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Six species day
Started at Causey hoping for some Tigers or Splake.Nothing on the lake itself but I hit the outlet below the dam and landed 3 splake drifting a crawler with no weight at all.Any weight would drag it into the moss on the bottom.Then I headed down to Pineview and fished the Spring creek arm Mantua style....just a tiny white or yellow jig tipped with a worm.I was casting parallel with the shore along the flooded brush and picking up largemouth,smallmouth,perch and bluegill.Everything was small except an ocasional hand size bluegill.The highlight of the day came when I was reeling my jig in quickly to cast to a rising fish I saw and a Tiger muskie followed my jig right to my feet.I was using 6lb test and a little ugly stik but I let him take it anyway.Let him swim about 10 feet with it then nalied him.What a hoot...he went airborne about 4 times and made some killer runs.I was totally shocked he didn't bust me off but the hookset was perfectly in the side of his mouth away from his teeth.Tuckered him out and pulled him up on the sand and got the jig out with my pliers.As soon as I slid him back in the water he was off light a rocket.Did I cover all six species? Oh Tiger was small...only about 22 inches!
Tigers would be a Hoot on light tackle!
Opps I mess read I thought it was tigers in causy that he started talking about at the top of the post.
Silly Paul! There are no tiger musky in Causey!

Nice work on the slam-o-rama day!
Congrats on six species!

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