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River ????
I was checking out the stocking page and noticed they planted some brown in the East Fork of the Virgin River. Does anybody know where that is?
To get to the east fork of the Virgin you have to drive down through Panguitch and then head out like you're going to Bryce Canyon. Instead of turning to Bryce Canyon just keep going straight. It's right along that stretch just past Bryce turnoff.
I thought the Virgin river had its headwaters around Cedar Breaks between Cedar City and Panguitch in the Navaho Lake area and flows down through Zions Park to Hurricane and St. George.
The Sevier river has its headwaters around Bryce Canyon and I think the East fork of the Sevier comes through Tropic reservoir in a canyon to the west of Ruby's Inn resort outside Bryce Canyon. Acey
The Sevier river heads north and ends up going thru Yuba. The Virgin heads south and goes thru St. George. There are numerous small feeders to these waters. One head water of the Sevier is by Fish Lake and after heading south thru Otter Creek Res. heads back north.

I grew up near Fillmore and lived in Delta for 19 years before moving to Tremonton. I have lots of great memories of fishing southern Utah. We would drive to Fish Lake to ice fish in the winter. Summers brought trips to Thousand Lake Mountain near Loa, Otter Creek, Paiute, Yuba, the Beaver mountain lakes, Minersville, and the Sevier river and DMAD reservoir near Delta. My Dad liked to fish and my fondest memories of him are going fishing with him. When I was only five or six years old my Grandfather was my best friend and often took me fishing with him to Bill Blake's pond west of Meadow for bluegill. I have tried to pass it on to my kids and grandkids. Good Luck to all my BFT friends in 2005. Acey
The East fork of the Virgin river is totally different then the Virgin River. I did a search on topozone but nothing came up.

Doesn't anybody know where this river is?

The part above Bryce is the Sevier River. The two rivers that make that part of the river is Mammoth and Asay.
I discovered this little stream last year, and have fished it a few times since. It is tiny, but it does contain a good population of Brown Trout. If you keep driving south on highway 89 from Hatch, you will pass Mammoth and Asay Creek. Keep going until you go over the divide and drop down toward the town of Orderville. The fish are tough to fish for, and there is a lot of private land, but it is a decent little stream. The
The river flows into a roadless gorge, but the water levels are too low, and trout don't do very well. I fished it as soon as it looked big enough to hold trout. Good luck.
Well if it is the virgin that gose through the narrows in zion's nat. park, then i can confirm that there are browns in there. Not very big and they have been there for a while as I caugth some fly fishing when I went down there three years ago

The river that flows through Zions is the North Fork of the Virgin, and does contain a population of Brown Trout, and there are a few big ones in there. The East Fork is a different stream, the headwater being just over the divide (south on highway 89) from the confluence of Mammoth and Asay Creeks. It runs through Orderville. Hope this helps.

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