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Utah Lake Provo Airport Dike Report 5/10/06
Took off for lunch time (12:00 to 1:00) and went down to the provo airport dike to try and cast for some white bass. I was also going to try soaking worms for mudcats and channels, but I left the dang @#$%^ worms in the fridge at work!

Anyway, we got down there and set up casting 1/4 to 1/8 oz. curly tail grubs, in chartreuse and orange, into an open area about 1/2 mile to 3/4 mile past where the pavement ends. Didn't have any takers the whole time. I did manage to lose 2 jigs and a spinner to the rocks there though!

My buddy also tried a silver castmaster, some Panther Martin spinners and no luck either. The water didn't feel too cold, but I didn't have a way to measure it. It was a nice sunny, not too hot day to be out though.

I took some pictures of the lake, but I won't be able to upload them till I get home tonight, so I'll add them then.

I'm still kicking myself for forgetting the worms!

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