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Pineview 6/10
My son and I hit Pineview this morning at daylight in another vain attempt to put a Tiger in the boat. We cast and we trolled and the only action was when a smaller tiger followed my lure to the boat and bumped it with his nose. But, he forgot to open his mouth.

While casting we saw a family of red foxes playing on the shore. Kinda cool. Got some pretty good pics.

When I caught a perch on my tiger lure I decided to break out the smaller stuff and take home dinner. We caught too many to count but brought home 45 of the larger ones. I also caught two bluegill and 2 carp while playing with the perch. I used worms but my son said he didn't want to mess with them so he fished with a plastic jig. He caught fish but naturally I caught the more.

Now the bad news. Good news if you are the one that finds all the tackle that I lost. I really hate to admit when I do something really dumb. But here is goes. I left a tray from my tackle box up on top of the tackle box in the boat and it fell off before I got home (WVC). It could be in the parking lot at the Port Ramp or anywhere in between. It's probably somewhere in the canyon. If someone finds it and is generous enough to return it I would gladly pay a reward or even share the contents. It had all my smaller lures ( spoons, kastmasters, rapellas, flatfish, etc.
Dang. What a crudy way to end a nice day of fishing.
That Rapala looks like it has a couple inches on that perch.
You must have been in the same area I was on 5/8 last friday. Two fox cubs were sure fun watching as they played on the far north end....very entertaining!!!! Don't feel bad I tried for a couple of hours for any tigers and had no luck. However did catch a lot of smallies.

Too bad you lost your gear. I know the feeling except I lost my entire pole in the water ($100.00) a month ago.

Hope you find it.
Way cool pics! Too bad about the tackle box though... I hate that! [Sad]
That sucks. I lost a $100 setup last weekend to the depths of Echo. I was pretty pissed.

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