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Catfish dry spell.
another dry spell. I had one for a bit after I got my 30 inch one. It has cooled down and the big catfish aren't hitting. I have gotten 2 small catfish all week. I am hardly getting any bites. It has been in the 90s and now it is in the 70s. At least my gf's mom said it is supposed to warm up. I need it to warm up so I can catch more monster catfish. Catfish are a blast. I miss the big ones as the little ones are too easy. I have been throwing the smaller ones back as I want them to grow. I hope it gets hot again so I can catch more of them. Oh well I guess if I give it time they will come back eventually. They did the last time.
dry spell? <--knows what that one feels like lmao.
It should end tonight as long as it is weather thing. It has been hot all day and before the second shift I slept in and was late 15 mins. it always happens before I get a big catfish. It is supposed to rain a bit too so it should be really good for getting bites if it stops raining. don't worry you will get your catfish.
if post rain is when they bite most, then i should have dropped the weed eater and ran to my river lol...nah, i couldnt do that. friggin rain came before i got i kept on in the rain...then it started lightning and thundering and crap...not sure if ill go fishing tonight...i just said a bunch of crap that is useless....
The fish love to bite in the rain. It won't scare them either. After all, they are already wet.[cool]
hmmm...only problem is, it always lightnings here when it storms.
With a good pair of rubber boots, you should be fine.[cool]
not to be screwy but are you nuts? you never want to fish when there is lightning. I have never gotten a single hit during a rain storm. Unfortunatly I have still yet to end my dry spell. It probably will be awhile. It rained really hard and it was not going to stop soon so I went home. maybe tonight. The weather has changed and I am afraid I may have to wait until next year to catch another big channel catfish. I know there are flat heads back in there so I may do some research on them and go after flat heads because I am not getting any channel catfish recently. I know it has only been a week but it is driving me crazy. lol. I am itching for a fight. I have gotten some ok channel catfish in the past week but I am missing the monsters that give me heck. You know the ones that rip the line off the reel and make it scream like a banshee. I love the monsters as they are so hard to get in. Next month is the katmasters tournament. I can't wait. I think I may enter. If you don't know what I am talking about check
I'm just kidding you about fishing in lightning. I'd rather stay inside.

Rain is good. Lightning is bad.

If you want to go for the Flat heads, it would be time to change up your bait to some live minnows or larger live Goldfish if you can find them at your local pet store.

Flatheads like to chase things that are moving.[cool]
I have had some of my best luck fishing in the rain.
I don't know about in your neck of the woods but here in NE the channels just recently got done spawning. Maybe the bigguns have other things on their minds.[blush]
I have my best luck right after it finishes raining. I got 3 channel catfish tonight. Nothing huge but decent. around a foot each. Nothing to flip out about but nice to catch them again. I just let them go tonight.
do you guys have your sinkers about the hook or the hook above the sinkers? i was told by someone i thought to be a reliable source that thehook with the bait would float back up with the sinker above the hook. i dont know if this is true. this could be a reason why i dont catch the cats.
If your sinker is too high then yeah it could float depending on the bait. keep the sinker closer to the hook but not to close. if you use minnows make sure you let it sink all the way to the bottom wait a few minutes before reeling it in slowly. If you use dough bait let it sit on the bottom and wait and be ready to set the hook.

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