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Got a kick out of this:
(Do you think it was a state record?)
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I wonder if he played catch and release?
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Chaplaski had originally thought his net had snagged on the bottom, but something began pulling his 150-ton boat backward, causing it to shake violently. He released the brakes on the steel wire attached to the net and twin 1,000-pound doors that keep the net open. That prevented the boat from capsizing.
I would imagine that it would shake with the screw (propeller for you land lubbers) going forward and the boat going backward. I remember when the destroyer I was on was in rough seas and the ship would stop with the screw driving forward. Thought the thing would shake apart.
This man is so lucky that he had the sense of what to do in a emergency. Me I might just panic. Those subs just pop up anyplace they would like so it is understandable that he would be supprised when this incident took place.
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[cool][#0000ff]I think that if I were the skipper I would probably be hearing the theme music from Jaws. Da Dum. Da Dum.[/#0000ff]
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Honestly, I wonder what his first thought was? Can you imagine what he must of thought when his big boat began to be pulled backward? Unless he was aware of possible subs in the area, he must of thought of stuff like giant seamonsters or the possibility that he'd just snagged a whale or something.
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If it was a yellow submarine I'd be scared! hahaha
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he ended up getting compesated from the navy.. [url ""][/url] there are alot of close calls out on the sound with the subs,last year there was almost a colision with a sub and the block island ferry,in the fog the main reason was the ferrys radio wasn't working properly,he couldn't hear the sub.the coast gaurd boats got there just in time to warn the ferry
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it makes a man wonder why a public fairy would leave port with a non working comunication system.
or is that not one of the items required on a boat that is open to comercial use?
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thier radios are in constant use.eirlier in the day we could here the ferry,then all was quiet from him.i think it was a common electronic issue is working then it isn,t.after this insident we didn't see the boat out the rest of the day.the trip from new london to block island is 2 1/2 hrs one way
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that would make sence, if the boat lost comunications it would be dry docked. what else suprizes me is that none of the boat opperators have cell phones.
I would hate to think that the captian shut off comunications for part of the trip, and more horrifying egnoring comunica'.
systme failures do happen and it is scary when you think of all the probabilities that can happen. even something as simple as a radio failure. the slitest thing can mean life or death when dealing with macheins.
I remember the first space shuttle blow up and the cause was 30 cents worth of rubber "O ring" on a fuel loshage that failed during a freek frost freeze in southern florida.
dont like to think that a captian or fleet owner would put personal proplems or financial cituations above the safty of paytrons. but that too happens as well.
I dont know if you heard about the fairy that capsized in new york a short time ago loaded down with retired tourest. Aperently they had no insurance to cover the axident. A whole boat load of people died, the insurance comapny from florida backed out stating they would not back the insodent.
I mean there is just so much not right about that situation. we know the states do check to see that the boats are insured before they are licensed for business. the insurance company said that they defrauded the fairy company. dosnt this mean that now tha insurance company is now liable for not only the axident and other leagle and civil law suits which would in event lead to liquidation of the insurance company.
I am just scratcing my head on this one. to me it sounds like an insurance company is trying to dodge a bullet by claiming fraud on thier part.
mean while thirth plus families here in michigan who had parrents and grandparents on that fairy had to come up with funds for funeral services including having them shipped back from NY.
I am glad in this particular case all turned out well.