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[#0000ff][size 2][center]We want every one That can make this event to do so!!!!!!![/center][/size][/#0000ff][#ff0000][size 4] [center]The Texas Get Together[/center] [center]And Tournament![/center] [center]Is looking for all Members[/center] [center]Of BFT and their friends![/center][/size][/#ff0000][size 5] [center]April 7th through April 12th, 2003![/center][/size][#ff0000][size 4] [center]To come on down to Port Aransas, Texas For a great time and friendship. [/center] [center]Get ready with your gear to spend some time in the surf, on the piers, at the jetty's or many other great locations around this Texas Anglers Island Paradise![/center][/size][/#ff0000][size 2] [center]Do not forget your cameras! You will want pictures![/center][/size][#ff0000][size 4] [center]I want all of you to be excided as I am about the great gathering of anglers that are going to come down to Port Aransas.[/center] [center]This gathering will develop some great friendships. Anyone that has never experienced "Texas Fishing Island Style" is missing some of the greatest experiences they will ever find![/center] [center]Now that you are geting excited I can bet you want the details on this Great upcoming event![/center][/size][/#ff0000][#000080] [center][#000080][size 2]As with many events there is always some things that happen to cause changes to be made![/size][/#000080] [/center][/#000080][#ff0000][size 4] [center]The BFT Get Together!
[size 3]There was a need to modify the dates of both events!
The Get Together will be starting on Monday the 7th of April. It will end on April 12th.[/size][/center][/#0000ff][size 2] [center]Six Great days to remember![/center][/size][#ff0000][size 4] [center]The Tournament![/center][/size][/#ff0000][#0000ff][size 2] [center]The Turnament was set for the 6th of April, 2003 and will be moved to the 12th of April, 2003. Registration will start at 8:00AM and the tournament will begin at 10:00AM. The tournament will end at 4:00PM. That is six hours for you to use your angling skills to land your fish for the many prizes that will be available for this event.[/center][/size][/#0000ff] [center][size 2]All rules and prizes will be posted at the registration table! It will be placed at the base of the South Jetty's![/size][/center][#0000ff][size 2] [center]It will be the closure of our Get Together. This tournament will be held at the south jetty's. It is about 1000 yards north of the HorrusCaldware Pier At Port Aransas, Texas.[/center][/size][/#0000ff][size 2] [center]A Great way to end a great week![/center][/size][#0000ff] [center][#0000ff][size 2]The reason for the move of dates is that from the 4th to the 6th of April the small fishing parodise of Port Aransas with a population of around 2100 permanet residents will be packed with over 75,000 visiters. This is caused from the Texas Sandfestival! This is a great time for family to see some of the worlds greatest sand sculptors and their great creations! I will be there during this time and prepairing for all you anglers to asure you a great Day or week on the watter!
This is what you will find if you wish to also attend the Sandfestival:[/size][/#0000ff][/#0000ff][size 1] [/center] [center] ![[Image: jnat02nat_small.jpg]]( [/center][/size] [#ff0000][size 2] [center]This realy is all sand! It was designed and sculptured in under 24 hours too![/center][/size][/#ff0000][font "Arial"][size 2] [center]Designer/Sculptors:
Sergio Ramirez - Barcelona, Spain, Damon Farmer - Kentucky USA, Rich Varano - Florida USA
[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 1]Photographer: Jorge Wiegand
Executive Producer: The Honorable Francesco Calzavera Esq. Mayor,
and the City of Jesolo, Offices of Tourism and Sports et al.
Produced by: Dr. Massimo Ambrosin [/size][/font][font "Verdana"][size 2]
[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 1]Directed By: Rich Varano
Photo used by permission copyright. 2002-2003 Sultans Of Sand Worldwide All rights reserved [/center][/size][/font] [font "Verdana"][size 2] [center]For further info on this eventyou can click on this link:[/center] [center] [/size][/font][font "Verdana"][#0000ff][size 1][url """] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][black][/url][url ""][#0000ff][size 2] texassandfest[/size][/#0000ff][/url][url """][size 2] [/size][/black][/size][/black][/font][/url][/size][/#0000ff][/font] [font "Verdana"][size 2]
To view the current news letter and details check this link:
[/size][/font] [font "Verdana"][size 2][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][black][url ""][#0000ff][size 2][b]Newsletter_Jan_2003[/size][/#0000ff][/url][/black][/size][/black][/font] [/center][/size][/font] [font "Verdana"][#ff0000][size 2] [center]What is learned from this Get Together and Tournament event will be used to help devlope future, bigger and better events for all from the Texas Forum at BigFishTackle.[/center] [center] [/center][/b][/size][/#ff0000][/font]
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I am really glad that you have this greatweek planed at Port Aransas. I have been there before and it is a great place to visit. The fishing is always good and there is so mch more. The three days before the getogether starts is the San Fest. I want to be there in time to see the great sculptures that will be made. During the next six days I want to cram in the extras on the Island. The birds are great. I hope to see some that aare migrating back to Ohio from Central America. I want to do some beach combing and at this time of year there is usually some real finds. A trip to another island may be in order. I can'twait to hear the music at the Crazy Cajun Resturant one evening. Of course the big tournement the final day sswill be the highlight of the week as well a the chance to meet many of the fishermen that talk on the boards every day. A month isn't long but with the excitement of the trip it seems that time will go very slow. See you there!
