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Well FB2 and I arrived at Powell around 10 pm friday evening. Set up camp (if thats what you call it) at the first RV camp ground. No power, no running water, but a really nice camp ground! Camping consisted of sleeping in the boat, cooking on the boat, and cleaning up in the rest rooms(no shower there).
Sat. morning we woke up to frost all over the boat and trucks windshield. Off to the lake we headed fished south of Bull frog. Hit all the canyons and coves clear down to Iceberg. Got back just before dark. No takers for me, not even a nibble. FB2 had one on for a few secconds and it did the long line release for him. Ditto for sunday, Monday weather went somewheres else. Got cold windy and rough on the water. We once again got skunked, beat up by heavy water and in general had a blast. CBR,Mikec,bassrods, BLM,fishnate, and (dang I forgot his name)were all there and fishin hard. I'll let them tell ya how it went for them. Well we went out again on tues. Ditto nada, nilch, nothing. Oh wait FB2 caught a nice little kitty (2.5 pounder) Channel Cat for those who don't catch kittys. Weather was much improved so we went night fishing Hoooray I caught a gaint rotting skelton of a striper around 2 in the morning. Other than that zilch was the tally for Lake Powell.
The lake is still beautiful low water and all. We had a great time fishin even if the catchin wasn't so hot. Planning my next trip already, think the wife may even want to come along on the next one.
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where's the punchline?
this trip had soooo much buildup I just can't believe you didn't catch any.
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At least you had a good time, thats what its all about. I think you should count the skeleton as 1 in the boat just for the effort you made.
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No punch line D-mack, just a plain ole skunk for me! I guess that is the punch line. Now we will have to wait and see what the others did. The weather was looking up, but I had to leave. Work is work ya know.
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Hey Mike I had a great time, got to meet a couple of folks I had never met, renew old acquaintances, drink a little tequila. It was great, I don't get to any of that very often. The fishin part was truly a gaint bonus. I can't count the nasty skeletal remains as a fish buddy LMAO but it sure did make night fishin fun! CBR had much better luck that night than I did. Heres a little look at the lake, don't mind the poor quality of the pic as it was taken with a real CHEAP digital.
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That is a bath tub ring
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wouldn;t ya hate to have to scrub that one clean. LOL 100 foot is what the drop was.
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glad ya had a great time, like you said the fishing was just the iceing on the cake,,,,,,,[cool]
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glad to here you had a good time i didnt make it my nephew bailed. might try again after weather changes.
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We will certainly be making another trip this spring. Can't ever get too much therapy ya know.
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Talk about a trip that was rough for catching.
I will post a full report shortly as I just got in (a day early thanks to the nasty storm rolling in).
Totals: 7 channels, 3 Stripers. Biggest striper around 8-9 lbs.
Noone was catching fish, some here and there but they just didnt want to play.
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Posting music to an old mans ears LMAO!
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I just got back from Powell. Let's start with the trip down.
Met up Sunday afternoon with CBR and his pontoon buddy...can't remember his name...where Bangeter and I-15 meets...and I we headed south. I was following CBR's chevy van...and his almost a ranger with pontoon boats stapped on top. As we were blowing down the freeway at light speed...(60mph) I noticed the tires on his boat trailer kept tucking as the wind was hitting the pontoons, blowing the trailer sideways. Cell phone to the rescue...Heya CBR do you want to put the toons in my pickup? Your trailer is flapping in the breeze. He said no...everything is OK...about the same time the trailer tire blew out. Now loitering on the side of the freeway changing the loading the pontoon boats and batteries into my diesel Ram. Soon we were once again breaking the land world speed record...(65mph) with dreams of monster stripers flashing before our eyes. Stopped at the Wally World in Price for emergency donuts...disquised as trailer tires...and we're on our way.
We arrived at Lake only took 6 hours to reach Bullfrog but we're ready to fish. A quick camp setup, hookup and drink up and we're all set for the morning...that is if the hurricane force winds would die down.
Snuggled down in my Northface tent...warm and comfy...I kept hearing a strange flapping noise...followed by some very colorful metaphors. I finally figured out that the wind was pancaking one of the tents and the occupant was doing his own rendation of a Bullfrog Midnight rap.
