Mid-Michigan here , Woods swamps and some of the thickest brush put on the face of this planet .
Basic flatlander hunting .
The southern half of the lower has the little bucks with the big racks , the U.P. has the big bucks with big racks , in my area you never know what you will cross paths with .
Deer here can be as small as your lap hound or as big as an 57 chevy .
How's the bowhunting going ?, you may ask .
Here's a little something I put together for my familys web page .
I hope you enjoy it .
It's already the second week of deerhunting and My brother and I have yet to put some meat in the freeser .
My brother is waiting for his big buck , he's patient . Sitting in one of dad's blinds day after day he has watched small deer go by (small like that rabbit with twigs glued to it's head that brother John brags about ) .

le will come Bro , any day now .
I myself am tring a more difficult approach , I'm hunting out of a tree stand on state land .
Hunting state land meens sharing your hunt area with other hunters and some morons .
The morons are the worst , their tree stands are usually placed within spitting distance of yours , they are too lazy to look for deer on there own . Luckey me ,my fellow hunter of the "moron class" he keeps me entertained during the off hours when the deer seem to be avoiding the area , primarily , when he is there hunting .
He sports the latest in grunt calls from his neck , possibly a dosen or so , you can never have too many grunt calls can you ?
Deer bleat cans are straped to his wrist , luckely we only have two arms , I do feel he would strap on more if there was an extra limb available .
Strung off the side of his hip are two genuine , looks like the real deal , plastic rattiling antlers .
Somewhere in the sporting shop industry is a salesman who saw this guy comming .
Needless to say my biggest fear is not being acidently impaled by this guys arrows , it is that he may decide to shoot at a deer .
Once that bowstring is released , I will be bound by my morrals to haul his sorry butt out of the woods to the nearest hospital for medical treatment . Yes , he will learn that you can have too much stuff dangiling off your body , and it will hurt .
Maybe I should tell him I feild dress anything I drag out of the woods first ,
naaaah .
How difficult is hunting out of a tree stand you may ask ?
Very difficult indeed .
First is finding a spot that deer frequent , other than the road .
Once found you need to find a good strait tree that offers some cover or break-up . Cover and break-up are hunting terms that meen a good hiding spot in the trees , I look for and use these spots year round . In a house full of women they are a safe place to retreat to when you leave the lid up .
The tree should be strong enough to handle not only your weight but, the weight of your stand and all your hunting gear .
Hunting gear , another definition here , hunting gear is a whole bunch of useless stuff that is guarinteed to get you the big buck . The junk usually costs a half years wages and generally hauled into the woods straped onto your body on the first day of the hunt , from there it is usually lost during that day or is retired to the back of your vehical untill the spring clean up of said vehical .
Once you aquire the proper tree in the proper area you put your tree stand up ,this is one of the most dangerous parts of hunting . most men usually perish during tree stand set ups and removals because tree stands are attached twards the tops of trees . one of these days a woman will go hunting and figure out that it is smarter to attach a fixed ladder to the tree near it's base and eliminating the "Oh shit " factor from a pivioting climbing aparatous that other hunting men have designed . Face it ladders are flat , tree trunks are round , the math just dosen't add up to a gracefull outcome .
Most treestand engineers are named Larry , Bubba or Earl and reside in the backwoods of Hicksville Arkansas , yet us hunters trust people like these with our lives . Anyone who spent seven years in the sixth grade has had to have learned more than I have , I was only there for one of my learning years .
I have done all of this , tree and stand in just the right spot , sure it may have taken a few times of switching from this tree to that one with only minor injurys , but I finally have a good spot in which to hunt , excluding the entertainment .
Note to self , remember to take ALL gear out of tree BEFORE moving ladder to another tree a half mile away .
Now, I have taken quite a few deer with rifle , both shell and mussleloader , I have taken even more with bow . Those that know me very well can testify that I have bagged the most deer with my jeep . If in doubt , call my mechanic , his yatch does have satillite phone service .
Taking all of past deer hunting expearance into mind my tree of choise is a 150 year old oak tree , just strong enough to handle the weight of my jeep suspended over the bait pile .
Yea, let's see a deer try to get away from me this year .