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What a weekend
I guess if I don't have a fly rod in my hand, I have my club (bass) and no guys this isn't a Large Mouth or A Small mouth, it's just a five string.
It was my Birthday the 4th and we played at a Biker Bar. Had a blast, that is the bar I am standing on (and the guy behind me in the red is there to catch me if I fall, MY HERO!
[Image: Joni2.jpg]
Nice Bass, I had an chance to buy one like it about 6 months ago but I passed it up. I play for a band called "The Draft" and at one time I owned my own indy label and all ages club. I prefer the standard 4 string since I play alot of slap bass. Nice to see another bassist here.
Happy belated birthday to you Joni[Smile]
Nice Bass, I had an chance to buy one like it about 6 months ago but I passed it up. I play for a band called "The Draft" and at one time I owned my own indy label and all ages club. I prefer the standard 4 string since I play alot of slap bass. Nice to see another bassist here. [/reply]
I agree that the 4 string is nicer and I probably should have got one and just put a hip-shot on it. Funny you say slap bass, that is why I bought the 5. We were doing a lot of Funk and Disco when I bought the bass and that low "B" came in handy, now it is Black Sabbath and that "B" is great there also.
Yeah I agree the low B would be nice and I love the runble you can get out of one. I hardly ever use standard tunings as it is, but the costs of being in a band or at least being in mine are growing with the looming studio time and cd cost. I dont think I could swing one now. Luckily I can screen print and such so we wont have to pay a terrible amount for shirts and we are possible going to do a 1 week tour in December.

My dream is to have an upright bass but I think even that in our style would be iffy.
[center][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hey there Joni - forgot to deliver your birthday cake. [southern style] Hope that you had a Happy one.[/size][/green][/font]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=16570;][/center]
Thanks hun, I am sure I had two or three for you[cool]
Nice bass, that's the Ergodyne right? How does that Luthite body sound compared to wood? I am just too big a four string fan to ever switch to the low B. Like my man Victor Wooten says "Just my four strings and me."

I've had those "standing on the bar, making bass faces" nights. Only I wasn't lucky enough that someone was there with a camera. Or maybe I was lucky that noone had a camera.[Wink]
It is, Discman. Don't notice a difference in the sound, but big difference in the weight.
I do wish often that it was a 4 string, would make life easier. But, it keeps me sober and on my toes[Wink]
I am suprised my clothes were still on in this picture (B-day you know and lottsa tequila[pirate])
can ya come over and do my birthday?

Happy Birthday belated...

Looks like I missed out on one wild night....

Its official, we can honestly say there isnt a bass you cant string along....[angelic]
MMMMM.....48ish? Well, Happy Birthday! (Two cases = 48...)

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