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I arrived to Pineview at approx 6:00 AM. Launched shortly after on the Eden side just off of the old highway (Used to be covered with water, now you can walk right accross it). I moved directly over to the west side of the arm where the rock pile is located. Approx 5 foot deep water at the rock pile but drops off drasticly about 20 feet from the shoreline. See below map, I have marked the launch spot and also the rockpile.
First few casts produced some perch and dink smallmouth, then bites stopped. I was thinking in my head what a local told me, if you are bringing in a fish on every cast, which I was, and it suddenly stops, chances are a muskie has cruised in. Well, this was the case, I continued to work this point and then I hooked into the beast I came for. A 33 inch Muskie took the lure and started to run with it. I let him take the line because I was using a ultra-light action rod with only 6 lb test line on it. Took me approx 20 minutes to land this one. I was alone and didn't want to attempt to pick this thing up for a photo op, so I took a couple shots of it next to the pontoon.
What amazing fish. I released this one and he just cruised around me taking gulps of air then with a flick of his tail he was gone.
AWESOME. I took my time and moved up the shoreline a bit to a spot where I had shoreline fished and caught several bass, fished that area for a bit and only caught small smallmouth. I then worked back to the rockpile, this time with my 30 pount braided line on my medium action rod. I was trolling this line behind me as I worked my way to the rockpile following the shroe and sure enough, I hook into some with a bit more size to it, I needed to size this one up quick, it wasn't taking my drag but moving along with the lure in its mouth, then, zzzip there goes the line, I know I had something of size. Wore this one down for about 30 minutes, he darn near took my entire spool before he gave up. Got him close and it was a bit bigger, slightly larger girth and definately a few inches in length.
Anyways, it was great fun, caught alot of small bass biggest being about 1 pound or so, and caught more perch than I knew what to do with which was different, had never caught perch there, and I have heard from many the perch population has slimmed heaps.
Overall about 15 perch, 20 smallies, 1 dink largemouth, and 2 muskies.
Good times. I thought I had the Muskie itch before, I want some more! 
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One other thing, its a damn good thing I had my frogg toggs on and an umbrella. Got rained on ALOT and also had some marble sized hail whack me a few times. But I set anchor and rode every storm that hit from 6AM - 4PM. DIE HARD! 
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Damn you craig! I had to go to church and you got to go fishin'!! I gotta get up there. Thanks for the report. Got some perch eh? thought they were gone?
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I was @ church too, just a difference kind.
Yeah I heard that too but I found one spot where they were hitting like crazy. I think they are mostly concentrated in the areas that are really shallow where there is less chance of a predator to cruise in and eat em. I tell ya, the 33 incher I caught, it's considered a smaller one, but it could open its mouth up enough to chew on a considered BIG sized perch. So it doesn't surprise me that the population has dropped.
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Sweet catch and report.I tried to get around the point across from cemetery point to join you, made it around there and the wind started howling like crazy - little hail stones and rain. I was with my daughter and didnt feel really comfortable in the white caps, so turned around and fished deeper in the cemetery point area.
I saw you up in bay there, just didnt wanna take any chances with her in the boat. Those 14' aluminums are great in rough stuff, but not when I have a kid in there. That thunder was what ran me off, dont wanna get stuck out in a lake in an aluminum boat with 7' of graphite in my hand when the light starts flashing.
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I hear ya, some of that thunder and lightning was so low it scared me a bit, considering I myself was on metal chasis with 3 rods with metal sticking straight up and one in hand.
In the middle of a big body of water, and the only metal there. Scary situation. At one point with those huge hail stones I had to open the umbrella because they were pounding on me.
Good thinking since you had your daughter, maybe next time. 
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Glad to hear you had a good trip. The weather kept me away. Kind of happy I didn't go out with you because in your situation the report would have read a float tube sinks in Pineview, LOL. Temperate toothy critters they are!!!
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Indeed. Would have sucked having to pull a tubeless Al back to shore. 
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well... the tube would be the least of my worries considering a set of very precious anatomical "parts" are positioned at water level. [url "javascript: top.editor_iframe.addTag('shocked')"][shocked][/url]
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hahah! Fish n protect I always say! Don't blame ya there.
Once the temperatures level again, and the wind settles a bit lets plan another trip up there. When it isn't storming and hellish. 
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Sounds good, any idea of the water temps? I won't be getting a set of waders until I find a deal on a set of durable yet breathable waders. Guide weight hopefully. Maybe I'll just surrender and purchase a pair of the cheaper brand tha get all the bad reviews, lol.
