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Cabin fever has set in bad here. To much snow and to cold. Waiting to start fishing Erie.
Trying to lean to use this site.
I see I am a greenhorn! GRRRRRRR 
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hey there captin bob , what port you call home ? i'm originally from the downriver area of motown and have fished from the ohio border up to the tip of the mit . ssor is our ohio monitor and davetclown and myself are on the mi. board . are you a walleye guy ? any questions that we can help you with ? just about anyone around here can get you from here to there with some info .
the cabin fever is nawing at my backside too ! i'm reddy to put away the ice gear and bring out the steelhead rod ( just an amature ) then it's off to get ol' marble eyes . there's nothing like a good walleye dinner , of course i say that about every kind of fish i catch too !
your pal lonehunter
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Hi Lonehunter, Thanks for the reply.My home port is Port Clinton, Oh but in the winter i am in Temperance, Mi Yes I am a walleye guy. Love my walleye fishing but not many fish I don't enjoy.
If I can contribule to this board I would be happy to do so. I have fished Erie a long time.
How do I get rid of the GREENHORN?
Thanks again
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lots of posting ![cool] dave would know more about that than i would . i haven't really given it a thought before . ssor (ohio board ) and davetclown (michigan board ) are pretty good buddies so i bet they will both enjoy having you post as i will too ! the guys at the utah board are just getting ready to gear up for the walleye season ,i bet they would love getting some tips from you . i'm a former river rat , lead heads have been my thing . i wasen't much help with any lure recomandations .
mr . sun has been vacationing there in utah it seams , i wish he would come home soon ! too darn cold !
it may take some time getting to know everyone at the boards , i'm still learning , but one thing for sure , theres a whole bunch of good eggs here , thats why i like it so much . i haven't met anybody in person yet but there as close as a best friend can be . tubedude , p.hopper , azbassman , xman , gosh the list goes on and on , great bunch of guys ! oh yea, bikini contest is coming on the cal. board ( don't let my wife know , she'll ground me from the computer [blush])
ssor is getting ready for a trip to TEXAS ! stop in and say hi before he takes off , it will make his day ! dave will get a kick out of hearing from you as well ! make sure to check out the product testers wanted board , you never know what there going to have there ![cool]
your pal , lonehunter
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First I want to give you this:
Now to get the info correct for you, I actualy live in South Eastern Ohio. But I am a salt water man with experionce in ohio as I can not get to the coast verry offten. I also am the moderator for the Texas forum. We need to get you over to the Ohio forum. This is the board that will bring you more conversation and replies to your posts.
A greenhorn ID will not last long but you might prefer it to the worm that comes next! HeHe!
Only 5 posts and you will grad to the worm. You got two down and only 3 to go. I can already tell you will clime through the ranks fast.
As you navigate around the boards do not hesitate to reply or make a new post if the urge comes to you. If you are into noval reading and want some great ongoing story's check out the Utah board it will keep you busy for weeks just to catchup on the changes the board has made to every member as they get active with their posts and replys.
You will find the boards are set on a family basis and unlike many fishing boards it is kept free of non family reading. We take pride in what we are building here at BFT and I call it my great playground that grows bigger every day.
Check out the Texas Board as the next BFT event is posted there. To find it easy when you go to the board you will find a banner for Texas Tournament right on top.
Feel free to ask me or any of the moderators for any help that you might need. My back door is always open. (Private Message). Feel free to use it at any time.
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[cool]Yes Indeed and I will be working on my boat.[sly]
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Capt. Bob...Yeah, I got the "Greenhorn" label, too. Kinda of a putdown (I've been chartering for 20 years).
I'm with you...the cabin fever is pretty high. Can't wait until iceout either. I plan to have the boat in around the first week of April, weather permitting. I'll be docking at Anchors Away at Catawba through May, then drop back to Vermilion, my home port.
I was in Vermilion today. The icebreaker was in the river and it's starting to flow out. River may be clear of ice by next week.
There's been a lot written in recent weeks about the state of walleye fishing in Lake Erie. Most it bad and it's hurting my business a little. Bookings are coming but it's slow. But I think the spring fishing will be OK. We'll know more by June 15. As always, there will be a lot of walleye in that Western Basin this spring.
As for the fever, read a couple magazines and call me in the morning.
Capt. Tony Denslow
Mega Bites Charters
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Hi Capt Tony. I have not heard any thing negitive about this year. Maybe because I am stuck away in southern Mich.
Last Spring was really bad. I only ran 5 out of my first 20 trips.
During the PWT was the only good weather. I fished no more then 2 miles out of Wild Wings. limited out three days in a row. Once my last rift was .6 miles from the marina. Then nothing but big wind for days.
June we fished along the michigan border and the ditch with good results
July was very good as it has been for many years. Limit catchs were the norm. Many of my crews went home with limit catches and we were out no more then 8 or 9 miles.
I do fish down your way starting in September. It was really good. Lots of Jumbo Perch and big Eyes.
I personally think we are going to have a great year.
Hope to see you on the lake.
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[cool][cool]Hi, Bob,
Thanks for the comeback. We had some good days out of Vermilion last summer, too. I don't recall many limits but we had quite a few days where we came back in with 25 eyes and a 4 pound average. Nice eyes.
An Amish guy I know fished out of Wildwings last spring and did well when he could get out. only ventured as far as the nuke plant reefs. Long run from Catawba.
Where were you getting fish in July? That sounded great, especially for the west end.
Will you be docking at Wildwings this spring? Maybe we can hook up and you can give me some pointers on that fishing over by Wildwings.
Tight lines...Capt. Tony
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Tony we were fishing north east of West Sister. Yes i will be at Wild Wins until late august. Then I move to Hurls Harbor.
You welcome to come fish anytime. I hope to be in the water as soon as Ice out.
I have new boat to play with.
Keep in touch
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Bob, I'll keep in touch...congrats on the new boat. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do my 30 Baha.
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hi guys , just wanted to say i haven' heard any thing neg. about the western basin either , i did hear some disturbing reports about saganaw bay here in the mit . last years spawning run was pretty low compaired to previous years . a steady decline in the past five .
what's the time of year when they start hanging around the lighthouse ?
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Tony I will enjoy it...
Al, which light house?
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stormy and was out ice fishing with the guy who came in 4th place in last years walleye tournament on commerce lake monday.
he was telling me that the spring tournament was comming up soon.
I figure that this is the last weekend for ice fishing here in sothern michigan.
ouyr creeks and rivers have been opening fast the last few days. even though the temps are dropping below freezing every night, the ice is melting from both the top and bottom.
my lake is holding up for the moment, it only takes 4-5 worm days to open up my lake.
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i'm pretty sure the light house is 3 to 5 miles out below the down channel in trenton mi. after the spawn the walleye head there . ( could be a fish tale i was told ) . i gave all my old charts away to a fellow fisherman in ecorse before i left for life in the north . i had all my hot spots with g.p.s. locations on them . i kept hearing about the light house , but never ventured out that far . i didn't have a whole lot of faith in my boat at that time .