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[font "Times New Roman"][blue][size 3]Howdy Wendy,[/size][/blue][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#0000ff][size 3]It is about time!Was beginning to think you would never get that Computer Geek over to fix that computer for you.[/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#0000ff][size 3]Glad to have you back on the board! We got a great week instore for all of you members down in Port Aransas. Will be nice to have you in attendance for the full week. I might let you have a rematch for the last time you hit the pier with me. This time I promace to show you my secrets so you can have a better time than that one as I caught 24 and you caught zip! [/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#0000ff][size 3]Glad you will be at the SandFest too! There will be champion Sculpturs from all over the globe there doing their thing in the compatition for the title of the Best![/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#0000ff][size 3]You will be glad to hear that they opend a new bird watching Santuary this last year. So do not for get your binoculers. [/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#0000ff][size 3]Yes you are right on the great finds when beachcombing. Your best choice would be to hop a boat for the short trip accross the channel up to San Jose Island. as it is uninhabited. The time of year is perfect as the tides are beaching great things stured up from the winter storms. There is alot of Sanddollers beached daily. Have a great day in that adventure. [/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#0000ff][size 3]I have got to admit the Krazy Cajun Restraunt's live romeing music is definatly the best experiance I have found when accompanied with the greatest Cajun quizine around![/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#0000ff][size 3]Did you Know that Theangler will be there for the Tournament from California?[/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#0000ff][size 3]The prize list is still growing as is the members that are planning to attend. You definatly will be able to find me. All you got to do is watch for the BFT logo. You all ready know my favorite fishing spots. Station Street Pier, The Jetties, The HoresCaldwell Pier or feeding my face at The Island Street Cafe! If not there you already know wher the house is! [/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#0000ff][size 3]When you find the Chevy Astro Van covered with the BFT logo and information about this event you will finde me close to it.[/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#0000ff][size 3]Also the license plate is an Ohio Handycaped Plate! Before you ask: Yes it is valid and current![/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#0000ff][size 3].[/size][/#0000ff][/font]
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[cool]You have no idea how much I would like to come and play. Unfortunately, I care for my elderly parents and they are "in crisis" right now. It is possible that if you have a similar shindig next year, i will be able to participate...AND WILL I. REds and specks are some of my favorite friends.
GOOD LUCK. Hope you have a great turnout.
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Thanks for the reply TubeDude,
Sorry to hear about problems on the home front. I will keep it in my prayrs.
If things go well this year I am planning on doing it again next year but mooving it to the end of May or beginning of June.
What do you think of a BFT Tubers convention? Something in the back of my mind right now but thinking about 2005 for that as a possabillity. The island is just starting to see this angling craft on the waters in the flats. The State record Speck was caught in the flats a couple of years back. By 2005 tha word will be out long enough that we just might take over the Island for a weekend! Now that would be ausom!
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[reply]I have another question for you ssor. How about the University marine center? Is it open most of the time to visitors. I would really like to visit if possible. I am packing now and I still have three weeks to go but just have a hard time waiting to get down to the island and away from the so called middle of the snow belt. It had better not snow there. Ha Ha! I really am ready for some good fishing that is done where I don't Freeze.
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i can't make it either , i'll be watching the homefront , of mi. oh . and TEXAS  ] . HAVE FUN SSOR !
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Yes the University of Texas Marine Sience Institute is open all year long. They have free tours every day. You told me you would be down there for the whole event so there will be plenty of time for you to work that in.
Just remember to save some time for that rematch I owe you on the pier!
The only frozen fish will be the ones you pack on ice or dry ice for your trip home.
You might want to check with your other half to see if he wants some fresh shrimp. I know the captain of one of the shrimpers and he always docks on Sunday mornings. I can get you some like I did last time real cheep. Let me know and I will let him know to expect you at the docks.
Just wanted to let you know that one of the prizes for the tournament is a custom built rod!
I might need your help durring sign in for the tournament so get your practice in early for the tournament!
Just remember the waiting will not be as hard as when the time comes to leave the island and return home.
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Thanks lonehunter,
For all your help and suport while I am down on the coast experiancing Texas Island Style!
If I can find one I will pick you up a T that says MY FRIEND WENT TO PORT ARANSAS AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS T SHIRT!
I remember seeing them in the past at one of the gift shops!
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thanks ssor , but i don't want a tee shirt , i want to see some pics of your adventure instead ! it's been a looooooong time since i've seen anything that resembles open water and sunshine ! [cool]
don't forget that suntan lotion , there might be some bekine clad girl that left hers at home , [blush] . enjoy your trip my friend , i'll think of you while i'm shoveling up all that fluffy rain we keep getting !
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You just watch what gets posted after the 15th of April. The pic's will be coming from all directions after this event! It is looking like I just might have to take ten or more just to cover the group pic from the Tournament alone!
SSor, how goes it brother?
