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Trolling Motor Question????
Quick question about a trolling motor I just purchased. Any info would be helpful. I purchased a Briggs & Stratton 5HP Kicker Motor for my boat, well when I took it out for the first time it quit running for me. I put all the oil in it, gassed it up and everything and it started right away then died because the "bulb" for the gas line wasnt hard, but when I went to pull the handle/rope I cannot even pull it all the way out??????? Did I seize up the motor some how??? This happened to my Dad's too, but his was because he laid it down on the wrong side and it Hydraulically seized his and all he had to do is pull his spark plug and drain the oil/gas from where the spark plug went. Well I tried that and still nothing? Any ideas???? I am going to call the one place that it says on the packaging that works these motors, but it is way down in West Valley and my whole thing is "it is brand new, why should I have to drive all the way down somewhere to get something brand new FIXED"????? Anyhow, hope they can figure something out for me with this 2 year warranty.
Thanks for any info
Sounds like it seezed up to me? I hope its not. Thats better to have a problem with it while its still under warrenty! Thats one thing I dont like about the 4 stroke is laying down the wrong way and filling the cylinder full of oil!! Good luck and hope you get good customer service!!M.H.
It does sound like it may have seized up. There is an old VW trick that may work. Turn the engine backwards.

The Briggs and Stratton outboards haven't had the best reputation. They are inexpensive for a reason. Be glad it happened under warranty and while it is still really new. The place you bought it didn't service it before they let you leave with it?
So what does that "intel" for the motor? Complete reconstruction? Like I said before, I filled it with oil and gas and it only ran for a minute, maybe 2 minutes at the max??????
What do you mean by turning the engine backwards? I bought it online at Cabela's. And it said that it does not ship with oil in it, even though there was a few drops in it (probably from the factory to see if it started or not). But it came with a gas can, hose/bulb, and 24 oz of oil. It said to change oil fill with 24 oz, so since there was none in there I put the whole 24 oz in and checked the dip stick and it read good, so that is all she wrote!!!
If that motor has a reverse on it put it in reverse and pull the start rope. That should turn it backwards. What that can do is if it is a turned bearing rotate it back into place. Allowing you to start the engine normally. It it does free itself I WOULD NOT start the engine. I would take it directly to a repair shop for warranty work. It would mean the bearing wasn't seated properly, or the wrong tourque was applied to the bearing cap. Either way it is a factory defect and should cover it.
Thanks for the info. I just tried what you said, in Reverse, Neutral, and Forward, and the cord comes about half way out, but that is about it, then nothing. When you first pull the cord it get caught at about 5-6 inches then you kind of pull a little harder and it "un-sticks" and comes out about another 4-6 inches. Sound bad/good/anything??? Once again thanks for the info. Just hope I can get it going by next weekend to "really try it out" before I got to Powell the weekend after next!!!
Does it have oil in the gear case (lower unit) ?
You say the cord comes out half way. Is it turning the motor over or just the rope coming out? I dont think it would matter about the lower unit if your trying to start in nuetral it shoud turn over even if the lower unit is locked up?
I'd send it back to Cabelas for the refund on the lemon, and get a Honda.
I would suggest you remove the spark plug and try turning the engine over. if the rope pulls all the way out and the engine turns freely. I would suspect a bad compression release on the cam shaft and unfortunately that means a trip to the repair shop. However if it does turn freely spin it over a few times and put the plug back in to see if the problem returns before heading for the shop. With the spark plug out if it still locks up it's definitly a trip to the repair shop. FYi the engine used on this outboard is the same basically the same as the engine they put on push mowers minus a govenor and using a different carb with a rev limiter. Sure hope this helps.

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