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Fish Lake Party Report w/ Pics
We got there at 7:15 a.m. and trekked out to the spot we fished most of the morning. My dad hooked into a bow just after 3 minutes with a white tube jig and sucker meat. [center][inline 1stfish.jpg][/center] [center] [/center] [left]The bite seemed a bit slow but everyone was catching fish. Here is my little bro with a few. It was his first time ice fishing and he had a blast.[/left] [left] [/left] [center][inline jakesplake.jpg][/center] [center] [/center] [left]Here is Pikeman's cousin. He seemed to hook into the best fish. ( I hope this is who i think it is....)[/left] [center][inline IMGP0180.jpg][/center] [center] [/center] [left]The fishing was a lot of fun and the weather was as good as I could expect. I was expecting a huge storm but the area was only dusted with snow the night before. The wind was low and not bad at all. I even got some sun on my pastey face![/left] [left] [/left] [left]Much thanks to Mrs. Pikeman for the great food. If you missed the get together you really missed out on some AWESOME jerky, beefsticks, cheeseballs, etc. And thanks to Pikeman and all his relatives for helping put this together and all the planning that went into it. We need to plan one of these for the spring! I'll close off with this sexy close-up! Thanks, Bigben[/left] [center][inline bowclose.jpg][/center]
Man you are killing me, I wanted to go to that so bad, but instead i got stuck at work today, i went last year and had a ball, and mrs's pikemans cookign is great. Im glad that you got into some fish, i just wish that i could have been there.
Thanks for the update on the FL party Ben, how many members showed up? WH2
Great to see and hear of the success. I hope all had a good time.
I showed up but ended having to go help a couple friends get pulled out. I can't believe what some people will do just for some sheds.

I did get to fish the rivers near antimony. All I can say is there any water mixed in with that mud coming down the East fork.
We were planning to come but both me and my son ended up sick[Sad]

Looks like you guys had a great time!
Derrick -- did you fish Kingston Canyon? We fished it on Thursday (the 17th) and did very well stripping buggers. We were catching both Bow's and Browns up to 16". I can't wait to get back over there....

We also fished FL on the 20th, and 21st. We found most of our fish suspended in about 15-20 feet of water. We caught a good number of both Bow's and Splake.
I did fish Kingston and caught only browns. My first was 19" and had deformed mouth. I'll have to post a picture of this ugly fish. All the other browns were 14-16". I didn't get any bows to hit but the water clarity wasn't all that great either.

I don't know how you feel about the work they did on this canyon but the East fork is much better. I know they did construct it differently because of higher water flows but I think they could of did something a little better. Oh I did see about 20 turkeys well below the bridge.

I did go by the East fork and what a mud hole. Well I ended up working Antimony and caught more bows then browns. I ended up looking for sheds after seeing plenty of tracks coming out one of the canyons. Didn't find anything but still nice to see some new country.

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