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How much did you pay for gas?
[center][mad][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Here in California the price of gas is going out of sight. Just like our home prices. What did you pay for gas this week?[/size][/green][/font][/center]
I am paying more than I can afford
"I tell you watt"
I am spending the same on gas per week as I have the last 5 years. now I can only get to the store and back and no where else can I go..... if this keeps going the way it is I wont be able to get to the store and back.....
i just paid 2.52 on sat.yor right dave,pritty soon i will be walking.around here we are starting to see more and more boats,and campers in poeples front yards for sale,some are good deals,but it will just sit in my yard if i bought one because i couldnt pay to run them,at the marina we fish out of gas is 3.27 gallon,
And here i thought that i was paying to much, i pay $2.23 a gallon, but most of my miles are put on my work truck who the company buys the gas, so i only have to buy for the whole 10 mile round trip commute.
[center][mad][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Paid $2.91 per gal yesterday. Sure to hit $3.00 within a week or two.[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 4]Maybe I can switch to bee power![/size][/#008000][/font][/center] [center][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 4][/size][/#008000][/font][/center] [center]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=11692;][/center]
I paid $3.09 at a marina, and bought 33 gallons. [shocked]
today I had to cash in my kids collage fund to go to the gas station and back.

I am realy looking forward to making the trip to the gas station and back next week, for this trip I will be cashing in my doughters dowrie....

I dont mean to sound heartless, I would take a morgage out on the house to go to the gas station and back if it werent for the fact I did that last week.[Tongue]

Well, next week if I want to fill up I'm gonna have to sell off my firstborn and only son. Maybe I'll do it on ebay.[Tongue][shocked]
$2.55 last time I bought gas in CT. (self serve)[pirate]
$2.57 Along NJ TPK. (Full Serve)[pirate]
$2.54 to 2.65 in Sussex County DE[pirate]
$2.58 in New Castle County, DE[pirate]
$2.77 in NYC[pirate]
[center][Sad][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]My local gas station raised it's prices Monday morning 10 cents to $3.03.9 /gal. Went to another station down the road [same brand] and paid $2.87.9/gal.Wouldn't it be nice that when the owners of the first station went to the super market to buy milk they found the price had just been doubled.[/size][/green][/font][/center]
$2.56 here in utah, but you make a point, gas is still cheeper then milk in most places and milk is a renewabale resource, crazy. personally i think that the prices on both need to be cut in half
I'm not paying enough yet , why ?

because , so far i haven't been asked for a co-signer or credit refrences to fill up the lawn mower , that may change by next week .

the local gas station / resturant is booting out the resturant part of the business and putting in a pawn shop .
go ahead , laugh , i bet they would make a fortune !

the new pick up line on the singles schene is " i got gas ". put a splash of 98 octane on as aftershave and your getting lucky tonight as long as your not a smoker .

the new gasprices are just what we needed to get to know our neighbors . i just wish they wern't comming over late at night with a length of garden hose and a gas can .

if your running low on funds you can hit the furniture store , man they got dosens of couches there to dig for change in .

you guys think it's too early to come out with "designer rowboat oars" ?

you know , just for fun , when i see a hummer at the gas station fuling up , well i like pulling up next to the guy and asking him what kinda milage he gets with it . the look on their face is just priceless !
At least I can still drive my car to go and get some gas. I could live in New Orleans where I would have to use my boat to go try to find some clean water and a loaf of bread for my family. I still have lots to be thankful for. Things could be much worse.
I am guilty of making light of this situation. but I can proudly say help is on the way. Michigan is heading a national minimum wage hike demand to help the working poor.

send your letters to your state heads and sway them to pass this.... so our working poor can once again go fishing.....
I can remember when gas prices sky rocketted from 29 cents per gallon to a dollar a gallon...

nixon was in office and was charged with creating an oil imbargo in conection with watergate. (had to do with illegal campain fund raisings) the next gas spike Regan was in office and rose and did not drop till bush seinor stepped our of office. so is it any wonder that the gas prices spiked when Bush Jr stepped in to office? Not realy....

read these reports from the consumer watch dogs. the are finaly reporting what I have been saying for the last 30 years.

I have an oil refinery with in six miles of my house, we have thousands of oil wells in michigan that have not been pumping since Bush took office. they are owned by the michigan department of natural resorces and pays for our sporting activities, not our tax dollars....

here it is... let me know if after reading this you still beleive that the oil companies are not gouging our pockets. 7 states including michigan is seeking leagle action against the oil companies for price gouging in guise of disaster and devistation, and what was the excuse for the gouging before the disasters?

this is an instring read.... a real eye opener...

