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Heading to the creek tomorrow to do some shrimping
OK, all you shrimp lovers, i'm heading to the creek tomorrow to try my luck. I'm not baiting or anything like that. I'm doing it the old fashion way, from the hill with a cast net at low tide.

I've seen alot of people bait shrimp in my time, including myself. And I've always found that shrimp caught with out baiting has a better flavor than those that were caught while baiting.

I think that the bait itself affects the flavor of the shrimp. It can be down right Yucky if not cleaned properly. I can taste it now fellas, can't yall? A few pounds of fresh caught creek shrimp boiling in a bath of Old Bay Seasoning? I just want to drive to my parents house and smack my momma that sounds so good. And wash it down with a cold Yuengling? Oh man, momma better watch out. LOL [Tongue]

I'm curious how many of you actually de-vain the shrimp before you cook it. LOL, I never have, I always headed them and that's it. Nasty eh? [unimpressed] I never noticed. Have any of you SAVVY shrimpers found an easy way to de-vain shrimp? Something fast and easy that wouldn't take all day to do?
The shrimp are there, but they are smaller than I would have expected. I suspect it'll be another 3 or 4 weeks before it'll be worth the gas to take the trip for shrimping again.

Atleast I got a couple pounds of nice looking bait shrimp for the freezer. I'll be ready for my next fishing trip! [cool]

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