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[cool][#0000ff]Fished on 6" of hole-ey glass at the narrows this morning, with Flycasting. Also met up with PACKFAN. Nice seeing you again Pete.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]FC drilled first holes just before 8 AM, and I drilled my first two right after. Air temp 18. No W. Mo bettah. I rigged with a fire tiger glow 1/4 oz. jigging spoon on the bottom and a size 6 chartreuse glow werm about a foot above...dropshot style. Baited with perch meat on the spoon and waxies on the dropper. Ended up fishing mostly the same rig all day.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It worked. Iced my first chunky crappie within minutes of my first drop and several more nice ones after that. Caught some on the spoon and others on the glow werm. FC was scoring a few too but wanted to get some perch for some chowder. We only caught a couple of keepable perch before the horde of "helpers" descended on us and took over our extra holes we had drilled to be able to move around and find fish. Once the pressure and noise increased the bite kinda shut down.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]PACKFAN and the other two in his party headed for the other side, where we had heard there were more perch. We weren't too much longer in finding our own spot on the south side of the channel. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The first hole I drilled was the only one I needed to drill. Got my first and only perch double while starting to drill another hole. FC pulled up close by so we could socialize and we proceeded to spank the perch. I suspect we both caught about 30 each, many of them in the chowder range of 9" to 10". No crappies on that side.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Both the crappies and the perch seemed to favor depths of 48 to 53 feet today. They moved through in singles and small groups. When we saw fish on sonar, we got bites. Most were near the bottom but a few we got by slowly "shivver lifting" the jigs up a few feet.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Caught fish on waxies, crawler bits and perch meat today. I got my most and biggest fish on perch strips I had cut the night before and sprinkled with salt and crawdad scent.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glow tiger and chartreuse worked best for both of us, although we both caught fish on my glow white werm with red eye. It glows green underwater.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Some hits were whisper light. It helped to have a strike indicator. Others smacked it pretty good.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No smallies or muskies witnessed today.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Ice was solid 6", with some cracks. No snow. Very slick. Glad we had good ice cleats.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There was some water around the edge as we were going in, but still thick ice right up to shore.[/#0000ff]
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Another fine day of fishing with TubeDude! [  ]
Thanks for hooking me up with the ice cleats... You would have had to post a picture called "FC's broken neck." [  ]
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great report and pictures as always tubedude. i have never fished pineview, looks like i better try it.
thanks for sharing[cool]
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[cool][#0000ff]It can be productive...with multispecies days.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Leave the pontoon home.[/#0000ff]
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Was anyone fishing around Cemetary Point?
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No pictures of you and your float tube, whats up with that....
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[cool][#0000ff]Sorry, can't answer that. We pulled over the dam, parked and did not go any further. Couldn't see up that way either, but I am sure it won't be long until there is safe ice. Hopefully good fishing too.[/#0000ff]
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[cool][#0000ff]No snow on the ground today. We had to carry everything we needed to fish. That meant that I had to leave my tube and the giant power auger I use to cut a hole big enough to float it.[/#0000ff]
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[cool]Excellent report, TD. I'd been thinking of going to Pineview instead of Rockport for next Saturday, but now your report pretty much has me convinced to go to the view for sure! Looks like you were over in the dam area? I wonder if the Cemetary point area is frozen and how the fishing is over there right now? Anybody know?
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[cool][#0000ff]Somebody else asked that same question, and I had to claim usual. We did not go far enough in that direction to check it out. Should be soon.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hey Geoff, think of this...limit of perch at Rockport is 20, and you have to work for them. Limit at Pineview is 50. I went 10 for 10 drops, as fast as I could get down several times today. We only really fished for perch for a little over an hour and probably had 25 to 30 in the keepable category.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That does not mean it was easy. There were quite a few guys that only caught a couple of fish, but they stayed in the high traffic area after the fish had shut down. Like most waters, you have to sometimes look for them.[/#0000ff]
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Nice report Pat and those are some nice looking fish, what time did you guys start fishing? From your last picture, it looks like you parked at the swim beach cove and walked around the corner to the narrows, I was thinking that would be easier than that steep walk down by the dam. Where did you buy your ice cheats?
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Hey tubedue, when you say you fished for perch does that mean you went to a certain location or you were fishing with certain tackle... and how does that location or tackle differ from when you were fishing for crappie???
