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We have Ice,
We have Fish,
thier slow, ya gotta work for them, but we have good ice in SE mich.
I caught twenty 8-9-10 inch Gills and crappie fryday... nothing spactacular but the weather, 25* no wind... just a beutifull day to be out on the ice...
Ice conditions 0-9 inches
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[black][size 3]Nice to read that you finally decided to get out and do some ice fishing. [  ][/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Where are the photos ? [mad][/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Did you wheel your hot dog stand out there on the ice ? You know - the one with the rod holders and fishfinder bolted on the side ? [cool][/size][/black]
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I did take the camrea, but didnt take any pictures.
I could have stayed for crappie if I had some one to sit out there with me and I had brought the lantern.
the hot dog stand is a no go for the moment. I need to score me a good stand for dirt cheep cause my local inspecter wants me to house it in a trailor. to do that I have to get a bigger truck... needless to say I need another 15k to get the opperation up and running....
I was out all last week, I was out a couple days this week, I missed last weekend, I didnt much care for the 30 mile an hour winds and temps 10 below zero degrees ferenhight.
any day above Zero is a good day to me... any day above 20 is summer time... grab the suntan lotion [sly] Next week will be a blast, not a day above 25 nor a day below 15 instore for us here... I will go out and see if I cant bag me a walleye... Been awhile since I have taken one on the ice....
going out today and looking for sharp tooth... that wooly mamoth of a pike that has been terrorizing the mallards in my lake. He has a head big enough to grab a basket ball.. I have been worried he is going to punch some kid in the belly, I had a hold of him a couple years back, and once before severaly years earlier when he left me with a scar and a stripped reel for my efforts... maybe this will be the year I win...
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hiting it hard agian starting tomarrow..
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got a bad chest cold, was gonna fish all day in the shanty. next weekend for sure. ill report back.
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[  ] Iceman , where are you fishing ? Have only 2 hockey games tommorro , one here , and another one in D.L !!
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[center]Feb 10 2007[/center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0254.JPG]]( [/url][/center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0253.JPG]]( [/url][/center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0252.JPG]]( [/url][/center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0251.JPG]]( [/url][/center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0250.JPG]]( [/url][/center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0248.JPG]]( [/url][/center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0247.JPG]]( [/url][/center] [center] [/center] [center][size 2]Dave Pape anual memorial Heart foundation Ice fishing derby.
Last years event was called due to lack of ice, this year we lost two more ice fishing buddies from our lake, Jim Pickard and Jim Pickard jr (Jimbo) Jim past last may, Jimbo passed just last week.
well there was at least 50 tipups out on the lake and in the cannal, the pike and walleye would not accomidate us on this day. Blue gill were a bit on the slow side a couple people pulled in thier limits with two capping the 5 pound mark. This years winner took the pot with 5 pounds 7 ounces.[/size][/center] [center][size 2][/size] [/center] [center][size 2]200.00 was raised for the heart foundation.[/size][/center]
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[  ] Iceman , where are you fishing ? Have only 2 hockey games tommorro , one here , and another one in D.L !!
' [/reply]
All this from a guy that don't return his phone calls ..
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[center][url ""] ![[Image: 17_Gills_2_Crappie.jpg]]( [/url][/center]
I went to union lake today for walleye, stayed for the gills and crappie.
I hooked on to a couple eyes, but there wasnt any thing of legal size so I released them. the biggest one was 14 3/4 inch.
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[black][size 3]Tasty looking panfish you got there on the fillet table ... When's dinner ?[/size][/black]
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todays report,
9 degrees
Winds a blowin - chill temps below zero
snow a fallin side ways
gills hittin slow, took all day to pull in a limit of 25, that is 24 gills and one crappie.
by the time I caught my last gill the rest were clinking around like poker chips on a glass table...
