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ssor, I'll be around and will be happy to look you up next spring, if the Creek don't rise. I generally spend a week at a time down on the coast, Love to fish any way- that might produce fish... When I generally want to be alone, I anchor the boat and get out and wade... Hence- using the Hammers(experiment) and other lures... The San Louis Pass pier may be another place you might want to consider, very productive... Yes, this 'Tropical Storm' seems to have pier fishermen wetting their lips for big surf 'Reds'... Weekend before last the surf was nice, pretty smooth, blue water in close, birds & pelicans working, and shrimp boats draggin as close as they could get to the beach---ideal conditions... I saw all this when I was going home... Of coarse! But you know, I can find a nice shady place, a little sea breeze. a comfortable chair, a cool drink, and the sounds of the surf & island. I just couldn't be any happier...<br><br>
I made a reply to you but it is on the Texas board. Have a look!<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

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