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CONCORD, N.H. - Teagan Daly, age 15, of Brookline, has taken top honors among young New Hampshire artists in the 2007 Federal Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Contest. Daly's colored pencil drawing of a red-breasted merganser was chosen from among 156 entries as New Hampshire's State Best of Show in the Federal Junior Duck Stamp Contest. New Hampshire's portion of the contest was coordinated by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.

The young artist, a student at Hollis/Brookline High School, will be New Hampshire's contestant in the 2007 national Junior Duck Stamp Contest held on April 27. Daly wrote the following conservation message to accompany her artwork: "We must consider wildlife to be the greatest collection of fine art ever assimilated - and each of us charged as curators."

"At such a young age, Teagan demonstrates tremendous talent with her drawing; she has a great future ahead of her," said Victor Young, wildlife artist and graphic designer for the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department and the state's Junior Duck Stamp Contest coordinator.

New Hampshire's first place winners for their age groups this year were:

* GRADES K-3: Liam Conrad, age 8, a student of the Seacoast Charter School in Exeter; Mitchell Kirsch, age 8, of Pen & Palette Art Studio in Hampstead; and Elizabeth Preble, age 8, a student of Pen & Palette Art Studio in Hampstead.

* GRADES 4-6: Megan DeFeo, age 10, a student of the Barn Art Studio in Exeter; Alex Frizzell, age 11, a student of the Seacoast Charter School in Exeter; and Quinn Morrissette, age 10, a student of Birchwood Studio in Shelburne.

* GRADES 7-9: Michelle Dunbar, age 13, a student of the Barn Art Studio in Exeter; Tony Limauro, age 14, of Dover; and Natalie Vance, age 14, of the Barn Art Studio in Exeter.

* GRADES 10-12: Teagan Daly, age 15, of Hollis Brookline School in Hollis; Sarah Kane, age 17, of Lee; and Stephanie Russell, age 18, of Bedford.

A display of the winning artwork will open at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department headquarters at 11 Hazen Drive in Concord during Discover WILD New Hampshire Day on Saturday, April 21, and will remain on display through May 4, 2007.

The first-place winning entries can be seen at Fish and Game's website at

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service initiated the Federal Junior Duck Stamp program in 1994 to showcase the talents of the nation's young artists while teaching youngsters about the value of wetlands and waterfowl conservation. The contest creates an opportunity for teachers to connect conservation issues with artistic expression.


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