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Did anyone else see the pictures of the Rainbow that was caught here in Utah recently? I saw it on the local news on Monday night. I can remember what reservoir they said it was caught out of. I think it weighed around 23 pounds and was like 35+ inches long. They showed a picture of it being held up next to a three year old and it was bigger than him. Lol. I'm trying to locate pictures of it or the story about it on the internet. Can anyone help?
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I didn't see the story, but I'd love to see the pics and hear the story. Sounds like a great catch.
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I flip between the channels when the 10 o'clock news is on. I think it was channel 4, but can't remember.
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The guy was Gary Norton and he is my cousin. I have pics that I will have to scan and get on here. He is getting it mounted so I will try and get some pics of the mount also.
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Cool! We will be waiting for those pictures!
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Where was he fishing?
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Not sure where it was. I know it was in Utah though. I was reading up on state records and it's not something to doubt, because the state record for a Rainbow is 26 lbs. 2 oz. I'm desperately searching for pictures.
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The fish was 21 lbs. and was caught in millmedow. Gary is also my cousin and called me the night it was on and had quite a story about his 30 min. battle with the fish. Hey leftwifetofish your dad wouldn't be Johnny (sp) by chance would he. If so my dad and him grew up together and I know him well. It was on ch 4.
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Very small world, yes it is Johnny. So he has the pics and I am trying to get them from him. Do you have any handy? So how are you related?
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I've seen some nice trout caught out of Mill Meadow Reservoir, but 21 pounds is an amazing fish from that body of water.
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Very small world. Gary's dad was my grandmothers brother. My dad got your dad his first job in SLC. I don't have any pictures but gary is going to call me in a couple of days I am going to help his son get his moose. I will ask him to send me a copy. PM me and we won't waste everyone's time here on our personell ties. I will be leaving soon tonight to go the rodeo but I will talk to you soon if not tonight.
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Mill Meadow is a nice little lake, but I wouldn't be rushing down there thinking you are going to catch a monster like that. I have no idea where that fish might have come from as that reservoir is an irrigation reservoir and is nearly emptied every year. Especially the past couple of years with the drought. Almost makes you wonder if it was up in Johnsons getting fat on all the perch and chubs, then made its way down the river. 
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[black][size 2]Hey guys I came across the picture for the fish. Iam sure this picture does no justice at all for this fish.[/size][/black] Local anglers set state record with rainbow trout
Koyt Carl Norton gives perspective to the trophy his family pulled out of Mill Meadow Reservoir. The 21 pound 14 ounce fish was 35.75 inches long and reportedly broke the state record for a rainbow trout taken from the bank. It also broke the lake record by 11 pounds. According to Gary Norton, who originally hooked the enormous fish, the family had heard the monster splashing about their favorite fishing spot for about two years. When he felt the fish on his 8 lb. Berkeley Line, a long battle ensued. At one point, Norton left his pole on the bank thinking the line had broken. However, he soon spotted the fish with the line still attached and his son quickly grabbed the pole. His sons Casey and Eric, along with his two foster boys, Jason Farrell and Larry Georges all helped bring the fish in. Gary waded into water up to his neck to net the fish and secured it just as the line broke. The catch got even more difficult when the handle of the net broke under the weight of the fish and Gary had to place the rim over his head in the deep water. For more on the Norton family, see the Outdoor Focus of today’s Sun Advocate.
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That is an AWESOME story!!! [  ]
It seemed like a few of you knew "Koyt Carl Norton", the one who caught it. Any chance you could get him to post his version of the story?
Wow. Thanks for the pic, Jigg-N-It.
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Thats a great story and an even greater photo! Thanks for sharing it.
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Thats hard to swallow. Lets see, a state record from the bank? never heard of such a category, the 8 lb line breaks then it isn't broke, then five seperate people help pull this beast into shore, then the guy has to get in water upto his neck, breaks his net and his line. Holy cow this fish is a virtual Godzilla but yet this guy gets it in on 8 lb line after all that. I don't buy it! A great fish story though.
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I tend to believe it. The photo is not of a fish that has been out of the water for too long. Also, here are some other things to think of...
As far as thinking the line broke....I would assume that meant the fish made a big run toward the shore, causing the line to go slack.
The net breaking.....probably one of those cheap wal-mart aluminum nets. I use them and I doubt if they would hold that much weight, along with the extra force put on it by a fighting fish.
Wading out to your neck.....well, I might just do the same thing if I had a fish that big on in a lake that you usually catch 10" fish.
Catching a fish that big on 8 lb test. I have done the same thing, you just leave the drag really loose. I was in Canada fishing a salmon run. I was using borrowed poles...the cheap ones you would pick up at Fred Meyer if you didn't know better. We borrowed the poles, picked up a lure that was supposed to do good, and headed out. Because of the crappy line that comes on those poles, I just set the drag loose and let him run, then played him in each time he tired. It took over 1/2 hour fighting this beast up and down the river, but finally got it in. It weighed out at over 27 lbs.
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You are right. The reason he thought he had lost the fish was because it got tangled in another line which then caused his line to go slack when the fish came in towards shore. You would have to know Gary I'm sure that the two foster boys probably just helped by pulling in other poles or something but he probably wanted the whole family included someway in the article and thats way he said they all help catch the fish. If it would have been me I would have take all the credit myself on a fish like that.