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[black]It would be great if more people would start posting on BFT Idaho. I'm sure there are a few lurkers out there reading this. I hope you register a user name and introduce yourself. We can all benefit if more people start posting on BFT Idaho. The better stuff if exchanged through PMs (personal messages) anyway. I haven't posted much since mid July because I haven’t fished much since early summer. I've been too busy scouting and hunting but that has already started to change.[/black]
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[black]If any of you regulars have some ideas about how we can get more people to participate in the Idaho board that would be great.[/black]
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[black]It would be great if a few of you lurkers would register a username (it only costs you a couple minutes of your time)[/black]
[black]Here's a link.[/black]
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[url ""][/url][size 2][black] [url ""] ![[Image: newuser.gif]]( [/url][size 1] [/size][/black][/size]
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[black]Once you have registered a username reply to this thread with a short introduction. You can find out some info about people that are already members by clicking their username. [/black]
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[black]Once your a member you can send and receive PMs (personal messages). Some great information is shared through personal messages. I can't speak for everyone that posts here but I give more and better details through the PMs to those that have been registered and posting on BFT when compared to someone that I meet on the lake, store or one-time posters.[/black]
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[black]As a member you can share as much or little info as you like. It is also a great way to meet people to fish with. I didn't join BFT to meet people to fish with but have found that fishing with different people is a great way to learn new things.[/black]
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Hi I am Windriver. I teach history at Madison High School in Rexburg. I love to exchange information on BFT or in PMs. We can all be better fishermen if we learn from each other. I look forward to meeting more of you in the future, maybe we can meet at a central location for some ice fishing this winter.
I would like to second Brian ID's invitation to register and share on the board.
Even if you are registered and contribute regularly add to this post and just check in for a second so we can see if you are still around.
Happy Thanksgiving!! and Good Fishing!!
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Hi all!
I agree this board needs some more activity! So I thought I would introduce myself. I don't live in Idaho but I fish in your great state. I live in Lehi, Utah but my family owns a cabin in Island Park near Macks inn. So I get up there about twice a year to fish Island Park res, Henry's Lake, and Henry's Fork. Its an amazing area and I love to be up there. I keep tabs on the Idaho board weekly and chime in every now and then but you'll usually find me on the Utah board where there is something new to read every ten minutes. I wish we could get the Idaho board to be like that cause there is some amazing fishing in Idaho!
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Great topic Brian...
My name is Pat Quinn and I am the co-moderator of this board. I would like to thank all of you for your contributions to this board and the site. Yes, it would be great to see it grow into something more like the Utah board but give it time and get the word out.
About me: Well I live in Utah but I weekend southern Idaho/ northern Utah quite frequently. As you may have seen from my reports, Bear Lake is my primary fishing grounds but I plan to expand that into the lower regions of Idaho. Work wise, I am an electrician and Fire alarm tech. and I have worked around the marine industry as well. I have been with BFT for a number of years....originally as the name "boatless" then as my current "fish1on"
If there is anything that you may ever need from me in the way of suggestions, critique, complaints, compliments, or help with the board in general please feel free to ask. You can contact me via a post, pm, or private email provided in my user profile.
Thanks again gang, and get the word out about our little place in the massive internet world.
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Hello, my name is jeff michel I live in Paris, Idaho 18 miles from the marina on bear lake. So naturally Bear lake is my main stompin grounds been fishing there with good success for the last 18 years. I also fish Flaming gorge, Pali  es, Jackson lake mainly. I fish out of a 20' custom weld cobra se blue in color. I love to downrig this is about all I do until the water gets hard. I go by the nick name of Bodine which I picked up at work a long time ago. I personally know the Idaho boards humble moderator fish1on. He's a great guy and can be alot of help. I'll try to post up here on the Idaho board more often cause there is alot of great fishing in Idaho.
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Hello everybody
I am Fight4not otherwise known as Dave. I am studying up here at BYU-idaho in Rexburg. I am originally from California but I have been up here since about 02 I love it and I love the fishing, I would never go back to California. I love to fly fish the local rivers. Last year I was introduced to ice fishing and love it. I was hooked just as easy as the fish are. [  ] I also like to take the tube out when I get the chance. If anyone wants to go out sometime let me know.
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Thought I should put this where belongs ....
[size 1]I have just started fishing again this year after a 20 yr hiatus. I grew up in Southern Utah so all I knew how to catch were dinky planter trout, big catfish and of course the occasional carp and bluegill. I had no Idea that all these different species were so near me. I thought most of them were either up north or back east.
I've met a few of the fellas on the Utah board and wouldn't mind meeting a few on this board. Maybe even hooking up for a little fishin'. I think I will give ice fishing a shot this winter. Maybe I can figure out this jiggin' thing! lol
I'm about 12 miles out of Montpelier and 35 miles from Preston .... at the bottom of Imigration Pass. [/size]
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It is nice to see so many resposes to this post. Hopefully some new members will sign up a reply as well. If any of you would like to meet up on the ice send me a PM sometime this winter. I didn't really introduce myself but if you click on my user ID (BrianID) found just above the fish icone on the left side of this post you can read a little about me.
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My name is Max. I grew up in Montpelier but reside now in Cache Valley Utah. I fish mainly Bear Lake. This is the first time I have checked the Idaho board in a long time so I thought I would put in my 2 cents worth. Hope to meet some on you guys soon.