Morning...and it's blowing. Now if you've ever been at Powell when a three flagger don't want to be out in the bay. I've seen houseboats go down. The forecast said the winds would lie down on we sat around, drank a round and drove around although not necessarily in that order.
Tuesday morning...the wind was down to a 1 flag blow. But at the water's edge it was down to a ripple. Launch time and the three of us went out in my Cobra. We charged over to Halls Creek and looked for smallies and stripers but no luck. Back to camp after meeting up with road and noone trolling for resident houseboat stripers. Plans were made for nocturnal fishing. But me...I sleep when it's dark.
Wednesday launched early solo...and heading over to Moki, Hanson Creek, Cedar, and back down to Halls Creek. Only got one smallie and six largemouths C&R. Headed back to see what the other's had caught and found out they'd had a slow day. Headed to the Lodge for food and back to camp so CBR and the rest of the group could prepare for another commando assault after dark.
Thursday morning...sneaked out of camp...not to disturb the night owls and headed down lake past Cottonwood and Washington and headed for the coves. Four casts...four smallies. I quit counting around forty as I was working my way back to Bullfrog. Got back about 4:30...for the catfish and striper fish fry.
Friday...the wind howled and came back with a vengence. So we packed up, loaded up and headed home.
Overall...we all had a hell of a good time. But the fall trip will be a whole lot better.
Since I'm not a computer geek and have no clue how to post pictures...I'll send them to CBR...and he can do the duty.
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[cool]Well, even though the weather sucked, at least you guys had a good time and caught a few fish. I'm hoping to be able to make that fall trip with you fellas, but we'll see how many mortgages and the like I do this summer first.
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Not sure I wanna take credit for the Chevy that Mike owns.  Piece of @#$%! jk the chevy held up like a champ and the boat was running just as good.
Man those 8lb stripers sure do put up a good fight, finessed it on a 10lb test medium for 15 minutes.
Geoff, This fall should be better. Tis the season for the top water action and calm water.
I did manage to have a hookup with a bird when I was dinking around with some top water in the late evening when I saw some surface action. A seagull swooped down and grabbed my popper and started to fly off so i gave a tug and he dropped it. 
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Interesting report BLM but what about the pictures, did you take any that you could share? You said a trip during the spawn might be the next trip, when is the spawn? Last question, did you get a new fish finder,(4800m GPS)?
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i can tell you what that truck driver was up to he was broke and a company driver like i was his company paid for the fuel and the money went in his pocket
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]WH2,[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I never broke the camera out. Fishnate, our professional photographer, took a few shots. He'll have to post a few.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font] [center][font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][url ""] ![[Image: GM4800M_large.jpg]]( [/url][/size][/black][/font][/center]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I didn't buy new a new fishfinder. I bought a console mounted GPS with full mapping and routing data and capabilities. I also bought the Navionics Hotspot map chip which shows an excellent map of Lake Powell as well as 1500 other lakes in the western US. The problem is, as with all maps of Lake Powell, the maps show the high water levels and not the current low water levels. I set a waypoint at the pick up dock at the launch and it showed it a 1/4 mile into the lake. It's a very nice grey scale unit for a budget minded boater and has all the capabilities of the more expensive color units.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]The spawn starts in May-June time period. Weather will dictate the exact time. This is the time to catch a hog. The larger fish will come in shallower, at night to spawn and that is when they are most vulnerable. Wanye Gustaveson talks about it on [/size][/black][/font][url ""][font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font][/url][font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3] .[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Aquaman,[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I knew exactly what was going on with the truck driver. I just went with the old saying "ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies". I saved $10 and I left it at that. No need to ask questions. Ethical? Not really. Can I live with myself? No problem.[/size][/black][/font]
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BLM, is that the same unit that you were using last year at Willard that you were calling a plotter?
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Nope, I was using a Lowrance LMS-350A sonar/plotter. I still got it on the boat so I guess I'm running 2 GPS plotters on the boat right now.[/size][/black][/font]