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Those were some nice pics. I haven't fished the view for a couple of years now. It looks like thats going to change. Iam just wondering where you found the crops?
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[cool][#0000ff]Started fishing at 8 AM. Had 3 or 4 nice crappies by 8:30. Short lull, then some more. Then everybody moved in on us and started fishing our drilled holes (imagine Utah?) since "nobody was usin' 'em). After an hour of no action we moved across the channel to some rocky points and found the depth water we wanted. That was just before noon. We were off the water by 2.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Gates were closed down to the camping/swimming areas. We parked on top and hiked down...and whimpered back up later.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I got our ice cleats at the Army Navy store near where I live in Salt Lake, on Redwood Road. They are the heavy rubber with several rows of "aggressive" spikes. They pull on the toe of my size 13 boot and then the back part stretches back easily up over the heel. Wore them all day on both rock and ice and they do great. Pretty "pricey" though. I think I only paid about $7 a pair for them. I know Flycasting would have paid a lot more for them if he had not had my extra pair today.[/#0000ff]
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Roger that! [cool]
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[cool][#0000ff]No easy answers here. Most of what I do is based upon a whole lot of experience, both on Pineview and other waters, fishing for both species. I'll see if I can keep it somewhat brief.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]First of all, I had some good information...from BFT reports and from my own "network". I knew before I went that the crappies were in about 50 feet of water, along the north side of the channel before the dam (narrows). I caught them there last year too and was familiar with the area and the "pattern". In fact, I was prerigged and never had to change all day, if I didn't want to. I had the right size lure, of the right color and dropped in into the area the fish were, with the right bait on the hooks and I worked it the right way.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Even though I DID use the same setup for both crappies and perch, I did work it differently. For the crappies, they are sometimes right on the bottom, but often a couple or three feet above it. So, for them, I dropped to the bottom and then did a slow "shivver lift", raising the jigs slowly, while wiggling. The key is to use your rod and watch the line and the rod tip. If you are reeling you will not detect the bites which are sometimes nothing more than a slight bit of extra pressure on the line as you lift. Often you just see the line twitch, even if the rod doesn't. At the end of the first 3 feet of shivver lift, drop your rod and take a couple of turns on the reel and do it some more again. Usually two or three lifts will either get you bit or you will be too high...not always. Watch your sonar.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]When the perch come through, they are usually right on the bottom...not always. For them I drop to the bottom and then just raise it about six inches. I jiggle and wiggle it and then let it sit for a few seconds. Many of the hits will come while you are "dead sticking" and they can be easier to detect than crappies. Not always. sometimes there is just a "whisper" bite and you need either a spring bobber or a slip bobber rig to detect the bites. If you can't tell when the fish are there, you will not put many on the ice.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Also, for the perch, for some reason they seem to favor the south side of the channel, so we went over there specifically for perch and that's what we fished for. We caught perch in the same area we caught crappies earlier, but nary a single crappie along the other side. They may have been there, but we didn't prove it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As a general rule, crappies like smaller jigs, fished slower. Perch can be more aggressive and will hit larger jigs with more action. Those things do no not always hold true but it is a good place to start. I actually caught all three of my largest 12" crappies today on the jigging spoon. And, I caught a couple of my largest perch on bitty glow wermz jigs with a single wax worm.[/#0000ff]
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Went to pineveiw today, ice skating, not fishing. Was there from 2-5 pm. Put in at wind surfer beach, and skated up to the narrows. Saw one guy with about 15 large crappie, and one guy lost about a 40" musky on a 3" green jig.
Skated back down to windsurfer beach and a bit beyond, saw ice fishing going on at cemetary point.... ice on.
The guy with the 15 large crappie told me that the perch were at the cemetary point end, not the narrows...for what that is worth.
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Thanks for the info Pat, that is a great price for ice cleats.
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I was up there today too. I was in the one man Frabill flipover. It started out pretty slow for me with one perch and one crappie for quite a while until I moved out to 50 feet. I finally started scoring on the perch consistently from about noon till 3 or so. After that the crappie started coming through.
I ended the day with 5 nice crappie and 23 perch.
I saw packfan's truck there, but wouldn't know him if I saw him. I remember seeing flycasting's blue coat. Very pretty.
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I didn't fish Pineview but did drive by it saturday morning . Browning point , the islands and cemetery point had some open water out away from shore . It may be capped now but check ice carefully . Saturday I seen no one fishing cemetery point . Everyone was at the narrows .