I plan on flying out to Texas with the Angler to take part in this event. How many anglers do you reckon will be part of this fishing event?
What type of gear?
What can we expect?
We will be arriving on the 11th, is there any hot spots we need to know about in them parts?
What species will we be targeting?
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Houdy Booyaa1,
Sure is great news to here that you will be making the trip. The time is now under 30 days and the member attendance count keeps climming. The member count is over 25. The guests (soon to be members) is now over30. Other members and I will be there promoting the Tournament and the BFT site for a full week befor the tournament. This will more than double the current counts. I will be verry suprized if we do not pass 100 anglers by a large number. The first 3 days I will be trying to promote to as many of the 17,000+ visiters that will be on the Island for the TexasSandFest.
I will be posting pic's of that event after the Tournament and I gain access to my computer on the 16th.(I hope)
I sent Theangler accomadations recomendations last week.
Unless you want to fish off the end of the south jetties, the end of the Calldwell pier or take a charter out to the blue water, you will not need more than light to medium geer.
As for hot spots it depends on what you are refering to!
For fishing..........Yes!
For eating...........Yes!
For Gambling.........Yes......Off shore!
For watching girls...Yes!
For Beachcolming.....Yes!
Local Pubs...........Yes!
Most other hot spots are kept well cooled off by a great Volintier Fire Department.
Now for species to target:
The tournament will be open to all species swimming the waters. With over 3000 different species in the gulf you never know what you will see untill you reel them in. In one night last September I fished one of the small piers along the ship channel. I did not move my location more than 15 feet and landed atleast 12 diffrent species using only two differant baits. (one artificial and one natural).
Here is an acount of what is currently comming in:
Anglers are catching some sheepshead and whiting off the north jetty. A few trout were caught over there on Monday as well as several oversized redfish that were released.
Large sheepshead are biting out toward the end of the south jetty.
Trips to state waters have produced "lots of red snapper and lots of redfish".
Anglers in the bays are catching big black drum and redfish.
The precieding report was an exerpt from the local newspapper.
I do need to let you in on the fact that the jetties love to claim many of anglers geer in the submerged rocks. So float or fast high retrieval is a must!
Make sure I get arrival time of your flight so I can arainge to pick you up without you loosing time on the water.
Have a safe trip out and I will see you at the Airport!
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I am still "trying" to make my commitment gold.But "prayer's may be in-order for the attendance of myself".The Tax man is auditing my connection from my Ex-Domestic Partnership,and,I am very leary to the financal responsiblity that may occour,if she decides to subbmitt .After a year,you would have thought they can just,Go! But I guess they still have to Kick you,one last time!!Now I can honestly say,Gravity isn't the only thing that sucks in this life on earth....
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[cool]I'm trying to find out more about this...would love to participate. Are there just prizes, or trophies also? Is there a Kid's Division? Do you only fish from the jetty during tourney (to keep it honest)? Thanks. Robert in Austin, TX
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Robert in Austin,
Yes this Tournament is limited to fishing from the south jetties. Yes this is to alow fairness for all that attend this event.
For children there will be extras to include prizes and support in their angler experionce.
We have many members that will be attending that spend most of their free time working with children and helping to promote safe friendly fishing for children.
I have not fully confermed yet but, one of the biggest promoters of fishing for children in southern California is planning to attend. To see just some of the events he has worked with in the last year surch through the California forum board from RAMEROFISHERKING. He is also a Texan from the El Paso area and a great guy and angler with the children.
There will not be trophys for this event as it is a free event for all to attend.
As the event prizes are to be given relaiting to many factors it will have staff members placed along the jetties to record the progress of all catches.
The events to be recorded will be Time, Species, length, weight, neme and ID# of angler of the catch.
The event will support a Catch and Release event but it is not required to release any leagle catch that a partisapent wishes to keep for their presonal use.
The reason for this event is to help promote fishing and to help promote the great resorces available through BFT and its affiliates.
It is not a requirement to be a member but it will make a diffrence. As a member there is a special free raffel drawing to be held during the Tournament for all registered active members (A member that has posted and is activly partisapaiting in the message boards prier to April 1, 2003). This Raffel drawing will be available to all members activly attending the event with the exception of Me.
As my company (Student Pc's) is providing the prize it would not be fair to have my name in the pot to win the prize given By Student Pc's.
As this event is fast aproching I feel it is time to reviel the identity of the prize up for the Raffel.
The reffel will be drawn some time durring the event and the winner will be revieled to all at the end of the tournament event. At that time A brand new internet ready 1.1 Gig computer built by Student Pc's (aproximate retail value $700) will be delivered to the winner on the spot!
Also all winners of prizes will also be identified and presented their prizes.
I will be posting a list of other prizes before the first of April that will include a custom built Fishing Rod along with a list of sponcer for this event.
I do have confermation of many prizes to be given but am waiting for all to be confermed before I post the list of prizes.
If I have not covered anything of your consern please reply and I will answer you.
Please join as a member. This alows you and I both the instant email notice when a reply to your post is made. This will alow me the abillity to respond quickly to your questions. It is free and you will also be elegable for the drawing if you attend and partisapate in the Tournament.