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Villa Derby Results May 20-21, 2006
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Just got back from the Villa Derby. Had a great time and talked with a lot of people. I wore my BFT shirt today at the awards, but didn't run into any members. Good to see and talk with Jared, his father, and Gary. Also saw Mike Flores , his Father-in-law & Jeff. The fishing was kind of slow, but we caught lots of kokes. I'd like to see other reports. Let me know how you did. I'll post pictures later on.
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Hey Fishonlynch, we were in 3rd for kokeanee for most of the weekend until the end or the Derby. My girlfriend caught it and she was so excited. We were team 194 and everytime they annouced the standings we had to shut-up and listen. It was stressfull but alot of fun and a little disapointing to get knocked out at the end.
We went to the derb. We had 1st.and 2nd on the macks with a 30 and a 28lber but we got the bump. we also got over 20 kokes to the boat but thay all wade around 2lbs or so. I didnt keep track of the bows but we got are share of them. all in all it was a great weekend of fishing on the gorge.
TheMachine, Sounds like you guys did better than us. We caught lots of kokanee, but not any big ones. We mostly fish the farm house to the pipeline both days. Found the koke's between 17 & 25 ft. Trolled 1.5 - 2.2 mph gps speed. We used Shasta tackle & apex lures. It was good getting away from the city & relaxing at the Gorge. We will be heading back for the Buckboard Derby. I will post pictures soon. Did you guys take any pictures. Thanks for the report. Travis
Wow a brown almost ten lbs ,that would of been one nice fish.The only thing that I dont like about the Villa derby is that they include the kokanee as a catagorey. I would like to see them take it out like they do in the buckboard derby.It just puts way to much pressure on the kokes.I did hear that they did away with total team poundage and that does help some.
Tim, When have they taken the Kokes out of the Buckboard Derby category? It's the small mack's that are hurting the kokes, not the derby's. Travis
Nofish, Sounds like you slayed them. wow, some big macks. Where did you fish ? Did you take any pictures ? Great report. Thanks........

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For the last two years that i have fished the buckboard derby,they have taken the kokes out of it has a catagorey,what they did before that i dont know.I agree somewhat about the macks doing most of the damage,kokes have become their main food source.My point about the villa derby is that with 300 teams in a derby and say over 60% or more of those teams are catching kokanee,it sure puts a lot of pressure on them over a short time span.
The Kokanees are still in a category as a species in the Buckboard Derby. They were taken out of total pounds 2 years ago. Buckboard still has a total lbs category and I don't think The thrilla in Manila at the villa has ever had total pounds. Just my thoughts. Two browns close to or over 10 lbs in the last 3 weeks out of FG, Mark Davis from Green River caught an 11 lb 5 ounce 2 weeks ago. Pretty exciting stuff coming from the big pond.

ok, I stand corrected.
the macks came out of spring creek and we got the kokes up by the ranch. My friend had the camra and he did get some pitchers Iwill ask and see if he will send some up.Jarred how did you fair?
Thanks for the report . That sounds like a sweet brown to be catching .
yea i caught a 4.3 pound rainbow that would of won the rainbow contest if i caught it a day later.i caught it on friday at 7;00 p.m.and fished the same place saturday without catching nothing.but good weekend at the gorge alot of fish ,kokes were biting good.i pretty much caught all species but cat fish,but none of them were any thing worth weighing.but my 4 year old son and third partner of our team won the youngest fisherman award,and gave him a huge squirt gun that he still brags about,good trip it was fun,

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