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Catfishing at Lincoln Beach
I found this post on Doug Miller's forum. I edited it (it was in all caps) to make it easier to read. Not sure what to make of it:

"Utah Lake Catfish
Posted By: [url ""]Joe Swatsell[/url]
July 11, 2005 12:26 am

If you want to catch a whole bunch of catfish such as channel cats, take it from me use Charles Blood Bait in the white tub at Wal-mart. Give up the old standards, liver, shrimp, worms, carp meat. I caught so many fish on the 8th of July at Lincoln Beach that I filled 7 other stringers of 8 each nothing under 4 lbs. My arms were sore from landing so many fish. Keep the bait packed with ice around it to keep it firm. A size 6, or 8 treble hook with a nice size slip sinker, mine is 3 oz. You have got to reach that 100 to 150 foot mark out from the dike. I have such faith in this set up that if the fish are biting at all that i will be able to fish rings around anybody. Use it. It will amaze you. On the Jordan River last year I caught a 19 lb 2 oz channel, and that was a little one compared to others I have caught and lost. Use this I beg you. Your life will change as you know it. I have been using this system for almost 10 years. The fish are getting tired of the old stuff wake up. I don't have to tell you good luck because I know what will happen if you use this system. Your dreams will come true fishing...


Catfish Joe"
I read that also and saw some red flags. 3 oz sinker? Why would you need such a heavy sinker? Filling 7 stringers?

Either this person is an absolute moron or he is absolutely full of crap. Maybe he is trying to start some contraversy.
Agreed ! I read that in the post too. LOL ! A 3 oz lead for how far and a size what hook ? Probably does it with 2 pound line as well. I wonder if he was fishing for his entire extended family - that's a lot of stringers - I hope all them folks had fishing licenses. What was the Utal Lake limit on channels again ?

My first impression was this must be the local sales rep for that Charles blood bait company and need to pick up the sales quota numbers he's been missing.
[crazy] [#505000]Yarg!!! Reading that I feel like I was being sold male enhancement drugs over the internet or the latest baldness cure. I have that slimy feeling I get when talking to a used car salesman. I don't know about the rest of you but that reads a lot like an advertisment for the goop in the white tub from Wal-Mart. [/#505000]
[#505000]The bragging about a19lb 2 oz. catfish being the little one he caught last year also reeks of blood bait, and a hard sale to the gullible. [/#505000]

[#505000]I think what we are reading is a poorly crafted ad disguised as a post from the Doug Miller Forum. [/#505000]
[cool]The limit for Channels at Utah Lake is 8. I believe the Black Bullhead (mudcat) limit is 24, but I don't know where my proc is at the moment, so I'm not 100% postitive on the mudcat one.

This moron is probably a sales rep for that bloodbait crap, and his sales at wal-mart have been lagging lately so he made up that dumb post.
Stick to the basic baits! [Tongue] I have tried the stinky stuff and not even a bite! [pirate] Its just a lot of hot air![sly]
I haven't had any luck with the prepared baits (or chicken livers) either; however, I haven't given them a fair trial yet. I know of at least two fishermen who catch catfish using them on Utah Lake -- so it works for them. I couldn't keep the channels off of my line one day at Willard fishing wieners soaked in vinegar and wieners soaked in vanilla -- so I am not one to criticize too much what will and what won't work.
I totally agree! Everyone has their own methods and prefered baits of choice.I like to stick with what works for me and then try something new on occasions.
I ran into a guy not to long ago at Lincoln beach that had this exact same setup as was described. Even down to the hook size, 3oz sinker, and icing that special bait and was talking about the bait the same way. He said that he hits the beach 3 times a week. And come to think of it, he was bragging about his 19lb catfish from the Jordan River and all of the ones that he has lost that were much much bigger. He also said that right before I got there he had lost the fish of a lifetime... and all on that special magical bait.
He was a bit of a "kook." He kept talking about how education was a scam put on by the government and we don't need it because all the money we could ever want is in the internet.
Don't get me wrong, he was a really really nice guy but, not the kind that you would want to leave your kids with. [crazy] [crazy] [crazy]
[#505000]Here's the big question.... did this wierdo actually catch anything while you were there?[/#505000]
I've used those pre-fab baits at Utah Lake with moderate success. However, they never caught me any more fish than I got with shrimp or cut bait. I gave them up a while ago though because they're both more expensive and a lot stinkier than the methods I use.
Nope, he didn't catch a dang thing. I did see a few bites though. I was surprised to see the rod move at all with the weight he had on there. I also asked what tackle he was using and he had 40# Spider-Wire on heavy duty saltwater casting rods and saltwater levelwind reels!! I don't see the point of tackle that heavy, especially here. 12# line is plenty heavy for any fish in Utah. You just have to fight them with the right amount of drag and not horse them.
I worked in Alaska last summer and I have brought up, and seen brought up, many halibut from 70 to 200 pounds on 25# mono. (Contrary to what many believe, most halibut fight pretty good, sometimes you will hook into one that fights like a walleye though... like pulling in a dead log) [sly]
"he said that he hits the beach 3 times a week"

