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Thinking about taking up fly fishing...
To make a long story short, on my last hiking trip, I saw my first trout and it inspired me to think about taking up fly fishing!

I've never done it and I don't have any friends or family members that do I don't have anybody close to learn from. Thats usually the way things are in my family anyway; I always learn on my own.

But how did you guys get into fly fishing? Who did you learn from?

Also, any recommendations on books/videos to check out to learn the art?
I would suggest that spend the bucks to hire a guide for half day but much better for a full day. They will set you up with the equipment and have the experience to work with new comers. Then you will have a better flavor whether you might like it.

Then do what you are doing and talk around and see who in your area fly fishes. Many flyfishers are willing to try to help a new comer out some.

there is this forum and many others on the internet. Part of the trick will be to find a forum that have a people in your locale that participate in the forum.
..Ill let the more experienced anglers here recommend books and videos.. but I will tell you that a good place to start to learn about this sport is on boards such as this one.. I can tell you from experience the people here love this sport and all are more than willing to help anyone with questions or concerns.. especially someone just wanting to start out...

.. if I were you I would check and see if there is a fly fishing club of some sort in your area.. if there is go and check them out.. in most cases these clubs are your best or at least one of the best sources of information not only on the sport but on local waters...

... next after that Id also check to see if there is a fly shop in your area.. the people that normally work these shops are very helpful in answering questions and also a good source of information on local waters and local clubs..

...ahhhhhhhh the reason I started this.. is my rotten brother in law.. he put a rod in my hand about a year and a half ago.. gave me a quick casting lesson.. put a box of poppers in my hand and said have fun.. 30 minutes later I caught a nice LMB .. and the next day I caught a good sized crappie.. and I have been "hooked" ever since...

.. welcome to the board.. and cardinal rule here is.. dont hesitate to ask questions.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[font "Poor Richard"][size 3][green][cool]Hi there iammetalcore and welcome to the Fly Fishing discussion boards. Sounds like my story. No one in my family or friends is really interested in fishing. And particularly fly fishing. About 20 years ago while living in the Seattle area I would often notice people wading and fly fishing. Since their activity peaked my interest I went out and purchased a fly rod & reel. While I never took any lessons I would certainly recommend you doing so. I really had no idea as to what I was doing. To help me along I purchased a few instructional books & later some DVDs. There are several components to fly fishing that is essential to know otherwise you may lose interest quickly. Here is a web site that you might find useful in explaining the fundamentals of fly fishing. Good luck.[/green][/size][/font]

[font "Poor Richard"][size 3][green][url ""][/url][/green][/size][/font]
So I took your advice and I found an instructor in the area. Pricing seems very fair and I even have some buddies that are going to be doing it with me.

I'm excited though...this area has some pretty good rivers and I'm looking forward to learning the art!
[#005028][cool]Good decision iammetalcore & good luck to you. Let us know how you are doing with you lessons.[/#005028]
Right On! A teacher is the only way to go in my opinion. Anyone can catch a fish with a fly rod and fly, but learning the different casts and how to do them properly and more important WHY. It will shave a lot of the learning curve time also.
...and that is why you and mojo need to come out here to souther california to give me lessons and pointers.. and join us on weekends like the one coming up ...[Smile]...

.. and before anyone says it.. I can wish cant I.. I mean can you imagine what it would be like to have FG and mojo and poky all out here ?? I mean.. come on.. it could not get much better...[Smile]

MacFly [cool]
I second the motion on you and Mojo coming out this winter. Just make sure the Pokymon brings a little more beer this time.

You do the math. 1 German fisherman in California and only 1 12pack to share with a Spud boy that just drove 1200 miles???

He was lucky that I even left him a beer or two.[cool]
.... Id be happy if they all just get out here.. heck.. Ill take them to the local watering hole and buy a few rounds.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
I have a major hook up at Anhueser Busch right now. I can bring a portable watering hole. It's just a matter of getting the rest of the fambly out here from UT and ID.[cool]

I know I can count on my Bro's from San Dawg area. Did you get back to Scruffy Fly about this Saturday?? I do believe he sent you a PM.[Smile]
...did that hook up get you a boat??? [Smile] you are bringing ???

... yes I have pm'd back and forth with Scruffy... all we have to do is coordinate a meeting place...
I have the application package submitted. A boat will come with the deal but won't be ready for this Saturday.

As far as a meeting place, you may want to try the San Marcos Brewery. There is a nice little Thai restaurant just across the parking lot from it. You can bring some of the nice spices from there.[cool]
#14[cool]w do you really think that either one of those places on restaurant row would be open at 5:30 or so in the morning.. geeeze.. they are not that dedicated.. Ill make arrangements to hook up with him and Ill do my best to make sure we both get up there in time.. at least before the fourth bass is caught...

[#005028][cool]Too bad that my company had sold Miller several years ago. Up until that time I could go over to their brewery in Irwindale and buy my beer at a real low price.[/#005028]
I have been Fly Fishing for over 35 years and it is truly the most exciting sport on the water. I know you will enjoy every minute of it. Learning to use the Fly Rod and cast proficiently is only a matter of practice. Finding a good Fly Fishermen to guide you is a wonderful advantage. Learning as much about the sport as you can is the challenge. Check out this web site, listed are some excellent resources on Fly Fishing.
[url ""][/url]

[url ""][inline trout.jpg][/url]

Keep your tip up and your line tight
[cool][#005028]Hi there Tieflyer and welcome to the BFT and the Fly Fishing board. Always nice to have someone of your expertise join us. Look forward to your addition input.[/#005028] [#005028]What part of the country do you call home?[/#005028]
...and that is why you and mojo need to come out here to souther california to give me lessons and pointers.. and join us on weekends like the one coming up ...[Smile]...

.. and before anyone says it.. I can wish cant I.. I mean can you imagine what it would be like to have FG and mojo and poky all out here ?? I mean.. come on.. it could not get much better...[Smile]

MacFly [cool] [/reply]
just hide the beer from you know who
I resemble that remark[Image: beerbang.gif]

[Image: moon.gif][Image: moon.gif][Image: moon.gif]
I thought you meant someone else.. but tn2 works for me.. [sly]

MacFly [cool]

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