a way to put more dollars in their coffers. Just as with gun laws, more legislation isn't going to make the difference. The difference will be with stronger enforcement and stronger rules for breaking the laws / rules. Let's just see them start busting the people that cut far too close at full speed, and get a few of them on the news to show the seriousness of the laws. Embarass them by putting their face out their for their neighbors to see.
addicted i agree with you,enforcement of exsiting laws would be a big improvement.but IMHO i really think that educateing boater's to the laws would be a step in the right direction,at least if they have taken a class or two they can't confess thier ignorance of the this would be a great thing for the up and coming boater to know the rules.
The one thing I think they should require, however, is some kind of training and signed statement when a person either rents or purchases a new PWC. They are the worst for violations. However, there are also plenty of idiot boaters out there.

I'm fairly new to boating myself, having only had the boat for a couple of years, but I took the time to learn the laws, regulations, and courtesies of boating.
Well I was quiet on this when it 1st appeared. But here's my 2 cents. They have been talking about boating lic. for a couple of years now. The only reason they haven't changed to them (this is my opinion) is operating a boat is now tied to your drivers lic. If they change the rules, then if you get a dui boating you can still drive your car and the law looses it teeth. Presently get a dui while operating your boat and loose your drivers lic, period! Same as if you were driving a car. I remember when I was a kid driving my dads boat on Folsom Lake, the Sacramento river, Rockport Res., Strawberry (the latter two I had a drivers lic). Now you have to be 16 and have a drivers lic to operate a boat. I think they have already done this to us only through the back door.

I am NOT for any new restricting regs of any kind. I know there is a problem with SOME of the boaters or PWCers on our waters. But lets not through the baby out with the bath water just yet. I am for better education, stricter enforcement of exsisting rules and regs, and hey how hard is it to ask they guy hows being a jerk to lighten up. I know I have from my tube and they all have stayed away after. Well there has been a few kiddies who want to play chicken, but I have water baloons for them (evil grin). I say NO NEW REGS, lets make the one we have work. Just my 2 cents and now I'll jump off my soapbox and quit rantting guys. Thanks for reading though.
It seems we have had a post like this before and nothing has happened yet, I don't see it happening but I think it would be a good idea. There are just too many people out there that don't know the rules. I also think people should loose the right to drive a boat if they have been caught within 150 feet of different fisherman/woman, at more than wakeless speed, three seperate times.
Hey Predator, why do you keep putting up with this kid, fishingchump or is it champ? WH2
Wow WH2!

Have you got some kind of crazy memory or what?

If you look at the post date on the original post, it was made feb 7 2002. Thats 2 1/2 years ago, and you remembered!

I am impressed.

Note to self, never tell curt a fishing secret thinking that he wont remember it anyways.

Theres been thousands and thousands of posts since then.

As for the fishing champ, who has become nicknamed fishing chump by many here since this weeks incidents, I have dealt with the situation. Hes alright, but he did get banned. I have talked with him about it a couple times, and the situation has been resolved. It wont happen again.
I never even looked at the date of the original post, wow, I don't think I have ever seen a post brought back up after that long ago. WH2

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