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Attached is a link to the attack on fishing organized by our foes. Please follow the link and read what is happening in our backyard right under our noses. I would like to see some great participation from my fellow utahns on this matter. This is distrubing to me and should be to anyone else who values there fishing opportunity and rights.
[url ""][/url]
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It is amazing how all of the PETA type portray themselves as so educated yet they are so naive.[laugh]
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Personally they drive me insane. If you don't like me fishing..........DON'T WATCH
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This subject really gets me fired up. It is crazy how many times PETA has been involved in the releasing of non native animals into a environment so they can supposedly save them from cruelty. Say Mink for example. 80% starve within 120 days of being released and they are tough little critters. A number of non native fish have also been added to waters. If only they really cared about the environment and the ecosystem. They really just seem to like confrontation and attention. I have yet to talk to one PETA affiliate that had any common sense. They have all been sons and daughters of wealthy families who are idealistic and only put a burden on society as a whole. I am completely for decency to animals and proper care of Nature. I don't however think that trying to control killing of any animal a humane thing. Nature has it's way of controling things and if managed properly so does the educated sportsman.
We need to standup for oour rights.
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[cool] Let's start a movement for no size restrictions, no slot limits and unlimited harvest...ON PETA MEMBERS. Just be sure to properly dispose of them so you don't get fined for hazardous waste violations.
Like others on this forum, I am amazed at what the pseudo intellectuals believe as fact, just because it is pounded into them in their evangelical revival meetings. None of them can explain what they are claiming as basic truths...most notably that lower order creatures like fish have essentially the same nervous systems as mammals. They fail biology 101.
Kinda makes you wonder what kind of lives these people live (exist) that they have to find some fanatical cause to promote, regardless of whose basic rights they trample upon. I'd druther just go fishin'.
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That [url ""][/url] site is [size 1]outrageous[/size]! I can't even comment on it without using four letter words, so I won't.
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I think a small army of paintballers could take care of that sign in a matter of minutes![/size][/font]
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hehe, Do I hear Covert Ops here BLM (with the Mission Impossible theme playing in my head)[sly]
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Salad is a side dish, always has been....always will be. Afterall doesn't lettuce have feelings too? The IFG has been know to be full of sh$$, but I garuntee this, I care more for the animals of this planet and actually do something about them than all the morons who try to "save" them combined. I guess it's easier to throw paint on rich people with fur coats than to frezze your butt off in a duck swamp taking water samples to make sure PCB levels are below FDA standards. Remember what the IFG always says "Eating meat is instinct, eating plants is by choice."
P.S. If animals eat other animals, are they evil too?
Save the Chubb!
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Hey BLM I"ve got the guns & ammo, Hair triger, itchey finger too!! Now they"ve gone an done it:: Thats right, time to Lock & Load[pirate].
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[size 3]I checked with the main source (The Creator) and found this:[/size]
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[size 3][#ff0000]“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the foul of the air, and over the cattle, and over the earth…” Genesis 1:26 [/#ff0000][/size]
[size 3][#ff0000] [/#ff0000][/size]
[#ff0000][size 3]“Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent.” Matthew 7:9-10[/size][/#ff0000]
[size 3][#ff0000] [/#ff0000][/size]
[#ff0000][size 3]“And when he (Jesus Christ) had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all. And they did all eat and they were filled.” Mark 6:41-42[/size][/#ff0000]
[size 3][#ff0000] [/#ff0000][/size]
[#ff0000][size 3]“…Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.” Luke 5:5-6[/size][/#ff0000]
[size 3][#ff0000] [/#ff0000][/size]
[size 3][#ff0000]“Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart; Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul. And it pleaseth God that he have given all these things unto man; for unto this end were they made to be used, with judgment, not to excess….” [/#ff0000][/size]
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[size 3][#ff0000]Should I go on and on and on? [/#ff0000][/size]
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It seems that I have seen this marketing scheme in the making for over a year now. We (here) all know that the proposed bill board isn't going to cause fishermens brains to go warm, soft, and fuzzy and "repent of our horendous acts". In my opinion this is totally aimed at non-fishers who they hope will rise up and cause trouble politically, emotionally, environmentally, etc. and compell us to stop fishing. The question remains how do we respond? The NRA has a great machine battling anti-gunners but fishermen need a machine now to do some battle for us. These kooks are gaining some momentum and it must be checked. Anyone have some ideas or channels to go through. Fishing is an American way of life kooks aren't.
I just had an idea spawned somewhat by the cover of the fishing proclaimation. A great response to PETA is to take a kid (2 - 100+ yrs) fishing. We know how infectious it is to hook up feel the fight and finally see and touch our fish. PETA can't touch that kind of excitement with their depressing message.
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that makes me pretty mad. I think I can arrange that. paintball armies are my specalty. i have plenty of freind being my age that would love to go vandalize something like that. you just give me the word when we depart,lol.
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]FB2:[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I know as much as it would feel good to go wipe out that sign, we would be worse than them by resorting to vandalism. Bottom line, that is wrong. They are well within there constiutional rights to voice an opinion whether we agree with it or not. You really want to make a difference? [/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]SET THE EXAMPLE. Be a sportsman that people can be proud of. Go the extra mile to do the right things in our circle. Make non-fisherpeople have respect for you whether they agree with your views or not. Persuade people through your actions and reasonable views that what you do is right.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]GET INVOLVED! Join a conservation club that fights against Peta's views in a lawful manner. There are many organizations that are actively fighting these clueless morons. Become an active member in one of these organizations. I'm sure there are guys here who can give you specific groups to get involved with if you're interested.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]There are many ways to fight this type of hype. The silly, unacceptable method I described is the worst way to fight this. You look as stupid as someone who throws paint on fur coats and puts up signs about hooking your dog. The best thing you can do is something constructive. Many of us, including myself, whine a lot but actually do very little. Get out there and do something but do the right thing. JMHO....[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3] [/size][/font]
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BearLakeMack is right!! comeimg from So. call where PETA has a strong hold on most every thing sportsmen do and how law is afected.. they have alot of money and the ears of policel higher up's.. the one thing we have is numbers in our favor for it is the voters that count in the end.. so if you want to combat this kind of thing you have to let all of government know that we are the stronger of the two and we spend over 200 billion a year as sportsmen.. do you think that PETA puts that much into the economy?? [mad] from the fuzzyfisher
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your right BLM the last thing I would like to do would be to show that they are better than us. I will call off the troops. I would actually be intersted in some groups and organizations that fight peta legally.
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hey x
long time no hear.
I read an article one time (when the Mad Cow disease was making headlines), and it states that the presedent would really like to see that disease come to this country. I guess that he would rather see cattle dying in a wasteful and disease ridden mannor.
oh well... I guess that explains their train of thought. until they decide to crawl under the rock that they came from I'll enjoy a juicy steak alongside my fishing hole. :>
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peta's are just freaks
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Hey Kent,
You are correct it is a year old. But the effect is still there. It angered almost everyone on this forum, tha is good, second they are in Utah and doing things. I wanted everyone to know about it. Now its our job to do somethin about it.