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hit ut lake today at 12noon jigged in 11 white bass good cats though.headdin to the berry this weekend .just want to know if i can boat it with a 19' i dont post much but im not on the comp. much, fish on
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Could you perhaps clarify the ambiguity of the location? What marina did you go to? Pm if you wish to keep it low.
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oh i will let all who want to catch w.bass know i was at pelican bay marina,used green curly tail it was cold and windy but the action kept me warm. i really want to know though if i can launch a boat at strawberry bay this weekend also if anyone knows if there are any camping areas ,full hook ups for a fithwheel so the wife can stay warm while i fish.thanks for the info
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[cool][#0000ff]Thanks for the info on Utah Lake. Sorry we don't have a lot of current info yet on Da Berry, after the storm. I suppose we will get some reports in the next day or so.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just before the storm there were reports of ice forming in some of the protected bays up there, but the main lake will likely remain open for awhile yet. The real problem will be launching your boat. The ramp is likely to be snow covered and icy. And, if there was a lot of snow up there, the road may not be well plowed. They are still working out details of getting the plowing contract for this year.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Someone else will have to advise on the sites with hookups. You might check with the Strawberry Marina. They are probably also the best source of info on the roads and ramps. Here is a [url ""]LINK TO THEIR WEBSITE[/url][/#0000ff]
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thanks tubedude i called the marina but the campgrounds are subbed out they dont know about the campgrounds just wanted to know if anyone has been out there latley and seen any campers.
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[cool][#0000ff]There should be something in the next day or so. A lot of guys either drive by or will be trying the fishing after the storm. Be patient, but be prepared for Plan B.[/#0000ff]
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When I fished strawberry on the 8th they had the campgrounds locked up for the season it looked like. I didn't drive by all of them but the three or four I did pass the gates were locked. Some were full of the docks for the winter.
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As an alternative to acmping at Da'Berry you could always just get a room in Heber.
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I launched my boat at the Berry last Friday...but that was before the big storm. Same thing happened last year. Boated on T-Day, snowed and stormed the next day!
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing. Then I retired. Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.