There is a reason that he gets to fish so much. His spouse/significant other probably can't stand the smell permeating from him due the "Charlies stink bait" and boots him out of the house. To preserve "domestic tranquility" and to keep the kitchen passes coming, I tend to avoid these concoctions, whether they work or not.
[black]"12# line is plenty heavy for any fish in Utah."[/black]
[black]The reason that heavier line (40# might be on the heavy side) is used in Utah for catfishing is because they are prone to wrap themselves around the bull rushes and other structure. Without the heavier line there is no way to pull them out of that cover.[/black]
That may be the case, but I have caught plenty of kitties and done just fine on my 8# magnathin. But then again, I have never caught any really big cats.
I think I may have met that guy when I was fishing Lincoln with Crystal. I totally forgot about it till now, nearly drowning that day and... other things and all.

This wierd guy came over to us and asked if I had a really big net. Well I went over where he had two poles stuck in the rocks. They both had like 60# spider wire. This guy said that he'd had this fish on all that day, all night before. And he couldn't move it! It was only like 10 feet out, so I waded out with the net and tried to scoop it up. I couldn't feel anything, so I reached down his first line. It was wedged between two rocks. So I reached the second line. Again, wedged between two rocks. This guy actually said that the fish got off again while he went to get me! Then he was saying that it must have been something prehistoric that no ones ever seen before. Yeah, right! Ah, what a doofus!
Size of cats is one issue, the other issue is where one fishes. If one fishes an area that is right next to the bull rushes the fish can immediatedly head for them. If one fishes an open area like off of the dike at Lincoln Beach, one would probably run out of line before it could reach anything (except rocks on the bottom) to wrap around. I have never had the pleasure of having it happen to me, but I have heard of people hooking cats, at Utah Lake, with line much heavier than 12 pounds and been unable to turn them before being spooled. Of course how much line one's reel holds is a factor. Channel cats are notoriously hard fighting fish.
[cool]Wow, Mc_Lennon! That guy sounds like a real nutjob! Must have been around too much agent orange in 'Nam or something. That was a funny story. Maybe I'll be him one of these trips. Sounds like he doesn't fish off the dike, eh? Must be around 3rd spring or just past it, I presume?
I met him on the dike. Two rods and all.
I have often used 3 oz sinkers and large hooks for cats. The bait I was using was anything from the mess decks, but mostly chunks of ham. I was also fishing in the Cooper River in South Carolina from a US Destroyer. The tides and currents there would be vicious but there were brackish water catfish there that were a riot to reel in. Then after you hooked them you would have to haul them up the side of the ship about 20'. I used to pull a midwatch and then after watch and before morning quarters we would fish for a few hours.

Oh one day I will spin more tales of fishing while in the Navy. There is nothing like fish tales and sea stories, and when you combine them they can be the greatest tales/stories of all.

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