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I was always curious why some feel planer boards are necessary. I could never understand what the big deal was, then I saw some being used at Willard for the first time and now I can't believe people actually use those things!
I couldn't believe how big they were. They remind me of when I was a kid I'd go to Kings in Layton and buy a plastic toy boat to take down to Powell and drag it behind our boat with a piece of yarn tied to it. How on earth do you set the hook and battle a wiper with one of those things attached to you line?
The next thing I noticed was how wide the wing span was from a boat fishing a planer off both sides. You guys who do it are wider than an airliner. I can't imagine that its that convenient when the lake is nice and busy all day long. What happens when someone is coming the other way or you run across a tuber or pontooner. I understand the distance limit you are supposed to keep between others but how often is that followed?
I then wondered if a planer was necessary. I understand the idea is to get the lure out to the side and away from the boat, with idea that the motor is causing the fishies to run away and hide. Personally I don't think it happens, I know my flippers aren't a motor but I splash and cause all kinds of comotion when I troll in my toon and I still catch fish. Plus you guys are just trolling, not much motor comotion to start with. Has there been any studies proving that a trolling motor scares those fish off thus needing a planer?
Then why not just troll? Seems like trolling is a much less of a hasle. I can't understand trolling that much either. I fished a 100 yd section all day Saturday and caught plenty of fish, with even more fish showing up on the finder. Why travel the whole lake fishing when fishing is good across the whole lake? Just stay in one spot!
I just don't get it. I'm the type where fancy fishing techniques and trends are for the birds. Planers sound like a trend and the "thing to do because everyone else is doing it". Can someone please give me a good explanation?
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I think you have a good thought process going on there icthys. I can't give you any kind of study about planer boards, but I've used them in the past, and seem to have caught more fish while using them. It's only personal experience, so others may not feel they help. Yes you do have to swing a wide birth around others, but it isn't that difficult to do, even on a busy day out at Willard.
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The one thing it does is allows you to fish more poles with out getting tangled. If you were on the south end of willard after 3:00 it was more than likely me you saw using the side planers. ther were 3 of us in the boat using 4 poles with no tangles. and caught 6 wipers the largest going 24".
As for the increase or decrease of cathing each planer caught 2 and I caught 2 behind the boat.
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i have been expertminting with planer boards this spring,they definetly have their place.Mine are the smaller in-line style,they are about 12 inches long and very easy to use.I wont use them when there is a lot of boat traffic,as it just to hard to keep them outta the way of other boaters.One of the main reasons that i use planer's is it allows me to use two different styles for fishing at the same time.I can run a board close to shore ,looking for top feeding fish,and at the same time i can use a downrigger on the other side looking for fish that are holding deeper.
Two thing that i have found to be very true using boards.
one is that speed is very critical when using a board,to fast and its just getting dragged and it wont track.
Secondly is they are very slective about the type of lure that can be used with them.To much weight and they wont track ,boards dont like big pop-gear.To me its just another tool to help me catch fish.
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One thing they are good for is getting you lure up close to the shore line in shallow water, where the boat motor can't go. you can get more lines in the water (as stated above). I've had one for about 6 years, it works ok. you don't need to set the hook, the weight and the bobber like action will help, then when you get the board off you might want to set the hook a little more, you know fish get when they get close to a boat. hope this helps, laterchuck
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I have started using planer boards three years ago and my catch rates at Willard tripled. I have never had a problem with others crossing my lines or me crossing theirs. I think they have their place, but are not for everyone.
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I'm real interesten in using planer boards. I'm just not sure how they work.
I would like to use them at the gorge much like kokeking stated.
They have a terminator clip like a downrigger ball right ?
But when I have looked at them in sportsmans and in cabelas (on sale right now. $83.95 for a set.) I dont see any syster to attach them to the boat.
Do you just tie some fly-line backing to them and clip that to the boat /
Or do you have to purchase and mount some kind of reel system to the boat ?
It would seem a perfect way to fish shallow for kokes and bows while trolling the botton for the big guys @ the Gorge.
