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It's just 3 degree above zero and wind chills at around -15....I'm staying in! (This is Illinois just 30 minutes southwest of Chicago...)
Maybe it's best to just clean up the tubes....while bowhunting season is over and getting ready for soft water to come....
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Brrrrrrr that's chilly. I won't even complain about the weather we are having here. We actually dipped down to 83 degrees today and they expect 85 for tomorrow.
Come on out to Cali.[cool]
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[cool][#0000ff]There are a lot of us tubers around the country who are suffering through the deep freeze this winter. The mountain states have really had a cold winter. Some lakes in Utah that rarely freeze have over a foot of ice on them. Tough tubin'.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I moved back to Utah, from Arizona, about 2 1/2 years ago. I tubed all year down there and I sometimes wonder why I moved. But, during the summer, while tubing in cool water and pine trees, I remember Arizona summer days of 120 and I don't feel so bad about moving.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I suppose there is no spot in the country that provides everything for everybody. If there was then everybody would be living there.[/#0000ff]
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[cool][#0000ff]TubeBabe is the brains of the family. She is in Arizona right now. She goes back down for a couple of weeks about every other month. We still have lots of friends down there, but she does not take her tube. Unless I am along for "tackle tinkerin'" she goes tubeless.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We would really like the opportunity to spend winters there and summers here, but until we hit the lottery we have some limitations. If we have to choose one or t'other, as a permanent base of operations, Utah wins. Lots of family here and good fishing all year...if you can make the switch to drillin' and chillin' in the winter. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Since we moved back people ask me how I handle the cold. First, I was born in Idaho and have lived in Utah quite a bit of my life, so I know what a snow shovel is. My answer is usually something along the lines of "I can wear the right clothes and go play in the cold...but if I go out in the heat, in Arizona, it can kill me." [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There are several months a year down there that you are virtually a prisoner to air conditioning and swimming pools. No way to survive otherwise. We did not give up fishing completely in the summer but we either fished at night or very early in the morning. By 9 AM it was over 100 degrees and the sweat was running down our faces. Not much enjoys in that kinda heat.[/#0000ff]
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Yea -- I have family in Arizona (right along camelback road), and it is like a furnace. I agree that the only thing worse than extreme cold is heat in a state where the air conditioning man has more job security than a mortician.
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At least in the Cold you can add more clothing (and the new thermal stuff is awesome)
But in the heat....well, you can only take so much off
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I actually get less worried about what I can take off as opposed to how over inflated my tube can get from the heat.
I have the cold weather auto adjusted inflator in place but I still have to manually deflate when the heat hits.[crazy]
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Did a little float fish on the north end of Lake Conroe, Tx. Took home a few nice crappie and white bass. It was a blue bird day high around 65. The water is alittle cool when you find a small hole in the left foot. But still a good day fishing.
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[cool][#0000ff]Welcome aboard. Some good tubin' in the lone star state. Just gotta watch out for reptiles in some waters.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]"Kinda cool"? You don't know the meaning of COLD until you spring a leak in your waders in pre-ice waters of late fall in northern climates. That can be a near death experience. As you throw up a roostertail on your way back to shore, first you are afraid you are gonna die...and then you're afraid you won't.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I had a whole crotch seam open up on me once, in 34 degree water in late February. It's a wonder I don't still speak with a high pitched voice. Talk about cold water neutering.[/#0000ff]
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Nope, I'm just preachy right here in Texas. Maybe in later spring.
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Welcome aboard ChickenFoot. We are glad to have you here in our forum.
We were hitting temps in the low 90s today just north of LA in SoCal. That's quite a difference from our little frost spell that hit us a few weeks ago.
We look forward to your fishing reports as well. Please fill us in on some details of your craft as well. You may be able to offer us some ideas or even benefit from the numerous hours of engineering that we have already done here.[cool]
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Thanks for the welcome. Mostly use a toon, but it is a Bass Pro (lost lake open front tube). I plan on up gradeing soon. It works very well for me, but I would like something that set a little higher in the water. I keep it in the car with along with a 3wt travel flyrod. You never know. I was able to fish a large stock pond on the way home about a week ago.
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That sounds like my kind of fishing. I will generally keep about 6 different rods in my truck for emergency landings at lakes on my way to and from different job sites.[cool]
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Well arnt you lucky. Today our high is 8 degrees. Next week its going to get in the 20s woo!
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Well, we are finally getting a heat wave! Warm wind from South West this week (thanks CA.[cool])
We are going to be in the mid to upper 40's all week with RAIN! in the forecast. RAIN![shocked]
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Hey TD every family has it's "observant" members.
BTW ... only reason you don't use binocs is 'coz you already have eagle vision .... fish eagle vision![sly]