[center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: 24_Gills_and_a_Crappie.JPG]]( [/url][/center] [center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: Frank.JPG]]( [/url][/center][/center][/center]
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[size 1]today the wind was blowing right out of the north, much the same as yesterday, only we had no cloud cover today, and the wind was blowing a might harder and colder....
kinda nipped at the nose if looked up wind.
gills were hitting slow much the same as yesterday.
we did get one suprize guest to show up for a photo layout, then back to the drink asap... [/size]
[center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: Don.JPG]]( [/url][/center]
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[black][size 3]Nice monster pike you got there Dave. [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Were you using one of those titanium leaders to keep fthe toothy one from breaking off ?[/size][/black]
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that is one of my ice fishing buddies.
he pulled it up on a 2lb line... was quite a battle..[angelic] we thought we would never get him in... those stainless steel leaders sure would have been a big help.[sly]
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I was going to get me an early start this morning,
I was hoping to be on the ice by 8 am, but as you can see I am sitting here key poking with an eye on the thermomiter just 15 inches away from me.
hard to beleive there is a 80 degree temp differance in 15 inches apart.
so I will start my fishing report in two halves today, I will give ya part this morning and the other part if and when I make it out.
I am curently waiting for the temp to rise above zero before I head out...
no clouds in the sky, sun is bright comming over the hill.
[size 1]speaking of chest colds.
here is this morning's temp at sunrise. look at the pic and tell me what temp it is...[crazy] Weather man said it is 2* degrees.
by my math the weather man says it is going up to 17 degrees today, that is a temp rise of more than thirty degrees in 6 hours! [shocked] WHAT A HEAT WAVE!!! [/size]
[center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: 16_below_zero_2_15_07_-_7_20_am.jpg]]( [/url][/center] [center] [/center] [left][size 1]I wanted to add that, no, my thermomiter is not broken, I am watching the temp rise, at the time of this post it is 8* degrees wormer that what the thermomiter read at sunrise...[laugh]
just as soon as it gets above zero, I will go fishing, now my snow shoveling is done...[cool]
If I try cutting a hole now it will just freeze up on me as fast as I can cut them... LOL[laugh] [/size]
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[black][size 3]How would I know that is one of your buddies ? You ice anglers all look the same when you're peering out from the shadows of those portable ice caves. [unsure][/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]By the look of your thermometer, it appears a bit chilly out your way. Just about the right weather for a little ice fishing I'd say. [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]I've seen lots of temperature gradients that bounced 60 + degrees in one day before - deserts are famous for those kinds of shifts. Then again, so are houses with wood burning stoves.[/size][/black]
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you can tell me apart from most anglers, I am the one who is still standing out on the lake after every one else has huddled in their caves...[sly]
I dont use a cave...
I had forgotten about the desert temps raising and dropping those numbers in a days time. at least its a dry cold in the desert....[laugh]
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[size 1]here is the second half of todays report.
dispite the fridged start this morning, when I got out on the lake I found me a little nowle out of the wind in full sun. Break out the suntan loation cause I was worm and toasty in the heat of the day. 15* degrees.
fishing for the start was way slow at best. by noon I had caught a total of 3 keeper size gills and one way undersized pike on my tipup. [/size] [center][url ""][size 1] ![[Image: DSCN0264.JPG]]( [/size][/url] [url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0265.JPG]]( [/url] [url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0266.JPG]]( [/url][/center]
well the pike were a little active today, cause I caught two, the other one on a moon glo jig on a noodle rod. one northern was 10 inches and the other was eleven.
around 3 pm the bite started to pick up. by 5 pm we had a regular bite going on.
I ended up with a dozen keepers for the day
fryd them up for tonight's dinner.
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[center]here is my report for fryday,[/center] [center]a big goose egg.[/center] [center]0 to 15 inches of ice.[/center] [center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: 14_inch_deap.jpg]]( [/url][/center][/center]
now on to todays report,
the bite is slow. but steady... steadly slow that is...
today I pulled in 3 perch. 1 ten inch and 2 eleven inch.
[center][url ""] ![[Image: 3_perch.JPG]]( [/url][/center]
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Kids Ice Fishing contest kensington
I had a little time to get in a jig or two and caught me three perch, a gill and a red ear.
the bit was slow all day,
those doing the best were using micro and feness methods. light weight line down to one pound even half pound test line.
[center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0271.JPG]]( [/url][/center] [center]tonights dinner[/center] [center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0269.JPG]]( [/url][/center] [center]Best home made rod winner[/center] [center] [center][url ""] ![[Image: DSCN0270.JPG]]( [/url][/center][/center] [center]First fish of the day winner[/center][/center]