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BFT Cannonball Run fish photo contest/ Charter Captains Division
[center][size 4][Image: hedleft2.jpg][/size][/center][center][size 4] [/size][/center] [center][black][size 4]Cannonball Run[/size][/black][/center] [center][black][size 4][black][size 4]Fishing [/size][/black][/size][/black][black][size 4][black][size 4]Photo Contest[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black][/center] [center][black][size 4][black][size 4]Capitan’s Salt Water [/size][/black][/size][/black][black][size 4][black][size 4]Division[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black][/center] [center][black][size 4][black][size 4]March 5th to June 25th[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black][/center] [left]

[black][size 4][black][size 4]This event is our way of providing you a chance to show off on an international forum how you serve your guest, the species you target and the adventures you provide. In short blow off your foghorn![/size][/black][size 1] [black][/black][/size][black][size 4]Please, be our guest, it’s free! Its simple, and all you need do is provide a picture and tell us about your trips. Along with the prizes, the winner with the highest total score will also recieve a free, year long, 468x60 gold banner ad campaign on! [/size][size 1][/size][/black][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4][/size][/black][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]Follow a few simple rules. (ya don’t have to give away any fishing secretes or locations.)[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][size 1][/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][size 1][black][/black][/size][black][size 4]This is our First event for our charter guides, and is the tournament of its kind anywhere. T[/size][/black][black][size 4]his event is open for any one who would like to step up and help sponsor the event, as we may be able to promote you here on this event string. Just contact me by clicking my user name [/size][/black][url ";"][black][size 4]davetclown[/size][/black][/url][black][size 4] for what is allowable and isn’t.[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][size 1][/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][size 1][black][/black][/size][black][size 4]You may provide information of your participation of this event to any one including local media or your web site.[/size][/black][size 1] [black][/black][/size][black][size 4][/size][/black][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4][/size][/black][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]The rules are simple![/size][/black][/size][/black][/left] [left][black][size 4][black][size 4][/size][/black][/size][/black][/left] [left][black][size 4][black][size 4][/size][/black][/size][/black][/left] [left][black][black][size 4][red]Reply to this post to enter the contest![/red][/size][/black][/black][/left]
[#ff0000][size 4][/size][/#ff0000]

[black][size 4][black][size 4]1. You must be a registered member of forum and logged in. [/size][/black][/size][/black][black][size 4][url ""][black][size 4][/size][/black][/url][black][size 4][/size][/black][black][size 4][/size][/black][/size][/black] [left]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]2. This is a licensed charter captain contest only. No recreational anglers may enter. Your guide contact information should be placed in your signature file to include:[/size][/black][/size][/black][/left] [indent]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]a. State and Marina/Harbor you are working out of a must[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]b. Guide or Charter name a must [/size][/black][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]c. Phone number if you like[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]d. Email addresses are fine[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]e. Contact by PM is ok too [/size][/black][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]f. Links to your website are also allowed [/size][/black][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]g. (no links to other forums allowed for any reasons, this includes a link to your site if it has a forum)[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]h. You may provide a link on your site to this contest by using the url address at the top of this page. [/size][/black][/size][/black][/indent] [left]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]3. Your entry will be a photo and in the photo you need to provide three items to make your entry eligible.[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black][/left] [indent]

