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Yet another bass season has come to an end for me. I can target them but usually have more slimers than bass. I have my 'spots' that I can fish from my kickboat during the winter but it's just not the same. Here in Utah it gets cold, frozen water cold. Won't someone please post some fair weather fishing pics? I would love to see some, bring me back to summer....
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The Bass are still good in SoCal. They are holding the topwater a little shorter time now before they go down but they are still here.
Now that they are planting the Slimers or Finless Freddies, we are open to a new choice of bait. BIG Plastics and Giant swimbaits.[cool]
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[font "Lucida Console"][#ff4040]Oh how I dream of going to a place where I can toss huge swimbaits for monstrous bass!![/#ff4040][/font]
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Right now is the best time for the big swimbaits.[cool]
The last time I checked, the borders were still open so you can come anytime you wish.[  ]
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I was heading up to Jordanelle on friday and got side swapped by a car on the side of my truck and boat trailer....
I'm now waiting for a new axles he bent mine, so until the new one come I'm out of luck....
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That's too bad Cliff. Glad that you were ok though. [cool]
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if ya ever want to traind horror stories and pic's let me know,
I had one a few years back that knocked me totaly out of commision.. well almost totaly,
be sure to take lots of pic's, insurance companies like to pretend to forget axidents ever happen... they also make a pratice of giving you a new ajuster every few months so you have to go though it over and over and over and over...ect....
get a note book and three hole binder punch and put every thing together... police reports up front, pic's second, then save every piece of paper the insurance company ever sends you and place every on in the back of the binder as it comes in...
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I'm ok but it sure put a hurt on my fishing.....
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The axle is on order and I have a check in hand for trailer repairs so things are looking up....
Its snowing here now and on the mountain in laid down over 14" when I left at 6:00 tonight....
I have a few pictures of some of the deer we pasted on, if I can see your E-mail address I'll send them to you for a look...
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if you click on my user name you can send them through a pm,
I will have to find me a scanner or find the ones I uploaded on the site here to share with you, I switched computers since I last scanned them and now my new computher wont reed pics from the old computer...
I had a pretty nasty "T" Bone... knocked me 65 feet sideways...
In about another month I am going to be jellous of that snow, tomarow I wll be facing nearly 80 degrees, today was sunny and nearly 70 a couple days ago we had a tornado just a few miles from my place that killed a couple people.... we hardly ever get tornados in michigan in october....
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Bass fishing sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why don't you try fishing for real fish like shark?
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Bass are pathetic excuses to the fish species.
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I think you found the wrong page,
try one of these for shark talk.....
[url ";"][#333366][size 1]Saltwater Fishing General[/size][/#333366][/url]
[url ";"][#000000][size 1]Bay Fishing[/size][/#000000][/url]
[url ";"][#000000][size 1]Trolling inshore/offshore[/size][/#000000][/url]
[url ";"][#000000][size 1]Bottom Fishing inshore/offshore[/size][/#000000][/url]
[url ";"][#333366][size 1]Pier/Bank fishing and Surf Fishing[/size][/#333366][/url]
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Ignore that prepubescent fool Dave.
We're still trying for bass, but only smallies now. Particularly on the Delaware. This time of year however, fly fishing is my main thing.
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I am thinking I on going out tomarow off shore and make a couple cast. I have a couple new plugs from JLV lures I especialy want to try their black fatty shad 1 inch in diamiter by 1.5 inch long.
its a diving lure, but I made a tweek to it to make it both a diving lure and a top water lure...
I think the bass have gone off the deap end now, the only ones I am seeing are bass minnows. "baby bass" they come up around shore to jump around and show off thier strut....[  ] Think I even saw one with a nose that glows [angelic]
ok, its a little early for the christmas jokes... but I am almost ready for ice fishing for bass.. come about mid december I will have fun targeting them though an eight inch diamiter hole... they are just as much fun to catch on 2 pound test as they are any other way....
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i have a place i go. but haven't caufght nothing just yet
it's called campbells lakes and preserves.. maybe this weekend
i'll go
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I got out today for a couple hours, the wind came out of the north east, I managed one hit for my efforts, I was suprized I got that, fish are down deap now in michigan....
I was more interested in trying out two new lures I got from JVL lures. I will post pic and info later tonight...
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Welcome aboard and thanks for sharing.
Do they still allow fishing at the Northeast Lake only or have they opened it up to the other 3 as well?
There is some good Bass fishing this time of year. The water is not terribly cold and still allows for some decent topwater action if you get there early enough.
If it gets too late, then you may want to go a little deeper.[cool]
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It's pretty much come to a hault here also. But this is coming from somebody who might bass fish a total of 10 times a year so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm no expert in the art of bass fishing what so ever. I'b be lieing to say I don't enjoy latching on to a 10" smallie on ultra light tackle though!!! The little guys with whiskers are still bitting though ]
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No doubt, buddy. I hit my favorite bass spot and only caught 4 in 3 hours so I headed up the road and slayed the slime rockets. I have a spot that I bass fish in the winter but it's such a long drive I only make it there two or three times a winter. Last year at this time I was fishing Okeechobee and Toho in Florida....oh sweet be there now. I just talked to my buddy in OK and we planned our trip to Lake Fork next April. It's going to feel like forever!