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Fish Nicaragua
I'll be hosting two trips to Nicaragua this coming year. One in Feb. and the other in April. Plans are to go tarpon and snook fishing in the jungle on the San Juan river. I've made over nine trips to Nicaragua over the past four years. This trip is only of anglers looking for a real adventure travel fishing trip. Cost around $1,550.00.
Hay TVDan,
Great to have a celebrity on board! My understanding is them Nicaragua fishing trips are some of the best fishing trips around. Would love to join you but, It is beyond my financial resorces at this time. Are the Nicaragua trips catch and release ? If your trip is late April then you might be able to come down to the Texas coast and join us in the festivitys of the First BFT Gettogether At Port Aransas, Texas. Dates and info are posted on the Texas board.
Again Welcome Aboard !!!
please e-mail info about your upcoming fishing events in Texas. Most of my family lives in Texas. Thanks,
[font "CommercialScript BT"][size 5]Hi Dan,[/size][/font] [center][cool] [font "Monotype Corsiva"][size 4]welcome to the team [/size][/font][Smile][/center]

It is a rarity when we get to see your show up here in Michigan, usually only clips.

Are you going to be filming this trip for your show as well? I will be chipping a hole in the ice with the kids around that time in Feb. and on the river with the kids chasing trout in April.

I will be looking forward to reviewing your report and any pictures you care to share with us relating to this trip. It sounds like a great trip, and with all the folks I hear talking about wanting to go after them tarpons, I bet your roster will fill up fast.

Just wondering how many folks are you planning to take with you on this trip?

Again welcome to our newest and most famous Moderator...
Thanks for the kind words. I plan on taking a group of eight anglers, no more then ten max.
Hello Dan,

Which trip typically produces the better Tarpon Feb. or April? If I rember correctly last year you were thinking about working in some hunting while you were there as well, will you be this year? Are you planning on filming and airing these trips?

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
Fishing is good on both trps, but weather is nicer in Feb. We can hunt if we wish. I might be filming, not sure right now.
You fly from LA, Houston, or Miami
Hello Dan
Seems than our " San Juan " is getting Famous...
I am Philippe the owner of San Carlos Sportfishing.. make three years than I operate the San Juan River with my Professional Sportfishing boat.
... I am building a lodge there now...
I am very surprised of your Posting as we never met you there??? as wel on the office of Marena for the fishing permit or on the river?
Where are you been fishing The upper Rio san Juan or down river? after Castillo?

I also have a question where are your boats? Will you rent them? witch kind of boats are you planning to use? as apart mine and the one of my two Friends/competitor there is no other boat there?

Wish to be in touch with you
Philippe Tisseaux.
Will be glad to exchange infos with you , you are welcome to E mail me at
Hope you had a Merry Christmas Wish you a Happy New year...

Thanks for your long comments... Sorry for my poor english I do the best I can but even if I have been living long in USA .. as you know I am French...

No much answers , Many question in your article, ( Your answer to my post...) , some strange statement...a bit of everything, aparently i scared you on that day sorry about that..., a mixt concerning Nicaragua.. why do you not talk also of our mountains trouts..? ..why do you talk of San Juan Del Sur..then of Pearl lagoon, then San Juan Del Norte, then Pearl LAGOON??? You are right there is water then fish ( May be I should say Fish then water? ) in these places but they are totally diferent from each other...far away from Each other ..with diferent For Infos I have been fishing almost all these places. so far I limit my action on San Juan River as it is impossible to be good everywhere..

A few fact to Answer you:

1) Concerning Filming I remember this Problem ... Of this local boat Trolling and Trolling close to mine around Saballo whitch i guess belong to my friend Augustin from Monte Cristo..( We had a drink last week in Saballo..) and filming as we had Fish on ... So it was you and your camera man filming , a "professional team "!!! Well of course than I did not like that because As long as I know when you are filming people with insistance in an area where there is You and them YOU SHOULD ASK PERMISSION FIRST... I call that Consideration, Respect, real Professionalism... I think it will be corect than you apologise for the mistake you did.