[black][size 4][black][size 4]a. Your Bigfishtackle logo[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]b. A tape measure showing the length of your fish[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]c. You or a guest of your tour, (you don’t need to provide their names if they do not wish to be identified.)[/size][/black][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][size 1][size 4]d. Along with your picture, you need to post the species of fish, the length in inches, and the date of entry.(Note: fish don't have to be entered the same day they are caught, but they MUST be entered for the specific week they are caught. In other words, no catching a fish the first week of March and entering it in April. All entries have to be from that week.)[/size] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][/size][/black][/indent] [left]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]4. Any and only IGFA recognized game fish is acceptable. In other words no entering: pogeys, mullets, shrimp, or stingrays…ect[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]5. You may enter three fish per week.[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black][/left] [indent]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]a. Only three entries are allowed each week. If you wish to enter a fish in place of a previously entered fish, it must be done before the close out of that particular week. Weeks start at midnight Monday morning and end at midnight Sunday night. Make sure you let us know which fish you are replacing an entry for. At the end of the event, your total scores from each week will be tallied up to find the winner.[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]b. You may enter multiple fish of the same species, but you must hold to the three entries per week rule.[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]c. Your last entry must be in before 12 midnight pacific time June 25th 2007. The thread will be locked after this time so no more entries can be made.[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]d. You may enter late, just remember to hold to the three entries per week rule[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][/size][/black][/indent] [left]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]6. Scoring[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black][/left] [indent]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]a. 1 inch equals 1 point[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]b. A maximum of points allowed any given week is 72[/size][/black][black][size 4]. [/size][/black][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4][/size][/black][/size][/black][/indent] [left]
[black][size 4][black][size 4][/size][/black][/size][/black][/left] [left][black][size 4][black][size 4]Prizes will be awarded to:[/size][/black][/size][/black][/left] [left][black][size 4][black][size 4][/size][/black][/size][/black][/left] [left][black][size 4][black][size 4]a. Largest overall fish
[black][size 4][black][size 4]b. Highest total score[/size][/black][size 1] [/size][/size][/black]
[/size][/black][/size][/black][/left] [left][black][size 4][black][size 4][/size][/black][/size][/black][/left] [left][black][size 4][black][size 4][/size][/black][/size][/black][/left] [left][black][size 4][black][size 4]Prizes include: [/size][/black][/size][/black][/left] [indent]

[black][size 4][size 1][/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]a. All participants will receive BFT stickers, patch, and T-shirt for entering[/size][/black][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][size 5][size 4]b. All participants will recieve IGFA stickers and info packets [/size][/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4][size 5][size 4]c. The first 10 entrants will also recieve [/size][/size][/size][/black]
[black][size 4]a BFT marine boat flag![/size][/black]
[size 4]d. Winners of the largest fish and total score will recieve a 250.00 dollar gift certificate to the Sportsmans Warehouse[/size]
[size 4]e. Highest total score gets a free ad campain banner on the BFT website for a year.[/size]
[size 4]f. Winner of the largest fish will recieve the 2007 IGFA world record book, which contains all the current world records of all the catagories as well as rules and how to apply for a world record. [/size] [left][size 4][/size][/left] [left][size 4][/size][/left][/indent] [center][/center] [center][/center] [center]
[black][size 4][black][size 4]If you have any questions you may post them here or PM Tarpon4me or TubeN2.[/size][/black][size 1] [/size]
Ok here are my pics for week 1
[Image: DSC00889.jpg]
Saturday: 34 inch Amberjack

[Image: DSC00895r.jpg]
Sunday: 40 inch Amberjack

Holding the fish and getting a photo isn't as easy as it seems. Even though the camera is one touch operation most people can't simply press the button, lol. Notice the guys finger in pic one and the other guy who insisted on standing in the way of the guy taking the pic.
As you can see we caught more but I only measured the biggest and didn't realize 3 could be entered, sorry. This is a redfish 31 inches long, I also had a 21 and a 23 incher I could have entered, won't forget next time. Still didn't receive the things you sent , shirt patch, flag, etc. They were caught Sunday on March 11.
Captain Hook here, due to the windy weather and low tides this past week we did not go out and I have no fish to enter in the guides contest. Will be out next week weather permitting, hope to make up for lost time. Good luck to the other captains.[pirate][pirate][pirate]
Went out today 3-19-2007... and caught a bunch of Sheepshead and 2 nice Black Drum and a nice Slot Redfish.

The Redfish was 26 " and the Sheepshead was 19"

I took a close up picture of both because the tape measure was hard to read.
Redfish = 26 "
[Image: Redfish01.jpg]
Sheepshead = 19"
[Image: Sheepshead01.jpg]

Sorry the pictures are not so clear. This was my first time posting pics for the tournament. I'll get it better next time.
Good Luck to all Captains
Went out again today, bite was a little slower we did manage to catch a box full, some nice Sheepshead, a a bunch of Black Drum.

We did catch any Redfish or Pompano today, but hey there is always tomorrow.[cool]

Here is the biggest fish of the day a big Black Drum at 24"
fish was caught on shrimp [Smile]
[Image: blackdrum01.jpg]
The wind finally let up and we got out for a good day of fishing. Here are my entries for this week all caught in the Biloxi Marsh out of Shell Beach, La.....Capt. Hook

Report for 3-24-2007:
The bite today was a little slow today.
It's not what I was wanting, I needed a 27" fish but we managed to catch a 25" Red along with some nice Sheepshead and a med sized Black Drum.

