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What a weekend!
Spent the friday thru monday morning at fairview canyon.What a beautiful place and with great weather it was just awesome up there.Did get some fishing in too.Hit e-lake saturday in the morning and as i was leaving fuzzy drove by my so i turned and followed him.Had a couple of hours to kill so i fished right by him.His son nailed a big fish but i will leave it to him to post it .His son was outfishing all of us ! We ahd to leave and meet my nephews at huntington and we fished there for an hour before we had to get back to camp.No bites but then again it was 2pm.Hard to get a bite there at that time.Then we fished scofield sat night and no bites but we did stay for the fireworks.Then sunday morning the rest of my nephews showed up and of to e-lake it was. I was helping 10 kids witht here rods and fish so i didnt fish to much which i didnt care as long as the kids caught fish.Fishing wasnt as fast as it normally is but then again there was a city of rvs and people there fishing.The kids loved fishing there because of the catching.Even the ones that never had catched a fish before caught some.Morning hit gooseberry and it is a nice lake have to fish it with more time next time i go.Its kinda shallow but there were fish everywhere jumping.As i headed back to camp ran into a buck on the side of the road and he wasnt going to move for me!We stood there for a couple of minutes and then he decided to walk gracefully into the wooods.It was a great weekend even if the fishing wasnt so great by e-lake standards.But the kids had fun.
[cool]Nice report, ocean. I can't wait to hit that lake (and Hunnington too) during Pioneer Day weekend. If fishing is slow at either of those two, I'll just head to my old stand by where I've never been skunked (Cottonwood Creek in Fairview Canyon). I can't wait to get up there into "Gods Country" as I call that place!
Bummer I missed you ocean. Actually, my travels(with hounds) did not include that area this time(due to other constraints), but, I hope I can hook up with you up there in the near future. Anyway, if I had showed up with my hounds, you(and possibly all of the kids) would have gotten even less catching done - there is nothing, it seems, that is so inspirational to the fish, as seeing my hounds wading out to them - Tongue first.
I dont think that they would be as bad as my lab which loves to jump in and chase my bobbers![sly] Had to kep her tied up most of the time because she also attacks lures as you are trying to cast .Havent hooked her yet but its coming.
Where were you at Scofield? Mindsoup and I went over Saturday afternoon to help her parents take down their booth. They were the metal art vendors.

We stayed for the fireworks too, but I did catch two Rainbows while we were waiting. I even caught them on Captain America Power Bait. Kinda fitting for the evening I thought. The larger of the two got tangled in the lines of the guys next to us, so I just got a good grip on the fish, and cut my line. I had on 6lb. test and the drag down as tight as I dared by the time it got close, but it still managed to get in their lines. Gave one good jump clear out of the water too. Feisty little critter. I didn't measure or weigh them, but I would guess them to be 16-17" and 18-19" and around 1.25-1.75lbs.

We were at the first pull-out towards the dam from town. In years past, I've tried the shallow beach past town, but not had much luck over there this time of year.
Web went down to scofield in the evening to watch the fireworks.The kids did fish a little with no succes.We went through town to the spot across from the island and parked there .Congrats on the bow.What exactly is cpt america bait? Rainbow color?[Tongue]
Red, White, and Blue swirled Power Bait.

Sorry we missed you up there.
Have you ever tried to convince almost 400 pounds of hound to not fight over the fish you are trying to land - before you can even get it ashore ? Fortunately, they are not retrievers - so my bobbers, lures and flies are safe - but just let them see the commotion of a fish on my line breaking the surface. Usually, I have to wait untill they are relentlessly pursueing a nap before attempting to fish.

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