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Hey the same ones I have are on sale right now @ Sportsmans Warehouse for only 75$. They are just as you walk into the one in Midvale infront of the registers. Hodgeman Guidelites. Go up to your chest. New they usually run $199. And I have used the hell out of mine and never have had a rip/tear in em.
Water temps were 63 degrees on Sunday. Or so a fellow angler told me.
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Man I was just there! How did I miss it? Thats a good price, gonna have to go get me a pair.
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[cool][#0000ff]Hey Al, I just field tested a pair of Stearns SealDri breatheable waders this last week and they are a good buy at $58, at Costco. Their XLg is a true XLg, unlike many brands. I also am trying a pair of $55 Hodgman neoprenes, from Sportsmans, and they also seem to be a good deal.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I plan to pick up some Simms Guideweights when I hit the lottery, but until then, I will continue to try and review the less pricy ones for the benefit of the folks on the float tube forum.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Get into some waders and cover up those glaring white legs. You will either scare off all the fish or attract reaction bites from the tigers. You don't look good in blue knee caps anyway.[/#0000ff]
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When did you see them there waders? Went to the Midvale store today after reading this post and they do not have any hodgeman waders for 75.00. It is a posability that I am starting to go blind...
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Glaring white legs? I'm nicely tanned mind you [url "javascript: top.editor_iframe.addTag('  ')"][  ][/url]. Besides, tubing wadeless in cold water is good for the circulation and is the sign of a real tough guy, lol. [url "javascript: top.editor_iframe.addTag('pirate')"][pirate][/url]
I'm going to take a look at the Coscos waders. Did you go to the one on 5400 and State? If they look good I'll purchase them. At 58 they are about 10 bucks more than the hogmans neoprens on sale at Walmart.
Pat, out of curiousity, what you mean your "field testing"? Are you purchasing these waders and returning them, lol. If not you must be accumulating quite a collection.
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Craige, I thought you had the Simms Guideweight, LOL. I think the waders you got are the ones that everyone is saying leaks after a few uses. Not sure but I got to get some soon, rather than just waiting. I was going to wait till the outdoor expo in spring but they won't be much cheaper if at all.
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One question for you Craig. I'm guessing the lure you where using is a Dardevil. What size is that and where you hooking smallies on it?
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[cool][#0000ff]Field testing means I buy them and try them. Over the years, I have dumped a lot of money into researching tubes, fins, waders, sonar systems and other flotation fishing accessories. Some of the purchases turn out well, and remain in my rotation until they are worn out or "downloaded" to family members. Others do not meet with my hearty approval and either gather dust or get "specialed out" to unsophisticated newbies gullible enough to take them off my hands.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Actually, I try to be careful in what I buy. If I do not think it is a good value, I will not go for it. I have been fooled, both ways, but for the most part I do okay. I prefer to buy quality, even though the initial outlay is greater. The long term value and service outweighs the low cost of the cheaper and lower quality stuff.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Those two sets of waders I bought were the first I have acquired in a couple of years. Like many tubers, I have tried to get by with the Hodgman Wadelites. They are attractively priced, compared to Simms and other better brands. However, many of them leak right out of the box, and virtually all of them develop leaks after a few uses.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The "breathable" fabric of the Hodgmans are designed to let air and moisture wick out away from your body while you are in the water, without letting water in the other direction. Good concept. But, whenever you pay less, you can expect to get less, and Hodgmans do not dissapoint. My last and FINAL set of Hodgman Wadelites have so many Aquaseal patches (over tiny pinhole leaks) that I look diseased when I wear them...and they still leak.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On the plus side, Hodgmans guarantee their waders and will replace them if you take them back to where you got them. I know guys that get a new pair every month or so. To me, I would rather do it right and not have to keep making the exchanges. And, in cold water, I don't like having to end my trip early to get into warm dry clothes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Costco does not stock all kinds of fishing gear on a regular basis. They get in batches and when it is sold, it is gone. I have no idea how long the Stearns waders or the price will last, but I would recommend them as a good deal. They have reinforced knees and other features that are worthwhile. The only thing I don't like are the suspenders. They are not the stretch kind, and the buckles are touchy. Other than that, they are well worth the price.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]"Tubing wadeless in cold water is good for the circulation and is the sign of a real tough guy."? No thank you. I think it is a sign that you are (A) a terminal masochist (B) cheap © trying some new form of birth control.[/#0000ff]
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3 Inch daredevil. I was hooking everything with it. I didn't switch all day. 