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Jordanelle 6/28 a little late
Sorry for the late post, but...

So I took my cousin-in-law from Texas out to Jordanelle on Thursday in exchange for a fishing trip in south Texas on a date yet to be determined. He wanted to fly fish for trout, so, after getting some info form experts here, we went up Rock Cliff towards the river. It was about 5:30am and fish were surfacing EVERYWHERE! We could not get a fish to take anything. Upon closer inspection, we realized that there were millions of tiny insects floating in the water. I don't know what they were, but clearly the trout were feeding on them and had no reason to look elsewhere for food. So, after an hour or so, he gave up and we started fishing for bass.

We caught a total of 10 smallies--the largest being 17 inches, three over 15 inches, the rest in the 8 to 10 inch range. The bigger ones fought like crazy. Mark (the cousin) was blown away by how hard the smallies fought. An avid bass fisherman in Texas, he mentioned how he kept thinking he had a 20+ inch fish on due to the strength of the fish only to find out it was 5-8 inches smaller. He was pretty impressed with the smallmouth and had a lot of fun. Too bad I couldn't get him on to more fish, but I am still trying to figure it all out.

We caught most of the fish wacky-wormin', but also caught a nice one on a spinnerbait, and a couple on a perch DT6 rapala, and drop shotting a 3 inch gulp smelt. Had TONS of nibbles drop shotting a maniac paddle tail worm in watermelon, but never did hook up (again, still trying to figure it out--practice, practice, practice). Still had a lot of fun.
Nice bass looks like you had fun and caught lots of fish....

Were you fishing from your tracker boat at the mouth of middle provo river? I saw you parked right next to a older blue boat with a BFT flag on top of the roof last saturday?

I was the lone tracker fisherman that slyly moved in to see what the action was all about. I scrammed out of there when that big white idiotic boat skimmed between you guys and me... I was pissed! Stupid idiots!
We were fishing from the tracker boat at the mouth of the middle provo, but it was on thursday. As for the idiot big white boat, that pretty well happens one way or another every time we go up there. I think I might bring my surf rod with a 6 oz pyramid weight and punch a hole in thier hull....errrr...."practice casting."
That was the problem with not catching any trout on the fly. His hat that had a Y on it. Trout dont like the "Y" either.[cool]
[cool]Hey now...
I guess just like with humans, when fish see red it triggers a strike? Or maybe the trout are Y fans and are just too smart to fall for a fake fly.[Wink]
OR, maybe the trout are Y fans and are too busy gobbling up the fish equivalent of cheesy casserole....power bait.[Wink]

Glad you guys got into some nice smallies. They are a lot of fun.
Maybe we could catch them on green jell-o and shredded carrots?

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