Got Gas? Stop Oil Company Gouging! [url ""][/url]
Read about [url ""]FTCR's recent report on high gas prices[/url] and [url ""]other examples of oil industry profiteering.[/url] The California Attorney General has now announced an investigation into oil company gouging.
Oil companies need to be restrained. [url ""]Call on President Bush[/url] to freeze gas prices. [url ""][Image: ft_takeActionRed.gif][/url][url ""][Image: ft_tellFriendRed.gif][/url]
LOL, you should see me chew out a democrat when they screw up [sly]

Beleive this or not, I am republican and have been my whole life. I have changed my veiws on some things when I became affected directly do to inept pratices and poor judgments by those I have chose to lead my government.

I call them like I see them.

as for there being a law for charging what ever you want for your product, there is a law agianst it. the governer of michigan as I mentioned in an earlier post called up the oil companies and demanded a 60 decrease in price emediatly or she was going to turn on the oil pumps again in michigan.

we have a number of poeple here in michigan going to jail for gouging. breaking both state and federal antitrust laws.

here is a little know fact, the oil companies of this country made more bottom line proffits in the last physical quater than they did during the whole decade of the 1960's

when you talk about futures you know what happens when the laws of suply and demand are broken? when shortages are created by embargos, when you cut back on production and create a demand. Grandholm chalanged that law of product and demand by the mear threat of putting crude oil on the market. with in a few days our gas prices dropped 60 cents on the gallon.

there is a lot to be learned from this not just how bad our government is running national defence, it opens up a great big o'l heman can of rotten worms.

as fare as a national defence why is 1/4 of the refineries sitting in one generalized area? stupid if you asked me. why are people building homes below sea level? stupid if you ask me. Why deploy our major military force over sease and shut down bases here in the home land? stupid if you ask me, Why did we have to wait 3 days to get helicopters from canada and ready to eat meals from mexico for a natural disaster affected area? dosnt matter which polotical partisin is holding office... It reminded me of this kid who I worked with in a machiein shop, just because his machien was on automatic pilot he thought he could sleep on the job. I took pictures of him sleeping on the job drewl runing out of his mouth while humping my bumper for in some cases less money and fixing the parts he screwed up.

you talk about welfare there are all kinds, keeping some one on the job when they are clearly not doing their job is welfare too.... I couldnt tell you the number of times I was called at my home and gotten out of bed to come in and fix his screwups.

I strongly beleive that if you dont agree with something your government dose you should speak out, you are part of that government prossess and it is your responcibility to do so.... if I look the other way because it is my political partisin then that would make me guilty of sleeping on the job......

remember this the next time you look at the deductions on your pay check, theis people work for you, and you pay their wages befor you feed your own kids and put a roof over thier heads.
[size 4][green][font "Poor Richard"][cool][black][size 3]I am well aware of the obscene profits being generated by the oil companies. However, I do not think that price controls are the answer. Seems to me that price controls were implemented back in the 70’s with disastrous results. [/size][/black][/font][/green][/size][font "Poor Richard"][black][size 3]Disrupting supply and demand the determining of market prices through the dynamic interaction of supply and demand is the basic building block of economics. Consumer preferences for a product determine how much of it they will buy at any given price. Consumers will purchase more of a product as its price declines, all else being equal. Firms, in turn, decide how much they are willing to supply at different prices. In
general, if consumers appear willing to pay higher prices for
a product, then more manufacturers will try to produce the
product, will increase their production capacity, and will
conduct research to improve the product. Thus, higher
expected prices lead to an increased supply of goods. This
dynamic interaction produces an equilibrium market price;
when buyers and sellers transact freely, the price that results
causes the quantity demanded by consumers to exactly
equal the supply produced by sellers.
But when government adopts a price control, it defines
the market price of a product and forces all, or a large percentage, of transactions to take place at that price instead
of the equilibrium price set through the interaction between
supply and demand. Since supply and demand shift constantly
in response to tastes and costs, but the government price will change only after a lengthy political process, the government price will effectively never be an equilibrium price. This means that the government price will be either too high or too low.
When the price is too high, there is an excessive amountof the product for sale compared to what people want.
Personally I don’t think that they should rebuild New Orleans. It would be another disaster waiting to happen. Maybe not today or tomorrow but sometime again in the future. Mother nature doesn’t respect boundary lines, walls or levies. Here in California people build homes on the sides of cliffs using caissons to support their homes hanging on the edge. When their house collapses in an earthquake they are quick to place blame on someone else for their misfortune and want to be reimburse for their losses. I am willing to help people out in time a crisis but am not willing to buy them a house when they have been on welfare all their lives.
I guess we agree on some things and not on others. That is what is great about this country. We have the right to voice our opinion without the threat of reprisal.
By the way I do e-mail my legislator when I disagree with their views and voting stance.
Until next time, stay well my friend


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