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well after owning a tube selling it owning a pontoon selling it and having 2 boats in the last 3 years im going to buy another tube, i think im going to get a fishcat 4. now comes the hard part putting all the toys on the tube. and getting in shape to kick around all day.
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can anyone give me some help on ideas for vertical rod rack and transducer mount
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[cool][#0000ff]Yeah, blame it all on me. Always pick on us little guys.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you will bring your new toy down to my garage, we can have it tricked out in no time. I have lots of PVC tubes, rope and all the other stuff. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Do you have your sonar yet, or is that the next hole you throw money into?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]When we go fishing on the 26th, I will bring another craft all set up, and you can get a feel for what you want.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As far as getting into shape...the journey is its own reward. Doesn't take long to get the muscles working right, as long as you don't try to overdo it on the first couple of excursions.[/#0000ff]
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Outfitting it is the fun part! I opted for a horizontal mount. I haven't been fishing near a ton of reeds or cliffs for the rods to get hung up on so I went with the horizontal rack. The vertical is much more preferred in those tight spots.
Congrats on the FC4. I love mine.
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im going to get a new ducer and power cable for my garmin 160 and set it up for the tube.
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[cool][#0000ff]If you tried to steal all my secrets I would have to report you to "Tubeland Security".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The offer is always open.[/#0000ff]
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Hey Petty. I'm sure you'll like the FC4. I've had mine almost a year now and really enjoy it. Just take a look at TDs setups and you'll see some of the varieties of setups.
I use a verticle and a horizontal at times. It all depends on where I'm going to fish and what kind of above water structure is in the area.
Let us know when you get yourself inflated and I'm sure you can go through the archives and find something that will work for you.
If that's too hard then just go knock on TD's door and he can show you some of his stuff.[cool]
BTW: Congrats on the decision.
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Hey there petty4life,
That was funny! Asking TubeDude and others if they have any ideas!? Want 'em in singles or a dozen at a time?
TubeDude has forgotten more configurations he's actually built that most of us little guys have even dreamed up. ha ha ha
2 hints I have are really general. Whatever you make, it would be wise to make it so it can be modified. And.. maybe multifunctional. Example: rod rack and tube porting rack.
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steve can you bring some of the achives up to the top or transfer some over to this post i went back 4 pages then gave up, im lazy.
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[cool][#0000ff]Hey Jason, I will shoot some pics from my archives over on your email address. You are welcome to bring your stuff down any evening, or I can get some of it assembled and bring it up when we hit Willard. Only problem will be hooking up the transducer. Do you have a pic of what it looks like? Also, how many tubes do you want for your rod rack? And, are most of your rod handles 1" or less in diameter, so you can use the lighter schedule 20 PVC? Otherwise, we will need to rig up the 1 1/4" schedule 40. Slightly heavier, but no problem to us tough guys. Right?[/#0000ff]
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if you could bring something up when we hit willard that would be cool. ill pay ya for your time and matterials. i use small spinning rids probly 1". i dont have a pic of the transducer but its a garmin. id like a 3 rod rack
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[cool][#0000ff]I'll just bring up an extra craft all tricked out, so we can go fishing. When we get back, I will have the stuff to put yours together, once you got a feel for what you want and need.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'll see if I can dig up a pic or specs on the transducer, so we can be ready for that little chore. If it is a "skimmer" style, piece of pie. If it is something else, it might take some codgertation.[/#0000ff]
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[cool] [#0000ff]Hey, Bro, I looked up some info on the Garmin 160. Says it has been discontinued, but I did find a list of parts and accessories. I will add the link at the last. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You said you were going to get a new cable and transducer for your tube. If you have not already ordered it, be sure to get a transom mount and not a thru the hull 'ducer. Here's a pic. Looks like it will mount on a piece of 1" PVC or a piece of treated wood. Will have to see it before knowing for sure.[/#0000ff]
[url ""][/url]
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will probly have to be mounted to a piece of treated wood. the mounting bracket is about 2"
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[cool][#0000ff]Easy enough. That's how I mounted the transducer for my first sonar...a Humminbird flasher. Have done a couple more since. Simple for us simple fishermen.[/#0000ff]
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you are a true artist. the ole great infamous one
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You guy's are planning to go to willard?!? Tell me when and we'll have CAT races out on the pond. I've really been wanting to get skunked by some wipers, but instead I've been going to strawberry where I know I can catch 'em.
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Hey TD,
Have you ever thought about making a website (a free one) and there you can put all the info on how to setup rod racks, sonar with pictures and general tubing knowlege?
If that sounds like a good idea to you, I'd be glad to help you out with it.[url "javascript: top.editor_iframe.addTag('cool')"][cool][/url]
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[cool][#0000ff]Thanks for the kind offer. However, Southernman, of the Nevada board, also builds and maintains websites as his primary business. He has got me set up with a site, but I haven't had or taken the time to start putting it together right.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have an extensive book on over 40 years of tubing that I will be publishing sometime next year, and several other articles and how-to writeups. Once I have all that done, and get some credibility, I will go full tilt and set up some commercial sales things too. I would like to be able to provide all the stuff people might need, at a reasonable price. A one stop shop. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Anyway, here is a link to the empty store:[/#0000ff]
[url ""][/url]
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where going to willard sunday sept 26 if you want to goin us for the church of the 7th day of angler