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[unsure] Just wanted to let you know the cost for gas for a one day fishing trip to the Berry was right around $50 (round trip from Salt Lake).
Of course that didn't count the $$ spent on fishing license for the wife - $41 - grocery treats & drink- $10 - launch fee $5 and of course the new fishing lures, new fishing line.
If we start figuring price per pound we're all in deep fish doo.
Be sure and watch for those OIL trucks between Heber and Strawberry - they are probably worth a ton $$ since the price pre barrel is set by somebody somewhere and your tax dollars are fixing the roads they drive on. -- We are getting the dirty end of this!!!
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Craig, your towing vehicle and boat must get better mileage (does a boat get mileage?) than mine do. I can't do it for only $50. The launch fee has always been $4.00. Did I miss somewhere in the fine print that it has gone up to $5.00?
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Couldn't agree with you more Craig about the price of gas. At least you got out and caught some Berry fish, you did catch some fish didn't you?[ ]
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Although it is not posted anywhere at the pay booth, the price has gone up to $5 according to the lady at the booth. Still cheeper than most places. I'll gladly pay.
Kent did you go this weekend? Report?
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I agree, $5.00 is still a bargain. Yes I went up, but I refuse to post a report. A man has to keep what little pride he has left. Dang boats anyway -- Lee's Marine here I come after work today. Hyrum is located in a beautiful valley, but as nice as it is up there, I don't want to visit it quite as often as I have been visiting it lately![unsure]
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That bad eh? Was the fishing that bad or just boat problems?
I went last tuesday (15th) and didn't bother posting a report either. I can usually figure that lake out but we struggled on that day. We fished from 7 to 1 and boated 5 fish. We looked in all the usual places that usually hold fish hoping to find some groups to jig on but no luck. We trolled around (if thats what you can call it...dragging a tube jig around) for 6 hours with eyes glued to the finder hoping to see some activity. We stopped in about 3 different spots when we marked 2 fish at a time on the finder (thats the biggest "group" of fish we could find.... !) but didn't get a single hit jigging.
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The company was nice and beautiful weather.
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LOL! Nuff said![ ]
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That is one of the reasons I bought a Jeep (small) Cherokee and a 14 foot aluminum boat, was so that I could afford to go fishing every weekend if I wanted to. That combined with a regular fishing partner, I can do a Berry trip for about $30.00. The $30 is what my half of the Jeep gas, Boat gas, chub meat and snacks cost. If I take 1 fish home, I figure its like ordering the fresh trout at Red Lobster for 1 person!
Of course, when a spring breaks and the axle gets bent, that cost is about 6 times that!
But you are right. When I take the 24 foot family boat out, and hook it up behind the Ford 1 ton, I can plan on a MINUMUM of 1 Benjamin, and thats if we take a cooler with a bunch of junk that we had around the house for snacks. Add $50 if we stop at the grocery store! Add another $40.00 if we stop for Pizza on the way back!
My Willard Bay trip last Saturday evening cost me about $35.00 total...oops, that is wrong, I had to buy my annual State Park Pass. I guess it cost me $105.00. So, I guess you are right AGAIN!
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing. Then I retired. Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.
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The gas prices hurt! I spent $349 solely in gas (truck + boat) on a 4 day trip to Mead last month. Otter Creek & back was $167 a week ago. Ouch!
BTW, Mead was very slow for Stripers and LMB and the wind blew hard the whole time, thus no report. Otter Creek was fair for Rainbows that averaged between 2.5 & 3lbs on rainbow powerbait....and the damn wind blew the whole time...again.
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I hear ya about the gas prices. If i didnt get 3 more people going to powell with me this weekend i couldnt afford it. The real terorists are the CEOs of these oil companies which are going to break last years record breaking profits again this year! And all they do is blame the arabs!![mad]
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yeah, the man that is supposed to be the head of our country has both of his hands deep into the oil business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I have a big group going up for Memorial Day Weekend to camp, fish, and have a good time, so my question is do I have to pay $5 each time I launch my boat??? We will be there Friday-Monday and I dont really want to pay $5 everytime I put my boat in the water or do they have a weekend/camping "special" price for launching boats? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Boycott a few fishn trips![ ]
NOT![ ]
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If you are paying the fee to camp in the campground there is NO ADDITIONAL FEE TO LAUNCH AND RETRIEVE YOU BOAT as many times as you wish. If you are camping outside the campground you pay a 5$ day use fee when entering ,and can launch and retrieve as many time as you want that day. HAVE FUN
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Thanks for the info. Yeah, we are camping at the Strawberry Bay campground, so that is good that it is all included.
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We are thinking Saturday evening through Monday on the Soldier Creek side, so look out for the Big Banana!
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Will do, hope to run into you..........well I will be in my boat, so hopefully I dont run into you literally but maybe meet another BFT'r. Dont know if we will venture that far, but who knows, I have been known to have a wild hair up where the sun dont shine[sly]!!!
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It isw hard to miss FG's pair of 11 foot inflatable banana's she will be the one with the willow in her hand catching ALL the fish. FG is fun to fish with, I met her and her hubby up on the berry last fall.
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Try losing the left side bearings on the trailer at the bottom of Provo Canyon for some fun and a couple hundred extra $ out the window for the new hub, bearings and repairs. It wasn't pretty. We did boat 26 at the Berry that morning, which is decent but certainly not stellar. I was too bummed about the bearing fiasco to post.