American Shad (not related to the trout family)
[size 3][#30308f]Physical Characteristics
[/#30308f][/size]The American shad has a deeply compressed body with a row of dark spots on its side. Shad are dark blue above, silver below, and have a deeply forked tail. Consistent with all members of the herring family, shad have no lateral line or adipose fin.
![[Image: MESS3307CustomImage1307150.jpg]](
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Female Steal head (related to the trout family)[/size]
![[Image: Lake_Herring_36433_7.jpg]](
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long jaw cisco [#ff0000]"[/#ff0000][#ff0000]extinct"[/#ff0000] (related to the trout family)[/size]
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adult female
adult male
![[Image: malesh.jpg]](
[size 1][/size] Importance[/url]
Steelhead trout are an important component of California´s diverse wildlife heritage. They are a good indicator of the health of aquatic systems because they use all portions of a river system, and require cool, clean water. Steelhead are a sport fish, with about 100,000 steelhead anglers throughout the state. If the current population of steelhead in California were to double, the state's economy from fishing revenue would increase by an estimated 37.5 million dollars. [center]----------------------------[/center] [center][url ""]old news[/url][/center] [left]San Diego Trout is actively pursuing its dinosaur hunt--by attempting to locate native San Diego Coastal Rainbow Trout (those not polluted by hatchery genes in any way)--by searching for stranded populations of "pure strain" fish. Research by Greenwood and Pottorff, with corroboration from hikers, [url ""][#0000ff]seasoned flyfishers/pioneers[/#0000ff][/url], and [url ""][#0000ff]Indians[/#0000ff][/url] have provided the impetus for a pack trip into hidden corners of San Diego's back country. The US Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Department of Fish and Game, and the National Marine Fisheries Service anxiously await the results. View the historical chain for this [url ""][#0000ff]dinosaur hunt[/#0000ff][/url]. [/left] [left]If fish are found, and if they are "pure" Southern Steelhead, or, if there are no fish, or if they are not pure, expeditions will return during the Spring rains to intercept the run of smolting fish from our other known, albeit impure, populations of fish (there were no rains or runs this year), and, those fish will be taken to [url ""][#0000ff]Hubbs (Sea World) Institute[/#0000ff][/url], where they will be raised in grow out pens, graciously made available by Mr. Don Kent (who is a major architect of Southern California's recovering White Sea Bass, Halibut, and Salmon Fisheries). The San Diego County Fish and Wildlife Commission, a partner of San Diego Trout, has partnered with Hubbs Research Institute and has approved the purchase of a chiller/pump to nurture these fish. Hopefully, subject to permits, these fish will become the broodstock of our restoration efforts. [/left] [left]Click here for a comprehensive look at [url ""][#606420]the plan.[/#606420][/url]