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Planer Boards have a definite place. They are a very versatile tool and can be rigged up a lot of diffrent ways. There are two types of planer boards. The most popular in this area are the in-line planers. The other type are double board planers and are connected to the boat to a mast(s). There are also some hybrid boards like the "otter boats" that are used like double planer boards but have keels that run under the surface. Supposedly, they are very stable and run in rough water conditions much better than the conventional and in-line boards.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]If you think in-line planers cover a wide swath, how about a 200-300 foot wide swathe with double planer boards with 5 lines connected to each side. You can run 10-12 rods from a boat easily and keep everthing organized and tangle free. One boat can cover a lot of ground looking for fish.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Obviously, planer boards were designed for use on boats that troll. They weren't designed to be used from float tubes or pontoon boats. They allow you to fish several lines from one boat and cover a wide swathe while in search for fish. Though we use planer boards on Willard Bay, which is considered a small impoundment, they were designed and developed in the great lakes area, especially for walleye fisherman where the need to search out fish is more important. [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Fisherman have adapted the use of planer boards, especially the in-lines, to fit they're needs and techniques. It was stated in an earlier post that they don't track well at higher speeds. I, and many others, routinely troll up to 5 mph, dragging boards the whole time. Granted, they may not go out as far from the boat but you still get plenty of seperation between your lines to cover a fairly wide swathe.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]The larger in-lines board can handle most all crankbaits including the large deep diving types. The added pull from the deep diver lures do effect them more. Obviously, larger pop gear may overwhelm in-line boards but I'm sure that a small or moderately sized pop gear with a Jakes type or in-line spinner would run great behind then for surface trolling rainbows. [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Don't knock'em til you've used them and had a chance to experiment and refine your presentations. They can and are a deadly bullet in your arsenal of fishing equipment.[/size][/black][/font]
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One very good thing about planer boards, is if you have a crank bait that dives to six feet deep,with thirty feet of line out,and you are targetting fish at six feet, but haven't been able to catch any fish. Then it could be that the boat is scaring them away from the lure. The planer board allows you to let out the correct amount of line to reach the depth of the fish,without the worry of wether the boat is scaring the fish or not.
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Edited by kentofnsl -- was linked to wrong post.
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Those boards are a pain in the but IMO but they catch fish so I am going to give it a try this year and keep trying until i figure out how to run them efectivly, I have a friend who runs them and has great results on rainbows, walleyes, whipers, and even kokanee. He has them down to a simple science and I definitly can see they are efective on spooked fish.
Oh yah don't poke fun at us trollers for burning up the lake going back and forth all day if a big wind every comes up at willard you may need a ride back in from one of us someday [  ] of course you may have to leave the tube there with all the contraptions they come with these days i don't know if i could fit one in my boat [  ]
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[size 1]Oh yah don't poke fun at us trollers for burning up the lake going back and forth all day if a big wind every comes up at willard you may need a ride back in from one of us someday [  ] of course you may have to leave the tube there with all the contraptions they come with these days i don't know if i could fit one in my boat [  ] [/size]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I don't think I poked fun at trollers. I "R" one, myself. I don't own a float tube or a pontoon either. Also, I'm not too worried about wind on Willard or anywhwere else. My boat can handle that kind of stuff pretty well.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]You want to learn about planer boards? I'll take you out and show you the ropes. In-lines or masted double boards? both? PM me and we'll hook up for a day on Willard.[/size][/black][/font]
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[size 1]In some parts of the country shore fishermen even use planer boards on larger rivers. One can stand on the bank of a river, and with a planer board easily fish a long ways from shore. Whether they catch more fish or not, they do allow one to easily fish four rods or more out the back while trolling. You have had success fishing one small area at Willard from a tube; however, often the wipers are tightly schooled, and when they are one must cover large areas of Willard to locate them. [/size]
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Not you BLM I was refering to itchys post from the start of the thread sorry i clicked on your post to respond because it was the last one on the thread.[cool]
[size 1]Then why not just troll? Seems like trolling is a much less of a hasle. I can't understand trolling that much either. I fished a 100 yd section all day Saturday and caught plenty of fish, with even more fish showing up on the finder. Why travel the whole lake fishing when fishing is good across the whole lake? Just stay in one spot![/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]I would be happy to learn how to run the boards and i might have to take you up on the offer! [/size]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I saw the reply was directed to me. You had me wondering! LOL!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]The offer is still open. PM me when you're ready and we'll hook up. You can give this child some tips on Kokanee fishing while we're out![/size][/black][/font]
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sounds to me like you are just [#ff0000]mad[/#ff0000] at guys with boats . i could be wrong but there as as many ways to catch fish as there are fish. i pesonaly will try anything next to a dupont spinner bait. downriggers mean control depth fishing sonar is a bonous. anything that helps out wit those wily rascals. fish on dude
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The majority of my fishing experience comes from up north on the big reservoirs and planer boards are widely used. On days when the water is like glass and I'm fishing suspended fish I always get my lines away from the boat. When you drive over suspended fish with your boat they like to scatter and this is where your boards will catch the fish. I have 3 sets of different planer boards and they are all used at different times. My mine Church Tackle boards are mainly used for shallow diving baits or live bait rigging. My most widely used ones are my Offshore boards and then I also Have a set of the regular Church Tackle boards because they work the best in really windy conditions. When trying to locate and search for walleyes I would never be with out planer boards.
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crossineye read your , other post want to know why pissed off gets edited but caught my dink dosent just wondering tube dude.
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What did I do that I need to be edited ???