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Hi All
I have been missing from the board and posting since I think the start of the summer. According to my wife I have been fishing way to much. I keep telling her it's my job but not sure she is buying into that one much even though I do it for a job. I guide on several of the lakes Henry's, Sheridan and IP Res. I live in Rexburg and full time therapist. However, in the summer I do more fishing than working
I also tie flies and build fly rods during the winter. Have to keep my mind on the game I keep telling my wife. Not sure she buys that one either. She hasn't beat me yet so maybe I'm safe.
If I can help the Idaho board and its members be happy to do so. This year we were so swamped that I didn't have time to post much with any fishing reports. I hope to get a lap top this coming year so I can use some time when I'm at the fly shop to write some posts etc.
Just holler if I can help
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I hope you stop in and check out the Idaho board more often. Even though the Idaho board doesn't have near as much traffic as the Utah board it has been steadily growing.
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My name is Darren, I am the younger yet smarter brother of active BFT member BigCat. I am proud to say I am the one responsible for introducing him to the site that he is now addicted to, (for which his wife is still pissed at me). I just graduated from the Univiersity of Utah Physical Therapy school and have moved to southeast Colorado to work. As my brother said we have a cabin in I.P. and get up there a few times a year. If I had one day to do anything that's where I would be kicking around in my tube. I have not been posting much recently due to school overload, but now that I am done I hope to be more active. Since there really isn't much trout fishing where I live, I tend to live my trout fishing experiences vicariously through all of you. Tight lines to all.
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Hello Fellow BFT'ers,
I usually check out the forum everyday and occasionally feel like I have something to offer. There are some very avid posters on this board and it is a great resource for time when you can't actually be "out" fishing. Sometimes, we fisherman have to give our spouses the love and attention that they deserve. Hopefully, we can keep some sort of balance between our family life and our craving to be fishing all the time. I spend 95% of my time float tubing the waters of SouthEast Idaho, Montana, etc. Another 5% of my time trying to jig fish or dip a line in the icy waters of winter. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
[url ""][/url]
Check out our float tubing website and forum!
Over the years I have tried to be helpful to others in fishing Henrys Lake especially. This past summer I quit giving information on the net because of the crowding I got while trying to guide on Henrys. One day while fishing off Targhee Creek, I could hit four boats casting my fly. When I would find a new pocket of fish for my clients to fish, it would only be a day or two before I was being crowded there. When I retire totally from guiding, I will be a lot more helpful. This past summer I became very  and close-mouthed for three weeks due to inconsiderate fishermen.
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I hear ya' Bill[mad] That's the trouble we have as posters when we "Hot Spot" anything. I appreciate all your knowledge on Henrys and other lakes in the area. I know I wasn't in one of those four boats. What happened to fishing courteousy?
[url ""][/url]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Bsflies,[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]IMO no one at BFT should expect you to give them the exact location you are fishing. But it would be ok if you want to send me the GPS coordinates.[  ] [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Sometimes it won't hurt much to give an exact location but other times I find it being a little more vague is better.[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I know exactly how you feel about other anglers crowding you at Henry’s. A few months ago I unnecessarily rambled on about how anglers need to give each other more space at Henry’s. I’m sure that post made me look a little to easy to aggravate [mad] but at least it made me feel better to get it out. [  ] [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]When someone gets within 50 yards of where I’m fishing at Henry’s I like to loudly make a comment to whomever I’m fishing with that “the other guys sure are close to where we are fishing”. Most of the time these guys get the hint. When I can see when someone is going to be trolling too close to were I’m fishing I will often make a long cast out in front of where they are about to troll which will often give them a good enough hint that they are going to be trolling to close to me. I’ve thought about taking my sturgeon rod with me and attaching a pound of lead and a treble hook and casting it over top of anyone’s line that invades my fishing space but I think the risks outway the benifits[pirate] I just have to remind my self that most of these guys don’t realize they are invading my fishing space so subtle hints work better. [/size][/font][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I just have a hard time understanding why other fishermen think the way to find a good place to fish is to go right next to where someone else is fishing. I guess some guys don't care about having room to breath when they go fishing.
Looks like I unnecessarily rambled on again but at least I feel a little better.[  ][/size][/font]
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Too bad some other fishermen have no respect for a little space. Kinda ruins it, especially with clients. I for one really miss your reports. [  ] Not because I need to know what part of the lake you are fishing; but because I miss the pictures of those big beautiful fish!!! ]. Now that the season is over can you throw us a bone so we can all drool a little and show us a few pictures from the 2005 highlight reel!!!! Please!
I still haven't caught a fish my last 5 trips to Henry's Lake. I gotta get that skunk off my back. Must not be holding my mouth quite right.......[  ]
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Hi, I'm Kent Johnson and I live in Richmond, Utah. Even though I live close to all you folks in Idaho, I rarely fish your beautiful waters. My main interest in the idaho board is just to learn all of the good techniques I can about fishing and If I can, share a couple of my own with you. I have found it best to report on my fishing successes sometime after the fact and never be to specific in location. If someone wants more specifics they can send PM. BFT is a great site and I hope you can gain as much from the site as I have. Best wishes to all of you.
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I experienced that the first time i moved to Utah and fished at Porcupine. I let one guy come fish by me and he invited the rest of the lake over too. Never forgot that and never gave out to much info after that.
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hi my names is darin michel i live in logan and am extremely new to bft. but if my name is familiar it's because bodine11 is my older brother. got to say some of my best fishing has been with him up on bear lake but i enjoy ice fishing the local waters as well. I'll try and keep posting and enjoy seeing the reports i've seen on here