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Pruess Lake (Garrison Reservoir)
Has anyone fished this lake? It is past Delta, almost to Nevada.It is the only lake in Utah (that I know of) that contains Sacramento Perch (like a crappie on steroids!). I want to go there but its a long way without having any info on it.
[cool][#0000ff]I had a trip planned earlier in the summer, but weather cancelled it...for the time being. I have put it forward to a fall trip. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have done some pretty extensive research on it though. It does have sacramento perch, channel cats, largemouths and carpkind. Probably a few other stray species yet to be determined. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There is good road access near the northern (dam) end. However, some of the best fishing is supposed to be near the southern (inlet) end. The only problem for tubers (like me) is that the inlet end is supposed to be lots of yucky mud.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The lake was hit hard by the drought, but is evidently deep enough that a good fish population survived and is making a rebound with the higher water the past two years. Plain old crawlers work for the perch as well as the other species. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][Image: sacramentoperch.jpg][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I caught quite a few Sacramento perch while living in California on small lures designed for crappies...tubes and twisters. They get to be 4-5 pounds and are both good fighters and good eating. I have been anxious to see how big the perch in Pruess are, and how they respond to some of my lures.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The distance down there pretty much makes that an expensive proposition (gas cost) for a day trip. I had planned to make a stop at DMAD, in Delta, for another exploratory, and then continue to Pruess the next morning. There are also some trout creeks across the Nevada border nearby, in the mountains. Also lots of history and a couple of mining museums in the area. Might make for a nice two or three day excursion.[/#0000ff]
Thanks for the info T.D. I'm wondering if I can get my 12' tin boat in there.Also, I think Great Basin National Park is just across the border,so at least that would be a good place to catch some trout and some scenary.
[cool][#0000ff]From what I have heard there is not an improved ramp, but there is driveup access at the north end. Should be easy to launch your tin cabin cruiser.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let me know if you plan a trip and maybe we can gang up on them.[/#0000ff]
Sounds great!I'm thinking sometime in the fall or next spring.
Waldocod you need to get back to work, just because it's the beginning of the new production year you think you can slack off?[Tongue]
Packfan...This is all your fault!You got me hooked up on this site[sly]
[Image: 2004-08-11_5640_RAW.jpg]
Another Pic of Pruess lake in the drought years.
I grew up in that area & will be on vac. in a few days for a couple weeks. Will be in that area for a bit. If I get a chance I'm gonna run out to my father in laws grave just south of there a few miles. Time permitting I'll spend a while at Pruess bank fishing. If anything develops I'll post about it. He--, might as well post if nothing happens as well. Could save somebody some high priced gas.
[cool][#0000ff]I was hoping you might chime in. Didn't you used to fish that lake in earlier times? I know things are probably a lot different now, but anything you can share would be helpful.[/#0000ff]
For the time being i venture out there every 2 weeks, i am trying to get the boss to let me fish the lake. There is alot to see and do, i can only vouch for the baker area though, but there is fossil hunting, archelogical sites, Leman caves (take the tour the caves are awesome) If you want to camp stay in the leman caves campground, there are small streams in the campgrounds that hold small populations of fish. The great basin national park is right in baker.

There is lots of other stuff to do, But gas up at delta, you can get gas in baker and at the border inn but it is $.10-.15 more per gallon. Take lots and lots of water, it is hot and dry out there and you can easily become exhausted (i know from experience)

The drive is 90 minutes from delta... if you average 75-80MPH, it is long and boring, the most exciting thing is seeing the sevier lake bed, man that would be awesome to see the masive lake full of water, there are supposed to be wild horses out there, but i have yet to see them. watch out for cops on the road they drive white trucks, you wont know they are cops till its to late.

If i get to fish the lake i will post it up, i have a feeling i may get to, the boss came to me and said "next time you go to boulder take your fishing pole we are going to fish some of the lakes" to which i replied, "sounds good, you should come to baker with me and we can chase the sacramento perch" he sounded like he liked the idea
Used to fish it in the early 1950's. In the spring you could catch a whole washtub full of those perch in just a few hours. We called 'em crappies at the time. That is until I learned more about them & how they got there in the first place.
So, how DID they get there in the first place? I'm curious.

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