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e-lake 8/28 sat
Well got a very late start saturday cause i had to work.The drive up fairview canyon was beautiful to say the least.You can see fall is here the trees were turning bright orange .Saw deer along the roads i guess they were smarter than the hunters up in the mountains.We stopped at huntington res at 3pm and stayedr an hour .We threw out some worms and i jigged my spoon as usual.The worms didnt get any hits while we were there but i got 3 hits on my spoons but no hookups.The fish seemed to be farther out because of the water level was lower than usual.Well we started fishing e-lake about 430 and we got several hits but the fish were very picky.I got my 1 and only fish right before we left at 830.I had several hits but again no hookups.Lisa got her 2 fish on worms under a bobber .The kids were in a playing mood so they didnt fish they just played with luck our dog.Water level there was also lower than the last time we were there.I guess the fish are moving deeper now .
Nice report ocean. It looks like cesar was sound asleep! Good luck on your next trip out.
nice report dude..
i hit E-lake sunday afternoon did real good with just a spin-a-lure..
i left the minnows home and the cast net home so spin-a-lure is the next best thing.. we were just stoping at E-lake to fill our limits after fishing at Joe's valley thats why i did not have minnows..

dude on fish?
What is a spin a lure?
try this link..

dude on fish?

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