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Southern Nevada Fishing Report 11/2/04
[font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#006666][size 5][/url]Southern Nevada
[/size][/#006666][/font][font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 2][#333333]November 2, 2004[/#333333][/size] [#333333][size 2] [/size][/#333333][/font] [ul] [li][url ""]Comins Lake [/url] [li][font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#333333][size 1][url ""]Eagle Valley Reservoir [/url][/size][/#333333][/font][/font] [li][font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#333333][size 1][url ""]Echo Canyon Reservoir[/url] [/size][/#333333][/font][/font] [li][font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#333333][size 1][url ""]Lake Mead [/url][/size][/#333333][/font][/font] [li][font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#333333][size 1][url ""]Lake Mohave [/url][/size][/#333333][/font][/font] [li][font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#333333][size 1][url ""]Wayne E. Kirch Wildlife Management Area[/url] [/size][/#333333][/font][/font] [li][font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#333333][size 1][url ""]Urban Ponds[/url][/size][/#333333][/font] [/font][/li][/ul] [indent]
[/url]COMINS LAKE [indent]
Anglers who were fishing at the White Pine County lake over the weekend told NDOW that the fishing was somewhat slow, but the fish that were taken were around 19 to 20 inches. Fish are being caught in deep water near the dam and in the channel between the upper and lower lakes. Sparkle PowerBait, worms and marshmallows are catching the fish while the favorite fly has been the flashback hare’s ear nymph. [/indent]
[#990033][/url]EAGLE VALLEY RESERVOIR [/#990033] [indent]
Fair fishing for stocked rainbow trout and very cold weather are now being found at the Lincoln County lake.
Recent storms have filled the lake and runoff has caused the water to be murky. Temperatures have ranged from the 20s in the evenings to the 50s during the days. [/indent]
[#990033][/url]ECHO CANYON RESERVOIR[/#990033] [indent]
The water level has increased by 2½ feet during the past week due to recent storms. Even so, the water level continues to be very low. No anglers have been seen at the lake in recent days. [/indent]
[#990033][/url]LAKE MEAD[/#990033] [indent]
There has been virtually no change in the fishing for nearly two months as boaters continue to enjoy good success for striped bass in the Boulder Basin while shore anglers are having very little luck.
Stripers ranging from 1 to 3 pounds have been coming from the Las Vegas Wash arm of the lake where boaters are catching them with anchovies, live shad and lures that imitate shad. The good news is that many of the fish that have been caught in recent days have better body condition than was being seen several weeks ago when there was a fairly high percentage of skinny fish.
Several shore anglers have told the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) that they have had virtually no luck for stripers in recent days while fishing in the Boulder Beach area. Channel catfish have provided about the only success that has been had recently in that area.
On Monday (11/1/04) a boater caught five largemouth bass that weighed from 2 to 2½ pounds along the Callville Wall, which is located across the lake from Callville Bay Marina. The fish were taken with a black rubber worm.
NDOW creel census clerks did not see any fish over the weekend at fish cleaning stations at Echo Bay and Overton Beach. [/indent]
[#990033][/url]LAKE MOHAVE[/#990033] [indent]
Boaters who have braved the recent winds have found only mediocre
fishing for striped bass, and most of the fish that have been taken are very small. Several fish that weigh from 2 to 3 pounds were caught on the Arizona and Nevada sides of the lake recently, but most of the catch has been ranging from 8 to 13 ounces.
The water level in the lake has been low, which has been causing some problems for anglers, especially those who have been chasing rainbow trout after the weekly plants at Willow Beach. Trout are scheduled to be stocked Friday (11/5/04) at Willow Beach. [/indent]
[#990033][/url]WAYNE E. KIRCH WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA[/#990033] [indent]
NDOW stocked rainbow trout last week at Haymeadow Reservoir, making for good fishing. Some rainbows that measured from 16 to 18 inches have been caught as well.
Roads on the area are now dry following a storm that hit the area last week. Evening and early morning temperatures have been very cold. The surface temperature on the lakes is 50 degrees. [/indent]
[#990033][/url]URBAN PONDS[/#990033] [indent]
Fishing has been slowing at Las Vegas area urban ponds due to cooler weather and the fact that the most recent channel catfish plants were held two weeks ago. The next plants will occur on Tuesday, Nov. 23, when rainbow trout will be stocked.[/indent][/indent]

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