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what a way to spend your 49th b-day, ice fishing flaming gorge.
what a awesome day, no wind almost all day, light high clouds.
we set up and fished the first spot and had a couple of lookers. we moved out to another spot, saw a couple of fish right off the bat.
fished for about 20 min. crossineyes (ken) had one coming up after his jig pretty fast, he started to reel and the came up and hookup.
the game was on. I reeled my line up 20 feet and set my rod down. went over to assist ken. I looked over at my rod and bang a big hit, I ran over to it and nothing more. went back to ken,s fish. looked over again and bang, another hit, ran over and bent down and bang again, set the hook, game on. we now are both hooked up with what feels like some pretty good fish. we were lucky a couple of guys were close by, we ask if they would come and help us out a little bit.
whats so cool about this double hookup is that it was our first time to ice fish for macks. Kens fish was about 25lbs. myne was about 22lbs. and I ended up with another one about 20lbs. here's a couple of pic's. later chuck
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Glad ya got into em.. Way ta
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Nice job on your first try!
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the ice was about 14in. thick. very little snow on top, that makes for a pretty slippery walk. we had a total of about 6 bites and landed the 3 fish. later chuck
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the ice is 14 inches. and slipery. no small fish. as chuck said it was an awsume day. only 6 guys in the whole bay till about 12,30. bite was on from 9,30 to 11,30. our new laker poles did great!
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Great Job!! Chuck & Ken! that was 1 awesome birthday present huh? how big did you say your ice holes where? I bet it was hell trying to get them big monsters thru the holes? I went over to Deer creek yesterday a caught 1 big bow that was it all day for me[unsure].
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Nice fish fellas!! Congratulations! You guys sure are the masters of the Double Digit Double! And Happy Birthday, Chuck!
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That is impressive! I thought this was going to be another Burbot post...
I've got the 23 and 24th penciled in for a Burbot trip and hadn't even thought about going for the Macs! you've got my attention.
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing. Then I retired. Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.
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Hey Don, yea you remember our first double hu. I bet you'll never forget them. lol, sorry dude had to rub it in a little. I guess we can be called The Double Mac Attack lol. later chuck
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I love the Laker Pole! I use it at Strawberry. What size line do you have on your reel? I have the micro-ice 8 lb. (braided), and usually use pline fluorocarbon also 8lb for my leader.
Again, I'm impressed!
Did you guys go after any Burbot?
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing. Then I retired. Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.
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Man, I am jealous (but still happy for both of you). I have ice fished FG three days (none this ice season) and have yet to get even a confirmed bite.[  ]
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we had 16lb. P-line fluorocarbon. this was the first time I used this line. It seems to be a dang good line, I'm also going to try it in the summer for macks this year instead of the braid line. no burbot fishing. later chuck
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Great report Chuck, what an awesome way to spend your birthday. That must have been a long slippery walk out to your spot. Did you guys drive up and back the same day?
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Sweet![/size][/black][/font]
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one day trip. left at 3,30 hit the deck by 8,30 first fish at 9,30. home by 7,15 pm. with big  s and another great memory. thanx to all that shared their info with us in pm,s before we left. you guys assisted in our success.
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Congrats on the fish and Happy B-Day.
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Wow, 5 hours to get there and I was complaining about our 3 hr trip, you guys are tough but it sure paid off. I think the lack of people on the ice sure helped you guys out, from the sounds of what others have said it is a zoo out there on the weekend. Congratulations on your big fish Ken. At the rate you and Chuck are catching those bigger fish it won't be long before your catching macks like Ash does.[  ]
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na 3 hr trip. just stopped alot to pee. lol. it was a long walk to that ate up some time. to heck with the berry. id rather dive the exte hr or so. 1 mack is worth 10,000 24 inch cuts! and the macks fight better under the hard deck than in summer. 3 runs each taking about 70 ft of line out. one from top to the bottom zoom. this fish made my back and left arm burn.
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Our first trip up there took us a little longer also because we stopped in Mountain view to get our stamps. I haven't ice fished the Berry since I found out about fishing Bear lake and then later the Gorge. That chance at a big fish is more than worth any fish at the Berry. Sounds like that fish gave you a run for your money, what a blast. Were you guys douple drilling your holes to get those big fish up?
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no 10 inch holes. just one. i saw some double drilled 8 inchers from past days where we were. the hard part is getting the head up. and a hand with arm attacvhed is the only thats why we yelled for assistance. thank god they came over.