I forgot to take the picture when we caught it on the boat so I took it at home. Hope that's ok.

I would like to use this Redfish in place of the 19" sheepshead.
[center][Image: Redfish24.jpg][/center]
There are 5 attachment photos with that report I sent, look at it again, but I will send them again, don't know why they are not open photos, what am I doing wrong?.....
Had a great day of Redfishing in the Biloxi Marsh out of Shell Beach,La., hooked up on 29 reds and landed 28. The size was between 22 and 32 inches. All the reds were caught photographed and released to enjoy on another day....Capt. Hook


[url ""][Image: IMG_8972_2_.jpg][/url] [url ""][Image: BigFishTackle_photo.jpg][/url] [url ""][Image: IMG_8964.jpg][/url] [url ""][Image: IMG_8957.jpg][/url]
Hello, all today was a great day to be out we caught a lot of Sheepshead a only on Blackdrum.. No Redfish today, but hey I've got all week [Wink]
Black Drum 20"
[Image: Blackdrum01.jpg]
Sheepshead 21"
[Image: Sheepshead01.jpg]
Sheepshead 20"
[Image: Sheepshead02.jpg]
Capt. John
I had the trip of all trips today, one of the can do no wrong days. On the way out 5 dolphin jumping the wake at about 6-8 feet straight up and oly a few feet off the platform.

My entries for this week:
Barracuda 37 inches
[Image: DSC00923.jpg]

Black Grouper 45inches and 47 pounds
[Image: DSC00939.jpg]

[Image: DSC00946.jpg]
Another great day on the water, more Sheepshead than ever and this year they are big.
Today's big Sheepshead was a whopper = 22"

[Image: Sheepshead03.jpg]
Please Replace this on with the 20" sheepshead I posted yesterday.
Here is another good fish. A 26" Redfish.
[Image: Redfish01.jpg]
Replace this with the 20" Drum from yesterday. Thanks.
Hot redfish action again, here are my entries for this week.

30, 23 & 22 inch redfish

[url ""][Image: IMG_8981_3_.JPG][/url]

[url ""][Image: img_8984_3_.jpg][/url] [url ""][Image: IMG_8982_3_.JPG][/url] [url ""][Image: img_8983_3_.jpg][/url] [url ""][Image: IMG_8980_2_.JPG][/url] [url ""][Image: IMG_8979_3_.JPG][/url]
Ok here are my pics for this week:

50 inch Great Barracuda
[url ""][Image: 50_inch_cuda.jpg][/url]
35 inch Amberjack
[url ""][Image: DSC00952r.jpg][/url]
How do you guys like my parrot? He got a little bleached out by the sun, also lost a little weight chasing all the pink flamingos but still a good pet.[Tongue]
Here are my fish for the week..

This is a Redfish we did a quick measurment and then released it.
In the State of Fl, we have a slot 18" - 27", so it went back to be caught another day.
Had a picture of me holding it up, but for some reason it didn't take.
Redfish was 36"
[Image: Redfish0101.jpg]
Sheepshead - 22"
[Image: sheepshead0102.jpg]
Sheepshead - 21"
[Image: sheepshead0101.jpg]
It's been very windy and cold the past two days.
See Ya on the Water.
Redfish were active today, here are my entries for the week:

3 Redfish.....23, 24 & 25 inches

[url ""][Image: IMG_89921.JPG][/url]

[url ""][Image: IMG_89891.JPG][/url]
[url ""][Image: IMG_89911.JPG][/url]

[url ""][Image: IMG_89881.JPG][/url]

[url ""][Image: IMG_89871.JPG][/url]
[Image: IMG_8990_2_.JPG]
Week 6 Scores! We're almost half way there!

Capthook- 72

Captjoeverdino- 72

Captjrivers- 0

Captandy- 0
Hello all! I just thought i'd let everyone know I cleaned up this thread a bit for ease of keeping things organized. I left everything on the thread that pertained to scoring and the contest. Thanks guys!

Bryan D.
I think your mom just fainted, she said it's about time you cleaned something up.[Tongue]

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