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[cool][#0000ff]I have been trying to work out a meetup with Leaky (and a few other BFT members) ever since I moved back to Utah the end of July last year. This morning we ran out of excuses and got together on Mantua.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Because Leaky don't go many places without Sparky, we elected to launch over on the east side of the lake, and not at the people populated launch ramp. Good plan for Leaky and Sparky. Bad plan for TubeDude. Leaky had a light tube and one rod, and no sonar or battery. Tubedude had a heavy Super Fat Cat, five rods, sonar, battery, etc. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We had to go up over a fisherman's access ladder and then about a 1/4 mile up the road to find the first possible launch site. Then, we had to work over and through the weeds for another 1/4 mile or so until the water was deep enough to fish. The fish were mostly out another 1/4 mile or so, where the water begins to deepen from 4 or 5 feet to 15 feet or more. I am used to driving up to a launch ramp, launching and then starting to fish. What a workout. But, the worst was still to come, at take out time.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Fishing started off okay. Caught two small bass on my first three casts after launching. They were in a weedfree zone near the bank and under a tree. I didn't get anything else for the next half hour, as I plowed my way out through the weeds.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Finally got into water deep enough to hold fish and began getting assaulted by bluegills and perch on every cast...interspersed with a few pint sized largemouth. Had several sieges of over 20 fish in 20 casts. Perch ranged from 3" size (lots of them) to about 10" (not as many), with most around 6 or 7". Bluegills by the bajillions, swarmed all around my tube. I got the impression they were planning to grab me and haul me under. All I had to do was lower a jig a few feet below my rod tip and whammo.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I had a couple of largemouth about 2 pounds that worked out their own "professional release". Most of the bass were 8 to 10 inches. I did not really pursue larger bass. I had not brought any finesse stuff. The ones I got hit small jigs being tossed for the perch and bluegills.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Leaky stayed back from the point, since there were other anglers and they expressed their displeasure with Leaky having a dog in the water. SURE. RIGHT. Sparky was not a threat to their fishing. They were throwing a meal worm on a fly rod with three feet of heavy level leader. If they were catching those gullible gills on that stuff, Sparky would not have bothered them any. Leaky seemed to be bringing in a few good sized perch and some small bass. I'll let him tell his own story.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]About 11:30 the sun was getting high and so was the temperature. I got out at the far end of my swim and hiked over a mile back to the vehicle, with full regalia and a few bluegills for dinner too. It was a half hour of steady trudging, in 95 degree temps. I kept telling myself that 95 was cool compared to what I had left behind in Arizona. Didn't help much. I was whupped and sweaty by the time I got to my car. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It was great meeting up with Leaky and Sparky. But, I think the next time I will pick the launch spot.[/#0000ff]
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Man I have been trying to get myself to make that drive then I think, hell I drive to Strawberry often enough. This weekend I think I may find my way up to Mantua on my pontoon.
Thanks for the report Pat. I love those tasty gills and those bigger bulls are fun to play with on ultra light gear.
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I can tell that you are still alive, you got me wore out with just your story and pictures, all very good great story.
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[cool][#0000ff]You will be happy to know that all greenies were kissed tenderly and sent back to grew some. Didn't see anybody connect to any real toads.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water temp was 77 degrees and lots of clumps of dead algae floating on the top. I'm guessing that there might be some nighttime topwater on tap soon. The little tykes were going airborne chasing dragonflies and damselflies. They are fun to watch.[/#0000ff]
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[cool][#0000ff]Be advised that there are signs around the lake telling folks that the lake is closed for a Mantua special celebration on Saturday 7/16. They have mowed the weeds and graded the road all around the lake, so it must be something special.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]For what it is worth, while I was waiting for Leaky, I watched a couple of kids hauling in nice sized bluegills and a couple of dandy perch casting only a few feet out from the sandy bank next to the launch ramp. That was working on me as I hiked the "Bataan Death March" just to get launched...and the "Trail of Tears" back to my car. Ain't no need for a lot of drivin' or a fancy launch site. Just dump in at the ramp, go out into a corridor between the weeds and start playin'.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]By the way, I caught 90% of my fish on light gear, with 4# line. Some of those slab gills actually took some line off the drag. Yeeee Hawww![/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Use small plastics in greens, browns and motoroil. I actually couldn't find anything they wouldn't hit, but the larger fish responded to those colors best. Cast and retrieve, vertical jig or dropshot.[/#0000ff]
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Finally got access to te computer. Been helping the grandson apply to Americorps.
Tube tells a fine story, doesn't he? Pretty accurate too. It was dissappointing not to be able to fish the "good" spot though because of my "friends" on the bank. It does present a problem for me though. I don't go fishing without Sparky and if I have that kind of problem in my favorite area it leaves me with a tough choice. They are always there in that spot just about every day. Oh well, there are other lakes. That was the first time he supposedly bothered anyone. Can't really fault them too much, they have a right to their solitude, ------, I guess.
