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[cool][#0000ff]Got my computer back up. Here are some pics from the flotilla on Saturday...featuring mikecromaine and his solo walleye. Sorry I couldn't edit the pics to make him look any better. Some of us want justice. Others want mercy.

The fish looks good and the (borrowed) Fat Cat looks kinda cool.
it's the camera's fault i am very handsome well my wife says so thanks again pat for a great trip and letting me use your tube it was a blast in fact now i want a tube well till next week laters tubedude
nice pics... i wish i coulda came, i ended up working on saturday morning.. was that the only fish caught?
Nice pics. Who was the valet? Someone did a good job of parking all those vehicles so nicely in a row[url "javascript: top.editor_iframe.addTag('laugh')"][laugh][/url].
Your is just trying to get into Heaven. And you are the cross she has to bear. Chest out, stomach in, carry on...
[cool][blue][size 2]That was the only WALLEYE brought to net. There were a couple of others hooked and lost, and quite a few "suspicious" hits.

Actually, there were probably about a dozen white bass caught, and quite a few mud cats.

As far as I know, I caught the only channel cat...a 22 incher that weighed just over 3 pounds. The morning water temp is down below 60 now and the kitties are not as active. If the water warms a bit during the day, they will sometimes move into the warmer shallows and munch some bait. After catching several sluggish mudders, I finally got the channel cat just after noon. The water had warmed up to 62.5 degrees and I was hopeful I might get to play with a couple more. Then the big W started kicking up and I kicked back to shore and went home.

[cool][blue][size 2]Hey Al, I got Mario to do that. I didn't have any "collection" work for him so I made him earn his retainer. He did a pretty good job and didn't dent any fenders.

Have you got your waders yet? There is going to be some prime action on whites and walleyes in the next month or so. There are more of both moving into the area, and when the water temp drops another five degrees, the area around the springs is going to be "fishy central". Since it will also be a "United Nations" gathering along the rocks, float tubes will rule.

Nice eye Mike. Howd he Taste?
No waders yet, I haven't been shopping for them. I did purchase another rod a reel though, lol.
I'll just post on TD's thread here. I had a great time on Sat and picked up 3 whities myself. My most successful combination was a chartruese/white roadrunner tipped with worm and a chartruese/white marabou fly about 18" to 2' up from the jig. Had one hit the fly and the others off the jig.

I marked a bunch of fish in the 4.8-5' depth, but they weren't moving much.

Congrats Mike on the walleye!

Thanks to everyone else for coming!


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