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Does anyone know how long it will take to clear out all the moss in the water at strawberry? Will it sink or just dissapate? That green goo moss in the water is a real pain. We realized that when we didn't get bites it was because there were weeds or moss on our tube or jig. Also, my fishing buddy did not work well with all that stuff in the water. It was not giving accurate depth readouts and I didn't trust the fish id's either. Did anyone else have that problem? What adjustments can be made on the fishing buddy to improve the readout?
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i was up there yesterday with my toon and i didn't have any problems with the fish finder working. or with getting the moss on my jigs either. maybe i was just lucky
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The moss is thicker in some area's than others. I've had good luck fishing the thick stuff in the past. I had the same problem last year with my fishin buddy not working well when the water is think with goo. I found that turning down the gain (which lowers the sensativity) helps. To do that (I had the 2250 unit) you hold down the button with the fish on it (the one that turns the small, medium, and large fish symbols on and off) for about 8-10 seconds. Then a number will appear on the top middle of the screen between 0-30 and lower it down to 5 or less and that should help some. Good luck!
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Fishing the green goo (floating moss) as always been red hot for me. That moss puts a green tint on your lures and line though. As far as the weeds go, if you can find the openings in the beds of weeds on the bottom. You''ll catch some big fish. If your not getting hung once in awhile you are not were the big fish are.
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Thanks for the tip. I will try turning down the gain and see what happens. How long does the green wave stick around? I really hate how it builds up on the line.
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If your talking about how the moss builds up on the line as you troll, try putting a BB split shot or smaller up the line about a foot or so the moss will build up at the shot. later chuck