All in all, it was a bad day at "Black Rock". [unsure] After the situation with my friends, I moved back into the bay to do a little drop shotting. Not what I wanted to do but----. Tube eventually came down the road with his gear strapped to his forehead, all hot and sweaty, and I opted to take some more pics. Well I did this and supposedly put my camera away and went back to fishing. A few minutes latter I saw my digital in it's case laying on my lapt in water. Well, all the pics are gone and the camera is reuined. I had enough, ----------------, went home. Dang, ratzofratsincablubbers!!!!!
Hey tube, I caught bigger bass and bigger perch anyway. Na, na, n, na, na. My home turf, right? I lost a good size un just about the same place we put ing and you got your firs two. I lie a lot, too.[ ]
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[cool][#0000ff]Wow, Leaky, that's a bummer about the camera. It was probably ruined after you shot the pics of me anyway. That's why I keep my camera on a stretch cord around my neck. Makes it handier to take pics when you need to, and helps prevent giving the camera a bath. As long as you stay dry, so does the camera.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]About the bass thing. I didn't wanna hurt your feelings so I shook off most of the bigger bass I hooked. Of course I landed several "lake monsters" but I avoided telling you about it. See...I'm a fisherman and I can make 'em up too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I DID enjoy meeting you and Sparky. Too bad some folks just don't understand about a man and his best friend. I'm glad Sparky is feeling better. At least he seemed like he was up for any kind of play, and he did some serious swimming. It's good that dogs don't seem to be bothered by swimmers' itch.[/#0000ff]
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[#505000]Hey Pat, if you're interested I know a little nearly deserted lake just chuck full of Blue Gill and rarely a fellow fisherman to be seen, it's a great little tubing lake, and it's only a 2.5 mile hike. You got any plans next week??? [] Hahahahahahahahahaha[/#505000]
[#505000]By the way the front page BFT Comic seems to have a little extra meaning today after reading your report.[/#505000]
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Hey leaky, that's really too bad about those fellow fisherfolks. I really don't think they have any idea that he really doesn't scare the fish away. Some people are ignorant. The camera thing kinda bites as well.
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Well i probably am about to make some one upset, but i quess i'll take the chance. There are two things i really value in my life. 1 is time spent with my family and 2 is time spent doing the things i enjoy. Many times have i been fishing in one of my favorite spots when along came another angler or recreationist that in one way or another infringed on my space. I am one of those fisherman that really don't like rubbing shoulders if i don't know you and especially get irritated by some that don't take the consideration of those around them into account. I'm not saying that any of this is the case in this situation although there are always two sides to every story. For one reason or another they felt that they needed to speak up, and some just don't share the same interests that other do. Although i have been crowded many times by others and in my opinion felt they were disrespecting my time and space. I had situation recently were i woke up at 3:00 in the morning gathered my stuff together ariived on site before first light located the perfect spot, started having the perfect fishing day, when along came a group with a dogs, young kids and everything screaming and yelling. the dog felt inclined to investigate me and my gear several times, without the master really intervining, finally iritated enough to leave I felt the moment was lost. I feel they were entitled to thier moment as well but i didn't think they had taken mine into consideration either. A couple of rules i live by. Respect the fishery ( Haul it in, Haul it out, Ect.) Respect others. (Big lake, give them space!, Ect.) Anyway i'm sure there are others that disagree and others that feel the same.
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I got up this morning more rested and a better outlook on life, reread my post and saw that I left off the most important happenings!!!!!![shocked] First - I got to meet up with the Dude, "finally". Only regret there - didn't get a chance to kick back and yak a little. Second - Sparky is fully recovered.[ ] He was all over me at 6am this morning while I was still in bed saying give me attention and let's go! Third - I did bring back a mess of farily good size perch for eating! Yum.[ ] Would have preferred some decent size bass with C and R but, Oh well.
Anyone have any suggestions where Sparky and I could go with my tube and not get into trouble with people like my "friends", send me a pm or something. There is one major difference between the Dude and me, besides my age, and he's already hinted at it. I travel light while he's all decked out with lots and lots of "stuff", so Sparky and I can walk a pretty good distance as evidenced by our excursions on the Nr. end of Jordanelle, so feel free to describe areas that intail a little work. Dude - keep up the good fight of researching and reporting results to us, ok? Thus, one of the reasons for all the equip,, right?
