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Planer board suggestions
I'm planing on getting the boat set up for Willard Bay. Spring is just around the corner and i cant weight to hit the water. I'm thinking about building a planer board mast or using my downrigger to run my planer board. I'm looking for ideas can anyone help?
I think you are looking for something more than this, but I have had a lot of luck with the Off-Shore Tackle planers that attach right on your line. You just release the pinch pads when you retrieve, or, with bigger fish, they pop off the line. I can run at least 4 rods out the back of the boat with this setup.
I've tried the off-shore planers and I don't like having them attached right to my line. I'm looking for something that the boards can be fixed to and have my line release with out having to reel in the planer board first. But thanks for the INFO.
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 3] I use Planer boards on Willard bay myself, I have the Walleye Boards but they are pretty much the same thing. As for connecting to your line, mine just attach directly to my line. [/size][/red][/font]
[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3] I have used a downrigger to deploy them and they work just fine, I really think that it is a matter of preference. I have seen a lot of different methods used, but I like to attach directly to the line. Just my 2 cents worth.[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3]AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
Thanks for your INFO. I don't know about you but I can't waight to get out on the water. I'm ready for ice off.
The kind your looking for are made by Willie and I think Big John makes some. Riveria used to. The bigger boards are more popular back east. They use them on the great lakes alot.
I know of a website they are available on but don't want to step on toes here by suggesting you visit another site for a purchase.
I'll try to PM you the website name.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]If you plan on doing the mast/planer board thing, there are lots of companies that make just what you are after. Big Jon, Offshore Tackle's Rivera Boards and Cannon make everything thing you need.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Big Jon has a good write up of in-line planers, which you don't want and full scale planer boards. Here's the link:[/size][/black][/font]

[url ""][/url]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]They also make the Otter boat that looks like it has some advantages over the typical dual planer boards especially in snotty conditions when it's fairly easy to flip a board. Here's a pic of one.[/size][/black][/font]

[Image: webOTTBOAT1.JPG]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Another thing to think about are releases. You'll need a variety for the different species you'll be targeting. Buy lots of them so you don't have to reel in your boards too often. Just throw on another release. Just be aware that if you hook a fish and the release doesn't release, you'll drag that fish a long ways without knowing its caught.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]There are guys on Willard who use masts set ups. I think there are a few guys on this board that use them. You can let them out a ways put a lot of rods out and cover a big swathe or run them closer in for just a couple rods. You may have to invest in a rod holder bar to manage all the rods if you want to fish 4 rods a side is you've got a few guys on the boat! [/size][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Each system, in-line planers and msat set ups have their upsides and diSadvantages. You just have to decide, like you have done, what you want to live with and what you aren't willing to. Good Luck! Planer boards are a very effective tool trolling.[/size][/font]
Planers are a great tool but they have some problems too. If your in open territory they are great but when you become a boat that is 200' wide that can be a real problem for other boats and yourself. You can't turn on a dime.
The inline planers I have used are good for about 50'. Thats just about right.

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