06-11-2007, 04:54 AM
I don't know if I will get laughed at or not. I have been after striped bass since yesterday. I was fishing for crappie from shore but I hooked into what I believe was a striper and today I hooked into one again. Well the trouble is landing it. Yesterday it made my reel scream and it took all of my line. Today I was playing with the drag and tightened it but it still made my reel scream like a banshee. Today was probably the hardest I ever fought for a fish. I got him close to shore but it broke the line. It had my pole bent so far I was afraid it might break but I decided to keep on fighting it. luckly my GF was with me and she can confirm to my family that there is something big where I am fishing and that I am not just getting a bite from a small fish and me being dumb and letting the drag out to much. She hooked into something large too but neither one of us knew how the drag worked on her dads pole she borrowed so it broke the line quickly. The one I hooked was one heck of a fight and I am
to say I lost. I tightened the drag on pole to try and slow it down well it slowed it down a little and I was getting it closer but it still made the reel scream. I am going back tomorrow to get myself a striper. Any tips on landing the big one? Wish me luck. I did get myself a crappie today which I have been after as I was told they tasted better then blue gill. They taste the same. It was fun to catch though. Only reason I was using a different bait then nightcrawlers and well I started catching something else.