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[cool][#0000ff]I guess us old guys bounce back quickly. I was in pretty fine form myself this morning, considering the unaccustomed jaunt yesterday.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just for the record, I go forth with "ample" gear not just to impress people or to create more things to write about. I take a range of rods and lures simply because it gives me more options and opportunities.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I sometimes challenge myself by "getting back to basics". I take only one rod and a limited number of lures, and leave the sonar at home. That forces me to return to my natural knowledge and wits and to concentrate on making the best use of what I have. It is interesting "retraining" but it also reinforces the appreciation I have for my sonar and for having an assortment of tackle from which to choose. I feel blind when forced to fish without my underwater eyes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As you observed, I normally go afloat with five rods, ranging from stout baitcasting to ultralight spinning. I sometimes take a fairywand (flyrod) in place of one of the other rods. I love it when somebody asks why I go out with five rods. It gives me the chance to say that it is because I don't have enough rod holders for six...or seven, etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We recently had a thread running where everyone bragged about how many rods they had, and what kind, etc. I have a bunch, and I use them the right times and places. Some folks get by with one "fishin' pole". That is fine, FOR THEM. Some folks just do not have the exposure, the experience or the basic skills to appreciate the differences in action or feel in different rods, and how to apply them to different fishing situations. It is not much different than golf. If you are not a good golfer, it makes little difference to you what club you use. On the other hand, if you wanna win tournaments, you have to know every club in your bag and where and when to use it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I sometimes enjoy "downshifting" and using only one rod for a full day of fishing. However, part of the enjoys I get out of fishing is to try to figure out what approach it is going to take and then selecting the right matchup of rod, reel, line, lure, cast, retrieve, etc. I love it when a plan comes together.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Oh yeah, tell Sparky I "got his back". Ain't no redneck farmers gonna give Sparky no stuff while I'm around (even if they do own the land). Not sure if I told you, but I went ashore after you went back in the bay and I "splained" the situration to those two old boys. When they saw my size and my "sincerity", they were somewhat apologetic.[/#0000ff]
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Somehow I get the feeling that there is more to "splained" then meets the eye, Pat! [ ]
We're not gonna hear about this on the six o'clock news are we? lol
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[cool][#0000ff]Bwa-Ha-Ha! They'll never find the no media coverage. Bwa-Ha-Ha.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]By the way Kevin, would you like to try some new catfish bait?[/#0000ff]
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Ha ha. Those stinking losers probably wouldn't go over too well with the nice kittys at Utah Lake...maybe carp would eat your new "secret" recipe bait. I'll stick to carp and white bass meat thank you very much. And if anyone asks, you never said anything about it to me...[sly][crazy][ ]
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Yep, you mentioned it and I do appreciate it. I'm still in a personnel quandry though. At the time, I decided to be courteous and leave the area and still believe that was the best thing to do. I does bring up some interesting issues though. Can my "friends" legally insist that I take my dog away if he isn't doing anything but standing/wading in the water next to them, etc.? Also, What about next time? From your conversation, does it sound like I'm going to have the same problem with thm when I see em. Probably so, thus end of fishing there with Sparky.
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[cool][#0000ff]Leaky, my friend, life is full of choices and decisions. I personally try to avoid confrontations and giving offense. Until Sparky learns to avoid other anglers (who might not appreciate his charming qualities), you really should choose your fishing spots carefully, and do your best to watch that he does not get too "friendly" with others. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Legally, they cannot force you to do anything. But, they are perfectly within their rights to "bark at you" for allowing an unleashed and animated animal to infringe upon their own peace and tranquility. They were there first, and enjoying their own brand of fishing. I suppose I might be inclined to be miffed if an uncontrolled animal showed up and splashed through my fishing hole too. It doesn't matter that he really did nothing to affect their fishing. They continued catching their bluegills without any letup, in spite of Sparky coming ashore to make friends with them. The point is that their perception was that he was spoiling their private little spot, whether he did or not.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The trouble is that there ain't many places you can go and take Sparky without the risk of some people being offended by having him either in the water or checking out their location. He is naturally curious and likes to play. Not all folks appreciate that and most will tell you what to do with your dog. You can get a lot of free advice that way.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Nope. Some people might not mind, but a lot of people simply do not appreciate unleashed dogs. There are more than a few people who are actually afraid of dogs...even friendly Sparkies. Those are all things you have to consider and then make your own decisions.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The final thing to think about...and it is REAL. There are more and more "sportsmen" who now go armed everywhere they go. Some of them are real nut cases who shoot first and ask questions later. It is just possible that Sparky could encounter one of them and get into trouble that you couldn't help him with. Might even get into trouble yourself. Better to not risk that kinda thing. Sad state of affairs, but that is the world we live in today.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck.[/#0000ff]
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Sounds like everyone had a good time so it was a good day. Have always wondered how much stuff Tubedude was willing to pack in and how far? More then me. It is nice once it is all there though. Leaky someone shot my neighbors dog while not on a leash and he was told it was his own fault. All the other people had to say was they felt "threatened" by the dog. Yea right. I don't mind people or dogs but I do mind people with no control of their animal and don't even try. That doesn't sound like you or your dog though. I also feel if the dog was there first it has every right to be there as I do. People don't like my kids throwing rocks but if we were there first then tough my kids have right too. If someone is fishing already we just don't throw rocks. Just my 2 cents. Glad your dog is feeling better.
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I have never heard of this place.... Where is it?
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Directions are on The Utah Fishing Holes forum.