2) "[size 1]I was told by the Goverment of Nicaragua that you don't have papers to fish in Nicaraguan waters " . I figure you write that because You wish to work with me and you want to be shure.. ? No problem you can relax this is totally untrue, It is just the contrary I am totally alowed to fish in San Juan River Water, and Nicaragua Great Lake, with all the necessary permit etc.. .All the authority know that.. MEANWHILE What you wrote in a public board make me in the obligation to ask you What " Government of Nicaragua" you are refering to? I feel confident than as a responsible person you are going to tell me who said that? and be shure than I am going to imidiately be in contact with the local authority, of MARENA, NAVIGATION, ARMY.[/size]

3) COSTA RICAN FLAG ON MY BOATS... People do not like it... what are you talking about...? Do you really know the situation and History of San Juan River ? ... I am probably one of the most involve person acting in order than the past problem to be forgotten.. Everyone around San Juan River , Government, People, Influent persons know that... Same Please give name because so far I only have friends and many on San Juan River, we are welcome everywhere... one of these days you should come with me...

NOTE For a person organising trips all over the world You seem to be very sensitive concerning Nationalism...( French etc.. ) We do not so much on San Juan River...I am born in france, Lived in Africa, Argentina, The Caribean St Barth, St Martin Then USA MANY YEAR iN FLORIDA, COSTA RICA THEN NICARAGUA where I own land, the boat you saw is registered in Costa Rica, My Licensed captain Abraham is from Nicaragua, Some other crew are from Costa Rica, My Guests are generally from USA. You see I do not ask for your citisenship , Being french or not is it so important...From all my diferent residence I learn than everywhere you go, you meet Nice or Negative people...You and I wont change that...

4) The positive point is than you really seem to like San Juan River, fine we have something in Common.. this is really a good point... Tell me in all your trip how has been your fishing specifically in the area between San Carlos and El Castillo? How many tarpon did you release, size.. What about the snook?

5) To come back on your final statement concerning filming ... [size 1]Maybe next time a guy waves at you with a camerman aboard you'll be alittle bit nicer to him. But then you are French. I wish you much luck and have a very merry Christmas and if I can help you please ask. Maybe one day I can film a show at your new resort. [/size]

[size 1]Thank you , really thank you [/size][size 1]I may consider your offer, but ask before OK? ... Also I would like to see the quality of your work, I know , Sportfishing Magazine, Florida sportsmen Magasine, Voyages de peche...I feel sorry So far I never heard about you or your work...I ask some friends guides in Central America same, in USA same, To some of my many Anglers friends in Texas same??? ... [/size]

[size 1]We definitely should know each other better ...[/size]

[size 1]As a conclusion.. I will be glad to help If you wish accurate infos on San Juan River, ( I am also very egoiste, It is my interest than your guests have good time , they will speak well of the area where I am Investing my money , if your trips are a failure they will talk bad of San Juan River .. bad for me.. ) For Example do not write thing totally wrong as I saw in one of your post than " fishing condition on San juan River are the same in February and April.. There is only a change of weather??? " Totally wrong In spanish we say Nada que ver....en Francais 'rien a voir" In English : Sorry I cannot find the words... Also do not say than I am Fishing in the rapids of El Castillo ??? who will do that? please, please do not do it with your guest[/size]

[size 1]Well if you wish to establish a serious collaboration with me for your fishing trip no problem will see for a French man I am really " Open Mind" and like to speak straight.[/size]

[size 1]Best Regards[/size]

[size 1]Philippe.[/size]
Sorry I do not understand??
I am Philippe , the french guy who catch tarpon on San Juan River...
Do you want me to take care of organisation of this Trip?
I have many guest in February... but If you wish I can check how I can accomodate your guests in one of my groups.. Lodging can be in my place or at Monte cristo no problem, I know Augustin very well
What I wish is E mail to each of these person before the trip in order I can talk with them about what they wish...because as you know i do not want anybody to be disapointed in my trip this is why I am Sucessfull i really want people to get what they expect.
Best Regards
Anyway I sugest you E MAIL ME AT

Hey Dan,

Looks like your first week as a moderator was an exciting one! ha ha ha I love your Saturday show and would not miss it for the world. I was watching it way back 4 or 5 years ago when sometimes the audio would be lost repeatedly for 10 or 15 seconds at a time, shots of empty trash cans, and a visual of how it must have looked on the Posedian before she finally rolled over.

To you and your staff's credit, not only is your show a joy to watch but it is a pleasure to know a local guy has got the right stuff to represent us and some of the great fishing possible here in Southern California.

Hope to see you at the Fred Hall show.

a.k.a. tsurikichi (means fishing crazy in Japanese)

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